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Shotgun and garden cofusion

Discussion in 'Episode 103 - The Dog' started by gavuk, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. gavuk

    gavuk Member

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Probably nothing remotely important but its been bugging me

    The shotgun was kept in a cupboard (i think) but in which house and how did our heros know it was there if it wasn't there house (especially in view of the "he doesn't like guns" comment AND where is the shotgun now) and what was all that garden/maze nonsense about?
  2. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    It was Susan and Peters house, next door.
    When Maddies husband died, the neighbor helped with the kids. So they knew the house well.
  3. zombiemom62

    zombiemom62 Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Nick obviously was one of those neighbor kids that you catch going into your bedroom even when you have the doors closed, and you can't trust to turn your back on. And as for the garden thing, maybe that's what Susan did instead of being the crazy cat lady, she was the crazy garden maze lady. Even the lady with the dying husband gardened, that's when Nick went to visit her husband, when she was outside at her garden. So maybe it was the thing to do in the neighborhood.

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