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So, about Martin...

Discussion in 'Episode 501 - No Sanctuary' started by Lxwad, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. Lxwad

    Lxwad Member

    Oct 21, 2013
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    Besides the annoying gum chewing, he seemed to want Tyreese to take Judith and go. I'm trying to find his reasoning behind this. He called Tyreese a "good guy" and told him to take the baby, get in the car and go, more than once. Do you think this was a glimpse into his person? Like maybe he actually does have a shred of humanity left? If Tyreese really didn't kill him, is this an opening or him to come into play as a character battling his moral values? Idk, just a thought.

    I also noticed that when the group reached the cabin, the door was open. Then, in a later shot it was closed. Was this intentional? Did someone close the door to hide the mess? Or maybe an over site? Thoughts?
  2. HondaS2kXD

    HondaS2kXD Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    I liked the theory that [MENTION=40811]zombiemom62[/MENTION] posted in one of the spoiler threads. Basically, what it boils down to is, given his interest in "the chick with the sword" and "the kid's hat," it'd be really awesome if he took Michonne's katana and came after the group, then threatened Judith, but Carl put him down. Makes sense, because Michonne needs her katana back, Carl needs to unleash his inner monster, Tyreese needs to grow a pair, and Martin needs to f*cking die.
  3. zombiemom62

    zombiemom62 Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2014
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    maybe it comes out he has more of an issue eating kids, maybe he had his own eaten or was a teacher or something before the turn. Or maybe he just doesn't like dark meat or baby back ribs >ducking, sorry it just came out<lol
  4. HondaS2kXD

    HondaS2kXD Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    he'll soon be enjoying some shishkaBobs.
  5. BarbDwyer

    BarbDwyer Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
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    I think he was just trying to convince him to leave so he could escape and live.

    I think he's dead but I can't argue with any of that - and it would be pretty awesome.
  6. Qarnage

    Qarnage Member

    Oct 14, 2014
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    I think what he was trying to accomplish was to let everyone live. Perhaps the guy thought that having kids grow up in this world might lead a world that still has a population when the whole zombie-thing is over. I'm also not sure if the guy is dead though, if he is indeed alive then we will probably get to see his true intentions. I don't really want to believe he's as bad as the other Terminus people though.
  7. ubear

    ubear Member

    May 8, 2013
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    I found Martin an interesting character despite being an amoral and soulless being that would have killed them given half a chance.
    He seemed a good judge of character and seemed to size up their situation quickly. He seemed to sense that Tyreese and Carol were not friends as such, which gave us the information that although Tyreese forgave Carol the relationship that they had before was not there. Understandable I guess. Maybe thats why he kept referring to Carol as 'the woman'.
    After he realised Carole wasn't falling for his rubbish. He started playing mind games with Tyreese after she left. Tyreese never should have given him Judith's name or taken his eyes off him or even interacted with him.
    I think he offered the car to Tyreese because it would give him ( Martin) a chance of escape, because if Carol came back after seeing what Terminus was all about, he was dead meat.
    Sending Tyreese out to the walkers was smart as there was not way that he had a chance of defeating Tyreese by himself. And he was going to kill Judith when he thought Tyreese was dead. His mistake was that he underestimated Tyreese's prowess killing walkers. As to whether he actually killed Martin, I can't imagine Tyreese lying, he seems to honourable for that. I think he believed he did, but he might have thought that bashing his head against the floor several times was enough to kill him. Once his rage calmed down he probably didn't have the heart left put a knife through his skull.
    I guess we'll find out if he pops up again.
  8. guvuh

    guvuh New Member

    Oct 14, 2014
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    I think maybe he was just trying to change the situation.

    He probably doesn't like the idea of Carol coming back, because for whatever reason, Tyrese, this huge guy, wasn't the one that left to go deal with Terminus. He stayed home and watched the baby and the prisoner. So that probably says a lot about who's tougher to him.

    So this big huge guy, Tyrese, is in the cabin with him. He's gonna have to fight him to get out of the cabin. So he's gonna want to try to convince him to just leave. Then that's one less obstacle. So I think it was simply that.

    And then you'd tell someone that they are a good person in a situation like that, in order to make them humanize themselves, hopefully. That's a thing that people often do, is complement you towards what they would like to see you behave as. It can work for certain people.

    The part that I wondered about was whether Tyrese shouldn't have just rushed the guy when he had Judith. And probably he made the good decision. But there's a good chance the guy wouldn't have killed Judith. If he had, for sure Tyrese is gonna kill him. So it's pretty much a suicide move unless you are able to also take out Tyrese after you do that.

