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Discussion in 'Volume 16: A Larger World' started by marsyao, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. Peanut Q. Public

    Feb 21, 2012
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    i'm right there with ya. although i still maintain that TWD is about Rick so they can't kill him. i hope i'm right anyway
  2. ZombieFlanders

    Apr 19, 2012
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    At least they managed to build that wall. In order to do that they must cleared out the Area over and over again to keep the workers safe. With the wall up they must have been in a mood like "Dealing with the Roamers should be so much easier now." If i remember the rules of roamer hording from the good ol times corect it comes down to thining them out a little everyday or clear the area every few days before there are too many. Rick and his group havent been through all the hardship that makes them so strong now. Sure they seen more than i think i could take but werent experts Remember scene with them trying to knife through the fence. They don't know what to do and have to figure out how it could work. After Michone showed up and they found the riotsuits the technique became obsolete and i know that it wouldn't work with the barn wall and i think Glenn mentioned it never been effective but just as nobody did it constantly. Point is im quite sure they allready had plans on that and with say 20 People dealing with the roamers the rest could start to make a living. This makes it hard to belive that this group ended up being the bunch of whimps we see in the two issues. Only reason i can Imagine is them living in fear of Negan for a long time and the stabbin is just the top of the iceberg.
    So far my thoughts till you mentioned that all information we have about Saviours come from Hilltop. Realy like Jesus character and would be rather pissed if he turns out to be a liar. Gregory on the other hand seems like the kind of person who'd tell you anything in order to look better and Jesus came to the Place when it was up and runing thus he also depends on Gregories word.
    Could imagine a Scenario where Hiltop was about to be overrun as Negan showed up or Gregory even making the call for him. Maybe the Saviours done a to good job and Gregory decided to tell em they are not needet anymore turning them into enemys by doing so. He's a Politican wouldn't tell his People its his fault that they started bullying. The speech would be "I never realy wanted this deal but he forced me to"
    Still if it turns out to be somehow like that it would be a suprising twist for me. Gone start a "marsyao told me so" tread if it comes to that how does that sound.
    Won't argue about the hardship and suffer part youre absolutly right with that. Was just saying that i dont think Rick will attack Hilltop or try to move in with the whole Group abandoning Alexandreta. Thought i stated that Rick will become the leader quite in the Sentence after the one you quoted but if that wasnt clear. Think it will go the classic way: Something Bad happens --> Rick saves the Day --> Everybody:"Lets make Rick the new leader, yay"
    kinda overdrawn and still foggy as we are talking about something we might see in about a jear or so.
  3. Voncroy

    Voncroy Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I really like Jesus too. He's already in my TOP 10. The thing is to me it just seems strange a man like Jesus (who pretty fought and overthrew Abraham AND Michonne all by himself - I mean c'mon, that shit is impressive) didn't fight the saviours earlier. It's true that he's unarmed against who knows how many "Saviours", but still I think he could take care of himself. Jesus seems to be a true survivor and quite smart, it's impossible that he didn't think of the possibility that allying with Alexandria (with guns) would only mean Hilltop could be their bitch once the saviours are defeated.

    I'm telling you, there's waaay more shit under this storyline...
  4. Undead Larry

    Undead Larry Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    Rick said he's finally has hope. I think that's the zombie equivalent of leaving a group in a slasher flick by saying, 'I'll be right back.' I don't think Rick's gonna die, but it wouldn't be the biggest shock if he did. Andrea, Carl, and Abraham together would still be strong lead characters without Rick. Throw in Jesus and maybe Darryl, and there's plenty of stories to be told without Rick. Could be, I guess.
  5. marsyao

    marsyao Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    Here is a simple fact, we all know what Rick's group went through, and how tough they are, but Jesus beat Michonne and Abram to the ground, he pretended to be knock out by Rick so that he could test Rick's men, he does not seem be afraid of Rick and his men, but on the other hand Saviors scared him
  6. marsyao

    marsyao Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    Of course Rick will move in if he could control the situation, hilltop is much better than Alexandria safe zone, and I bet before things get remotely better, hilltop will have to take the cost of the fighting and see many of their able body men go fighting, it will be interesting to see whether Rick will give hilltop an option to say no
  7. Voncroy

    Voncroy Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    Considering the future covers, we can assume there are at least 6 sub-bosses among the "Saviours":
    - The one with a chainsaw
    - The one with an axe (Merle?)
    - The one with a hammer
    - The one with a manchete
    - The one with a baseball bat
    - The one with a crossbow (Daryl?)

    I'm thinking this arc is gonna be awesome in terms of villains. Probably Negan is not one of these.
    #47 Voncroy, Apr 22, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2012
  8. Negan

    Negan Active Member

    Mar 17, 2012
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    The story started with Ricks coma. He woke up. Then he watched as his (almost) entire group died and the two people he got into a relationship with were killed. The story goes on for about 300 issues and is circling Rick's life and how he manages when the whole world around him goes to shit. Think about that? I know that it just seems like Rick is gonna die, but, there is still Glenn, Andrea, Sophia, and Carl, who have been around since Issue 2. I am almost 100 percent sure he is not going to die soon. Why?

    Who woke up from the coma, which in turn started the story?

    When the Governor assaulted the prison the second time, who managed to escape (other than those in Dales van and Michonne)?

    And who did the story encompass after that event?

    Who did the story follow when Rick, Abraham, and Carl went to get Morgan when there we still other characters left?

    Who barely survived when bandits attacked?

    Who saved Maggie from deaths door?

    Who went to Hilltop and acted badass after Ethan's death when the guys with spears went to kill him?

    Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick.

    It just wouldnt make sense if Rick died at the Savior's hand. Where would the perspective go? To Michonne or Glenn or Andrea who would just die and lead to another change of perspective?

