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Remove the makeshift bow

Discussion in 'Z1: Battle Royale' started by Roonix, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. shugoh

    shugoh Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    This idea is very good. Because it doesnt make sense otherwise, as it is right now they can just make the Makeshift Bow a starting item. This would also get rid of all the legolas' running around trolling everyone. Making a bow in real life requires a good string, not just a piece of cloth.

    If you cant defend yourself against zombies, ****ing leg it. Having a shitty bow with a cloth string shouldnt be worth shit in a zombie game anyways.
  2. Ouromov

    Ouromov New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Referring to my earlier point, bows should be harder to make. There is no way you could make functional bow from a stick and a scrap of cloth. Melee should be buffed after a while so we can deal with zombies in melee. Since melee is useless atm, one machete hit should do a heck of damage / bleed. While blunt items should stun or otherwise slow people down.

    Its ridiculously easy to kill zombies, even if they get close, you can reload and press q to push them away and kill them during that stun moment. They -can´t- hit you if you keep pushing them away with Q.
  3. shugoh

    shugoh Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    Also, if you think about it realistically... What is the first thing you would use as a weapon in a real zombie apocalypse? I would get a kitchen knife, if i didnt have any guns. I wouldnt go out in the woods, rip my short apart and make a bow out of it. No one would, and if someone did, he would die from the first zombie attacking him.

    Remove the makeshift bow, and buff melee weapons GREATLY, both PvE and PvP. Melee is pathetically weak at the moment, especially in PvP.
  4. sliyer

    sliyer New Member

    Feb 12, 2015
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    I disagree, bows shouldn't be removed. It gives fresh spawns a better chance to fight players with guns. Melee weapons(Not fists) obviously wins against bows(If you don't know then you shouldn't even complain, game mechanics...). I wouldn't fight a bow vs bow if I had a melee weapon. Also it's pretty hard to get a decent melee weapon as is because everything's already being looted. It's selfish to say you want to move the only thing that actually is useful and has such a big draw back, because you thought the best thing to do is remove it. If anything being able to craft a bow with sticks and some cloths is original, so creative. Not many games would even give the option to do so. Although realistically this is a game.
    #24 sliyer, Feb 12, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2015
  5. Ouromov

    Ouromov New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    I agree to not removing the makeshift bow -yet-, but when the game gets released. I´d say you make it harder to make at that phase.
  6. shugoh

    shugoh Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    Fresh spawns should NOT have ANYTHING to say vs a person with a gun, on range combat. Its ****ing common sense. Also we never said "remove the bow", we said "remove the makeshift bow" thus still keeping the Wooden bow that requires spool twine to make.

    Fresh spawns should, like they would in real life, run around with a kitchen knife or a ****ing pair of scissors, not a bow. If they find spool of twine, that shouldnt be too hard or too easy to find, they can make their bow, sure. But practically giving EVERY fresh spawn a bow is ****ing retarded.
  7. sliyer

    sliyer New Member

    Feb 12, 2015
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    Don't think I made it clear, but I did mean to say makeshift bow.
    So you'd rather it be a genocide, not a slaughter house with a fighting chance? I mean the chance is NOT even near even. Guns are a instant kill from a much longer distance compared to makeshift bows. If you wanted to play a melee game you should play something else. I've had my share of melee combat in pvp servers. When a gun is pulled out, that's just a given win. Only an idiot would fight a person with a melee weapon, with a bow if they had a decent melee weapon. To remove the makeshift bow that draws much slower than the wooden bow, and has such a long time to shoot is very selfish. You sound like the player who has a gun and got killed by a bow, so now you're mad and you want what you would call "balance". Honestly, makeshift bow is a good implement for the game, and I hope they don't take it off; it's got soo much draw backs already.
  8. Zimuus

    Zimuus Super Moderator

    Feb 1, 2015
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    You have to realize they put zombies on "easy mode" until they figure them out more, meaning later on the zombies will be a lot stronger and a lot more of them.

