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Random Find

Discussion in 'Episode 315 - This Sorrowful Life' started by WalkerSlayer, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. WalkerSlayer

    WalkerSlayer Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    So I scoured the site for a similar post, but couldn't find one. Today, while watching the series for the umpteenth time, I looked up during the scene when Michonne is tied to the post outside of the hotel. I noticed in the background, the light tan Ford Taurus station wagon, with the storage box on top, aka Ana & Sam's car, which became Carol's car. I don't know if that was just a prop car they put in the lot, or if indeed Ana & Sam were there, or if they eventually found the car.

    I'm guessing it was just the prop car that was on hand, but it was a totally random find. [​IMG]

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