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So NOW who let Negan out?

Discussion in 'Episode 1006 - Bonds' started by BlackBird, Nov 11, 2019.

  1. Chr1s

    Chr1s Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    I'm sticking with Daryl. It could be so many of them, Carol, Daryl, Aaron, Gabe. But I'm sticking with Daryl for the same reasons I thought it was him from the start.

    When he told Lydia he knew it wasn't her because he watched her all night, I read that as he knew it wasn't her because he did it but he couldn't admit it so he just said he watched her all night.

    I think Daryl's motive was to remove him from Alexandria because he felt they would kill him and that could be a problem for Lydia. If she's already being picked on and while she says she doesn't want to leave, I think if they killed Negan for protecting her she might see that as a sign that she should leave. Daryl would see that and wanting her to stay for many reasons, he felt it was best to just get Negan out of there.

    It also fits with what he did to Dwight, let him go but tell him he's not welcome back.

    I don't think Negan was sent out on a mission, because I don't think Negan had any intention of attacking the Whisperers at first. It wasn't until Brandon killed those people did he finally realize the effects of the things he did. Here is a kid who was so loyal to what Negan was he was willing to kill these people for no reason. I think that triggered it in Negan's head that the only way to really distance himself from who he was, is to become someone else. If he destroys the Whisperers he stands a chance at being seen as someone other than the guy who killed Glen and Abe and did all those other horrible things.
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  2. Blueman

    Blueman Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    IIRC, even before Brandon killed the mother+son, Negan was already quite determined to go after the Whisperers. I think, Brandon expressed his desire to follow Negan. Then, Negan replied that he is going on a dangerous path and he does not want Brandon to come along with him. He said something like ''I do not want to see your ass face again''. This does seem, to me, that Negan already had a plan in his mind before meeting Brandon.
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  3. BlackBird

    BlackBird Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2018
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    I think so too. Negan kept telling Gabe what softies they were not taking on the skins already, instead just having their shitting pants on. I can just imagine Gabe telling him to go and see if he can do better. Even if no one told him to go after the Whisperers, what else Negan was going to do? He already decided a while ago he didn't want to venture out there all on his own again. His only option is to prove his worth to the Alexandrians. Plus I'm pretty sure he was always convinced he could do better than them against the Whisperers. Now he has a chance to prove it.
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  4. Chr1s

    Chr1s Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    That's possible. I saw everything as Negan was basically just trying to find a safe place and move on. He said something to Brandon about finding a safe place before they met the Mother and Son, and he avoided the border. I read that as he wasn't planning on going there until after Brandon killed the family and Negan killed Brandon. Like he had a "Well screw it" moment.
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  5. BlackBird

    BlackBird Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2018
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    Now you're making me want to rewatch! I thought he just wanted a place for the night, find a weapon and get his head round how he was going to do this, and he said as much to Brandon "it was only going to get more dangerous from here onwards". But I agree there was definitely a "well screw it" moment. I took it as "right then, so we are going to do this the old Negan way, and we are going to do it NOW, o-kay, bring it on". Weapon and fighting persona in place, and then he decided he didn't need more strategy than that. Being Negan is the strategy.
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  6. Chr1s

    Chr1s Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    That's how I saw him. As the day went on with Brandon constantly reminding Negan about who he was and the things he did, and celebrating it. Negan started to really see the long term effects of his former actions.

    At first he started to look back fondly, until Brandon mentioned Carl. Then Negan really started understanding that he did more than just kill people, he inspired others to do bad shit. Once he saw Brandon killed the family, he saw his actions as coming fill circle. In a way it was like the end of American History X, when Derek realized that being good isn't enough to erase your bad past, your actions have a ripple effect that continue long after you change your ways.

    I think at that moment Negan realized what he needed to do and how he needed to do it. He needed to bring back "Negan" and use him for good instead of evil. The only way he sees he can change how people remember Negan is by using that character for the greater good and then maybe people will see him as Negan the good guy who stopped the Whisperers as opposed to Negan the guy who killed Glenn.
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  7. BlackBird

    BlackBird Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2018
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    Of course, the most interesting part of the charcter is that he would have done both these things. But the more recent stuff will have a heftier weight for sure.

    Nice psychological run-through!
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  8. Marc

    Marc Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
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    What makes you think that Negan would go for the Whisperers? Just curious in the theory! :)
  9. tink

    tink Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2013
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    Because he adores Judith and he was actually in jail because he killed someone to protect Lydia. The Whisperers are a direct threat to everyone Negan cares about - and honestly I think he cares about a few other people too, including Father Gabriel, Eugene, etc.
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  10. Dnae

    Dnae Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
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    I agree....I also think you could add Michonne to that list.

    When he is laid up in bed after rescuing Judith he tells Michonne that she has been through enough (losing Carl, losing Rick, and how the whisperer threat). Though the two of them do not have a conventional friendship I do think that Negan has a great deal of respect for Michonne.
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  11. Marc

    Marc Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
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    True true, I like that perspective. I love how Negan grown as a human, like he found himself again. The corruption he went through as a leader is gone. Now he is Negan, and not the Saviour Negan. Love it!
  12. tink

    tink Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2013
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    I think the last bit of Savior Negan died with that women and little boy killed by that Savior wannabe lunatic a couple of weeks ago. That made him realize none of that can ever come back.

    Negan is always going to be a dangerous man, because his first inclinations are often WRONG. But he's definitely trying.

    Angela Kang has done a masterful job at redeeming Negan.
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  13. Marc

    Marc Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
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    That she has! I think he is a bit like Daryl in a way, or Merle and Troy in the spin off. Broken, bit crazy (or a lot!) but still in the end they do what they have to do to protect the groups. A Negan who loves certain Ricks Hobo Commandos will be a boon! Also he seems to have plot armour again and is just hillarious to watch.
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