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Sophia vs the phython

Discussion in 'Episode 201 - What Lies Ahead' started by zgorrz, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. zgorrz

    zgorrz New Member

    Nov 12, 2013
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    okay, so im sure this has been mentioned but i am in the middle of a TWD marathon with the misses and we both just about spit up our drinks at the end of "secrets". I should mention as well we have both seen all the episodes but in rewatching you catch things.

    Now the ending is beyond emotional to first time watchers and we both where jaw dropped back in 2011 when this aired, but now that we watch it again and have been making comments to each other, this scene doesnt hold water.

    Is it just me (us) or does the fact a childs head 3-4 feet away from a magnum, NOT exploding into a million pieces seem odd? Was it just to graphic for tv, it being a child and all? She is currently watching clips on youtube as we have paused the blueray, about inpacts of assorted gun fire. Now while this isnt a 50cal round the Magnum is well known for its stopping power...

    So in short, did they just have her crumple up like a rag doll and not get flung back 5 feet or jib up because its a child or was it just bad directing? Thoughts?...back to the show!

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