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Q and A, ding-a-lings!

Discussion in 'Episode 210 - Do Not Disturb' started by Neuropyramidal, Sep 2, 2016.

  1. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    Q&A / Spoiler Details of FTWD 2x10 /Do Not Disturb
    1. Does Travis still think he can rehab Chris? What mental state are Travis and Chris in?
    At first. But, by the end of the episode, I think Travis realizes Chris is a lost cause.

    2. Where are Travis and Chris headed?
    Up in the mountains. Wants to find a house with maybe a well. They could hunt, possibly be safe.

    3. Are the people they encounter good or bad? What happens with them? What do they want? Well, they aren't *really* bad. They are 4 guys who had come down to Mexico from San Diego to party. They are thieves more than anything else.
    4. Who is the lady Alicia meets at the hotel? What happens with her?
    Her name is Elena, and she ran the hotel. They were having a wedding at the hotel, and the father of the bride had a heart attack and died during the reception. He turned and then, infected his daughter. So, to contain the situation and protect the rest of the guests, she locked them all in the ballroom.

    5. How does Alicia manage to survive? What happens with her in the elevator with the infected and the marks she makes on the door?
    At first, Alicia is trapped in one of the rooms. She makes marks on the doors to keep count of how many walkers she sees in the hallway through the peep hole. She finally goes out in the hall, but is overwhelmed by the infected. She pries open an elevator door to try and escape them. That is when Elena shows up and saves Alicia's life.

    6. How do Madison and Strand fight off the walkers in the bar?
    Apparently it happens off-screen, and so, we don't know.

    7. What happens with Alicia at the end of the episode?
    After Alicia and Elena make their way back downstairs, they are surrounded by the infected but are saved by Madison and Strand. Again, we have no idea how Madison and Strand got out of that mess at the hotel bar.

    8. What happens with Chris and Travis at the end of the episode?
    Chris, Travis and those thugs they are travelling with find what they think is an abandoned farm. But, it's not abandoned, and the owner (and older man) shows up. Chris and those boys want to take the farm from the old man, but Travis says "No" because it's his home. So, Chris shoots and kills the old man. The look on Travis' face after that really indicated that he now believes Chris is too far gone.

    9. Is there anything else you want to share with us about the episode?
    Travis isn't doing very well either. His feet are getting really infected, and he has no antibiotics. I wouldn't be surprised if they turn gangrene.

    Thanks to our source!!
  2. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    In a future episode, we are either going to see Chris killing Travis or vise versa.
  3. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    I hope we at least see a slap fight.
  4. Fon

    Fon Member

    Mar 7, 2016
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    Oh nothing on Ofelia? I'm really curious to find out where she is.

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