    Admit it, Rick is the toughest of the group and the only one who could survive for so long.
    #48 Negan, Apr 22, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2012
  9. Voncroy

    Voncroy Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    Kirkman already said Rick will die in the future for sure and he even explained why he wanted to kill him before the end of the comics. Unless with the tv show, he changed his mind of course... Maybe he'll never do it, go figure...
    #49 Voncroy, Apr 22, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2012
  10. Negan

    Negan Active Member

    Mar 17, 2012
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    I read about that, too, but he didn't say issue 102/300, I am pretty sure he said it wouldn't be realistic if he kept Rick alive for so long. But don't expect him to die by issue 250, because Kirkman said "just before the end".
    Anyways, even Abraham is not as interesting as Rick. We know Rick. He has been around since Issue 1, and even Glenn,who was the fourth character we saw, we don't know much about. We don't even know anything about Andrea, other than she was traveling along with Amy when hey met Dale.
    The only other character to match Rick's description is Carl, but he is only seven (or eight, nine, ten).
  11. ZombieFlanders

    Apr 19, 2012
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    Hilltop is better for they dont depend on Scavenging anymore but the life in Alexandria seems to be much more Comfortable, dont think they'd be very happy about the idea of moving in order to live in trailers. I Also think its a better survival strategy to have a few smaller Communities rather than massing up a buffet in one location.

    @Voncroy: Im sure Jesus fully thought trough this possibility, as you say he's a Smart man. My guess is he told himself "Can't be worse than Negan" (maybe thats just lack of Fantasy)
  12. Peanut Q. Public

    Feb 21, 2012
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    i think it would be really cool if they kinda combined the 2 camps. maybe sent Alexandria some farmers and sent the hilltop some fighters. let everyone train each other to better both camps. they could eventually try to expand to meet one another if they could combine with some of the other friendly groups Jesus found.
  13. ZombieFlanders

    Apr 19, 2012
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    I'd love to see that. Groups helping each others instead of fighting until extinction. Would be a new era in the Postapocalyptic History.
  14. OFC. Friendly

    OFC. Friendly Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    I imagine the Hilltop is not the only community like this nearby, how would any of the members inside know, they never leave - and seriously, guards that handle wooden spears....c'mon now. Also, Jesus stood there as Rick killed the community memeber.....AAAAND Carl has repeatedly said Jesus is a good guy, Carl will learn a lot of what his father already has from this arc of the comics, NOT TO TRUST ANYONE.

    I believe Jesus is actually a key member of the Savior's (possibly the leader or one of the leaders) posing as a Hilltop community member who scouts for more residents, but is ACTUALLY looking for the next community that he can impose the Saviors's "Tax" upon. I mean, he did say he was not there at the beginning of the Hilltop....

    I predict, Rick's group is going to be set up by Jesus when the confrontation with the Saviors goes down. The betrayal by Jesus (think governor) is the next enemy Rick will face to maintain his family's survival. Each of the covers of the next 6 comics feature leaders like Jesus who have banded to gether to reap anything and everything they can from established communities as payment for protection. Merle/Daryl will be one of those leaders....

    It is a serfdom, think Early European Society - King of England (group of Saviors) taking tax/gold (supplies/food production/weapons) from all residents of the kingdom (communities who are estblished).

    Promise of protection in exchange for half of everything you own.

    Just a guess....
  15. Voncroy

    Voncroy Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I definately think Jesus is a saviour, but I would like him to join Rick's group. He's simply too good not to be included in the survivor's group. Fingers crossed.
  16. marsyao

    marsyao Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    No, Rick's group has too much muscles and too few resource, it makes a little sense that Saviors would be interested to them, I would like to think Savior are a group of tough guys who initially provide security service to all of the local communities includes hilltop in exchange of supplies, but with time going on, they become too arrogant and greed, that is the reason why hilltop wants to get rid of them.
  17. OFC. Friendly

    OFC. Friendly Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    That just seems so straight forward though marsyao, Kirkman is less obvious than that.

    Why did Jesus lead them away and say "not here" when he expalined the arrangement with the Saviors.....he already deceived Rick with the tied up hands - and, how does he know what Rick's group has behind their walls as far as resources - in this world, any resources are enough resources worth fighting for.

    Besides, you do not survive as a community without - 1-a decent amount of supplies and 2-weapons - so Jesus figured they had SOMETHING.

    Also, think of how cautious Rick is with everything and everyone, how untrusting....then, Jesus just lets them walk into their hilltop community with guns/swords out and is basically bending over backwards for Rick - it's all to get on his goodside so he is easier to manipulate and ultimately take down....I guarantee Jesus is a Savior - .....Jesus....Savior.....he has to be the leader, it is almost way to obvious now....
  18. Undead Larry

    Undead Larry Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    I was thinking you made some valid points until "Jesus...Savior..." then I thought that was way too obvious. But honestly, I don't know. I'm expecting some kind of swerve, and your theory makes some sense.
  19. OFC. Friendly

    OFC. Friendly Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Yep, I agree - Kirkman stumped me again!! That is what makes it good though....
  20. Voncroy

    Voncroy Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I don't think it's as obvious as that.

    A common relation of words doesn't make it obvious all by itself, because Jesus really DOES seem a nice guy. It's just a pity we know who the leader of the saviours is - Negan -, it'd rock if Jesus ended up being the leader hehehe I for one would never say Jesus is a "saviour", who are painted as arrogant and evil guys, it's just we know - as the Walking Dead fans - that Kirkman deceives a LOT (remember the Governor? Martinez? Gabriel?). I am really liking this arc.

    We know there are 6 specific members of the saviours for the covers shown so far.

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