    I'd rather not spawn and die due to no loot being found and no way to craft something to defend myself with.
  9. BluePoet

    BluePoet New Member

    Jan 15, 2015
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    I like the makeshift bow and think it shouldnt be removed. Maybe lower its durability to where you have to make it more often. It does give you a chance to attack things when you first start off.

    Maybe if they spawned you with a random weapon, than maybe I would change my mind. But if you see someone with a bow, its not too hard to make circles around them and attack them via melee.
  10. Ouromov

    Ouromov New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    A gun is supposed to be a thing of power, since you farmed for it and the bullets. The game shouldnt cater to fresh spawn needs and give ranged weapons easily to everyone. It only encourages KOS. But as I said, for now it´s ok.

    EXAMPLE: "You are the only guy in town with a gun, you can see that nobody around you has weapons on their back(later implementation). You dont have to shoot them, unless they charge at you. Though some bandits or just general arses will probably shoot anyway, because of their OCD-condition, but a lack of bullets might mend that. But if someone has a bow, they -can- kill you and pose a threath.

    Now everyone has easy access to a bow and we cant see weapons, so everyone is automatically a threath at close/medium range. All in all I think Makeshift bow´s easy access is one of the main reasons for KOS among others.
  11. shugoh

    shugoh Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    So let me get this straight, in real life you would rather use a bow made of a T-SHIRT and a stick, than using a knife to kill people and zombies? That is just absurd. Absurd. I can clearly hear that you know nothing about self defense, since the melee weapons are the best counter(only counting simple weapons) against a gun, in close range. In midrange however the gun is far superior, and it should be.

    It wouldnt be a genocide if people knew how to survive properly, i.e. hide in houses, sneak around and scavenge for guns and loot. Also there would(and should) be a shortage of ammo, so people wouldnt(and shouldnt) waste it on worthless scrubs. Only a ****ing Legolas fan would try to make a bow in real life out of his shirt. To make a real bow you need the right materials, but you wouldnt know that since you probably havent made a bow in real life. :)

    Ive said it before and ill say it again: buff the melee weapons, and remove makeshift bow or make it alot harder to craft(i.e increase the material needed to craft it).

    PS: What you said about "You sound like the player who has a gun and got killed by a bow, so now you're mad", dont make yourself sound more pathetic than you already are. Please. :)
  12. H1Z1InsightfulTester

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Yes with the last patch they did rework the zombie AI there head bobs from side to side..still with practice can be easy work but its not what it used to be !
  13. sliyer

    sliyer New Member

    Feb 12, 2015
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    You do hear yourself right? What you just said makes a lot of realistic sense... You're not God, because you've picked up yourself a potentially powerful weapon. Assets are always a bummer when you die in a full-loot game. That's what makes it exciting and devastating.
  14. JohnM81

    JohnM81 New Member

    Jan 26, 2015
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    Melee is not worthless. Learn to prone jump and circle strafe and make bow users cry.
  15. JohnM81

    JohnM81 New Member

    Jan 26, 2015
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    Can we stop with realism argument? respawning is unrealistic. I should begin the game in my home stocked with all my worldly posessions no? The makeshift bow is fine. It is strong with glaring weaknesses as well.
  16. Ouromov

    Ouromov New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    No, no we really can´t. Because discussing about it is the only way to find a perfect medium. Realism equals a challenge, challenges are what makes a game in my opinion.

    I get that you enjoy the bow, sure. I do too, but I still think it just brews a shooting gallery in towns when it could be more of a melee encounter-based thing, with chances of survival being higher.
  17. JohnM81

    JohnM81 New Member

    Jan 26, 2015
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    And what is so much better about a melee fest vs bow fights? It also ncreased the power difference between the geared and freshies which I oppose more than having any love persay with the bow.
  18. Kevy

    Kevy Member

    Feb 1, 2015
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    My 2 cents is to keep the bow. Id be more mad at people camping spawns and killing people without risk.
  19. A N T H O N Y

    A N T H O N Y Member

    Feb 18, 2015
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    Pick up a wooden axe and you'll never need a bow against a zombie again :D
  20. downaimgaming

    downaimgaming New Member

    Feb 22, 2015
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    i like the makeshift bow because it gives u some type of defense against zombies and players

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