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Discussion in 'Episode 507 - Still Standing' started by Sharpie61, Jul 13, 2019.

  1. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Don’t read, if you don’t want to know.........

    Spoiler Summary for 507 "Still Standing"

    ***This summary contains a synopsis of the ENTIRE episode from start to finish. If you do not want to read about the entire episode, skip this post.***

    Strand and Charlie use the balloon fabric from their crash to create a barrier to protect themselves from the walkers surrounding them. Morgan eventually rescues them after procuring a pick up truck from a neighborhood near the power plant. Victor and Charlie make it back to the truck stop and help repair the airplane and install the propellers.

    Al, June, and Luciana discover the plane's fuel tank has been leaking and there is no fuel left. Al makes the decision to go get the fuel at the helicopter people's refueling station on top of the bluff. June and Al go to retrieve it. As they are loading up the fuel to take back to the truck stop, Al confesses to June that she met someone when she was gone. Al has very strong feelings for her even though she knows she'll never be able to see or even talk to this person again.

    Dwight and John are continuing their search for Sherry. June manages to update John on the situation with the power plant. John tells Dwight what is happening but Dwight is going to stay to keep looking for Sherry. John wants to share the letter with him, but hesitates, and stays along side Dwight. Eventually the car runs out of fuel, and after an unsuccessful attempt at hot wiring a semi, John finally tells Dwight the truth about the letter Sherry left. Dwight walks away from the truck after reading it. John approaches Dwight and apologizes. Dwight understands why he did it, and has made the decision to help John and his group.

    Alicia finds the children's tree-house compound (with the help of Dylan) after taking out a large portion of the walker barrier the children built. Annie is upset at what Alicia has done and how Alicia refuses to leave them alone. Annie insists that it is their decision to make, and their decision is to stay. Annie also tells Alicia that Alicia will have to stay there at the compound until the barriers are rebuilt. Unfortunately, while rebuilding the barriers, the walkers start to break free, and become a herd. They follow Annie and Max back to the compound. The fence won't hold the herd back, so Alicia holds off the herd to give the children a chance to find an alternate escape route from the tree house. While taking out one of the walkers, Alicia ends up getting her face sprayed with blood from a radioactive walker. She then manages to lead the walker herd away from the tree-house while the children make it safely back to the truck stop.

    After Morgan helps Strand and Charlie load up the truck to get the propellers to the truck stop, he walks to the power plant in order to get Grace. Grace had managed to hook up the generator to the power plant's cooling system, but the generator burned out. She estimates that they have 12 -24 hours before the meltdown. Morgan arrives at the plant as Grace is attempting to repair the generator. He convinces her it is time to leave. They are both in Grace's truck driving back to the truck stop when Morgan contacts Alicia. Alicia seems distant and tells him that she is at the lead of a herd of walkers. Morgan tells her that the children arrived at the truck stop. He asks her where she is just as the warning sirens from the power plant go off. The melt down has begun.

    The truth is out there

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