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Richard Jewell

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Morgotha, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    This is a drama, not a documentary, about the events surrounding the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta where a bomb was placed and discovered by a security guard. The guard was initially lauded as a hero, but soon has his life destroyed by the media and an FBI investigation where he was accused as the prime suspect. He died at the young age of 44, likely as a result of the added stress and, of course, his obesity.

    The thing that is the most impressive in the movie is the acting of the lead, Paul Walter Hauser in playing Jewell. After the first 15 minutes or so, you believe you really ARE watching Jewell. He does an amazing job. Also, Kathy Bates plays his mother, and performs well.

    There are some good scenes in the movie, which is basically a linear telling of the events around the Olympic bombing, and Eastwood even has Jewell lie a few times in little ways to make himself look better, and really humanizes Jewell as a person. Overall, what I liked the best about the movie wasn't any particular scene, but just how Eastwood and crew managed to bring this simple and basically good man to life. II think it's worth watching for that.

    The movie also serves to remind us that the correction is never as important as the accusation, as everyone remembers "the security guard" before remembering he was falsely accused, and the real bomber? Who was that again?

    And what did I *dislike*? Mainly the portrayals of the lazy FBI heavy and the ambitious reporter who was willing to trade sex for a story. They seemed much more like standard Hollywood stereotypes than real people, which is in shocking contrast to how Jewell was portrayed. Was that deliberate on the part of the directors to focus your attention more on Jewell? Maybe, but I doubt it. I think it was just poorly done.

    In any event, worth seeing, IMO.
    #1 Morgotha, Dec 27, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019

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