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Remains - Short Film

Discussion in 'Zombie Fan Fiction' started by Geoff Ruh, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Geoff Ruh

    Geoff Ruh New Member

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Remains - Short Film

    When society falls and the world crumbles, all that is left is humanity. But can we still be here when nothing else is? Or are we just remains of ourselves?

    "Remains" - a film by Patrick Sambiasi - now available on Vimeo!


    Starring Camilla Aouatefe & Guillaume Pouls.
    Produced & Edited by Geoffrey Mugford
    Written & Directed by Patrick Sambiasi
    Executively Produced by Jose Gonzalez
    Cinematographed by Gaetan Icard
    Creatures designed by Diane D'Esposito
    Soundtrack by Geoffrey Mugford


    "Remains" is the first installment in the "Tainted Souls" series. Heavily inspired by the success of The Walking Dead, it brings a new turn on the zombie apocalypse by using character-driven stories and a definite objective to show the true nature of humans when pushed to do anything to survive. It also aims at studying the nationalism involved in the genre. Would the zombie apocalypse look the same if it was set in China ? In Greece ? Or for instance, in France ?


    Shot on an extremely low budget, Remains was shot in two days and mostly under the rain ! We had car accidents, mic problems, little equipment, but we managed to make it in time. It is the product of pure passion for films and the willingness of young filmmakers to improve and get experience in the field. Tell us in the comments below what you thought of the short film and how we can do better on the next one !


    Remains is the first budgeted production of the start-up independent film production company TearDust. Find us on twitter and instagram @TearDustProd and like our facebook page TearDust for more updates on our progress, trying to breach into the film industry.


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