    He would most likely have ignored the baby and took his chances with getting some kind of jump on Tyrese if he had moved on him. So for Tyrese the part of the question would be... do i have a better chance against this guy with a knife right here and also factor in possibility of Judith getting hurt... or a bunch of walkers outside. I think he's the kind of person that wouldn't take any chance I guess about something like Judith being killed. But I would think his better odds still would have been rushing Martin.
  9. guvuh

    guvuh New Member

    Oct 14, 2014
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    totally. that's an interesting point especially specifically about Judith's name. and I agree too about what sure saying on whether Martin's alive or dead.
    i have the feeling probably dead from the bashing, but totally agree with all that.
  10. JEA13

    JEA13 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
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    I hope he is dead. My worst fear is that Tyreese left him alive. Martin stalks the group and kills Sasha. Tyreese is so despondent he lets walkers bite him. (On way to vet school, when car got swarmed, it appeared like he was about to give up before snapping out of it and hammer time). If Sasha dies ,Bob could also become despondent drink or get careless. So I hope Tyreese is not lying nor mistaken.
  11. JimmyBones

    JimmyBones Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    to me, it was a tactic to keep himself alive
    and maybe kill him and the baby later
    thw whole conversation was a m*nd f*ck but he happend to be right about Tyrese being a good guy
  12. Pogo the Possum

    Pogo the Possum Active Member

    Jul 7, 2014
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    Yeah ...this whole sequence was a weak plot moment.

    Carol didn't believe Martin, and had gotten all the info she needed from him before Ramboing off to Terminus " to kill people ".
    She should have sunk the trench knife in his skull right then ( as an immediate threat ), despite having Tyreese as a babysitter ...or at least tied Martin up more securely. There were wires hanging on the wall.

    Then, Tyreese puts Judith in the food chest and places it between him and Martin ! Dumb-da-dum-dum !

    Carol should have also taken the walkie-talkie for recon purposes for when she got to Terminus. ( Would have to have turned it off whilst around walkers ).

    Poor writing here; as Carol is too smart, perceptive, and methodical to neglect stuff like this. Especially with someone NOT a friend, and knowing of Tyreese's reluctance to kill ...even walkers.
  13. LadyGrimes

    LadyGrimes Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2014
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    Well Martin obviously has plot armor until the hunters are all killed off. But I agree that Carol should've killed the douche right then and there.
  14. DietWater

    DietWater Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2014
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    I think you need to slow down with the Carl fetish bro, I'm getting worried. It's even worse than me with Shane!

    Don't kill Martin please! Take Glenn instead! :Grin:
  15. HondaS2kXD

    HondaS2kXD Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    okay, that's just ****ing weird, dude.

    Im just saying, like others have been, if they want to have him go through the "just another monster too" story arc that they were setting him up for at the end of last season, he has to do something to show that he has reason to be feeling that way. The last time he's done anything that would make him feel bad would be the end of s3. If he feels that way and doesn't do anything, it just makes it seem like the farming turned him into a wuss.

    and, Martin was going to kill a baby. He needs to die. Think of it like this: Carl will probably just shoot him. The huntermites that are with Gareth will die by red-handled machete.
  16. DietWater

    DietWater Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2014
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    But killing a termite wouldn't make him a monster.

    Carl would legit be my favorite character if he decided to wake up one day and say "I think a bullet hole would look great through Glenn's forehead" and just shoot him.
  17. HondaS2kXD

    HondaS2kXD Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    It's not about whether he is one or isn't. It's about him learning (or, re-learning, depending how you look at it) that doing what's necessary doesn't make him a bad person.

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  18. DietWater

    DietWater Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2014
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    I thought he knew that already? Than again I don't dissect Carl scenes that much so there's that.

  19. hgigh

    hgigh New Member

    Nov 6, 2013
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    I thought about this and here are my thoughts:

    The first scene of the episode showed Tyrese being unable to kill walkers and Carol says "You're going to have to."

    I think that Carol knew Martin would do anything to survive and like Martin said "What is the point of keeping me alive?"
    There is no reason to keep him alive except to have Tyrese kill him, get him to get over it and do what he needs to do.

    So Carol, like you said is smart and perceptive and should have killed Martin. But if she knew he had to die and that it would come down to that (which is a safe assumption, everyone is going to try to survive by any means possible) then her leaving Martin with Tyrese makes sense.
  20. HondaS2kXD

    HondaS2kXD Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    He knew what was necessary to survive at the end of s3. And he told Rick in 409 he still knows it. But in season 4, Carl grew a conscience which is now telling him he's not a good person anymore because he's so capable of doing those things, and incapable of being a normal innocent kid anymore. That's what he has to learn-- that you can still be a good man even though you're forced to do bad things to survive.

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