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Spoiler summary for episode 509

Discussion in 'Episode 509 - Channel 4' started by Sharpie61, Aug 10, 2019.

  1. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Since we do not have a thread for 509 yet. I’m putting this here.
    Don’t read, if you don’t want to know
    Spoiler Summary for Episode 509 "Channel 4"

    **This is a summary of the entire episode. If you do not want to know about the entire episode do not read this.**

    The first 55 minutes of this episode are filmed in documentary style. There are interviews with members of the group in between footage of action that has been filmed by other members of the group.

    The first part of the episode is a montage of interviews with members of the group. They are talking about how they go to where they are at that moment. It provides us with an overview of what happened after they landed the plane. They were able to locate the oil/gas depot set up by Clayton. However, they ditched Logan on the side of the road before they got to the location, so Logan still does not know where the oil/gas depot is located. The group has abandoned the mill. The area is too large for them to work out of one location. So they now have a caravan with outposts set up along the road. They make camp while on the road by circling up the vehicles and putting up temporary fencing. They scavenged as many batteries, cameras, and tapes as they could from a store. So now Al isn't the only one capturing the group's story. Luciana and others also have cameras and are constantly filming. Sarah drives the tanker truck of gasoline for the group to use on their travels. Dwight, Daniel, and Skidmark drive the MRAP behind the tanker as protection. Alicia, Strand, and Luciana now drive the scout truck to map out roads that have been cleared. Morgan drives one of the big rigs that they use to haul supplies. June and Grace look after the caravan and take care of any survivors they pick up along the way.

    They run across a woman who is calling out for her husband over a radio. Tess's husband Ben had left to go find an asthma inhaler for their son, but he has been gone for too long and Tess is worried. Luciana and John find the house where Tess is located and call Morgan for assistance. The house's yard is surrounded by a fence and makeshift walls. Tess warns the group over the radio to not step into the yard because of what her husband has buried. As the group wonders what this might be, a walker squeezes through the fence and immediately blows up. Ben has mined the yard around the house and only he knows the location of the mines.

    They try to convince Tess to come outside to talk to them, but she refuses to leave her house. She insists that her husband will return. Morgan and the group send out June, Alicia, and Strand to try to find an inhaler for Tess' son while also looking for her husband. They find a pharmacy but are unable to find an inhaler. They backtrack the route from the pharmacy to the house in hopes of finding Ben along the way. As they are searching for Ben, Alicia stumbles across a tree painted with the same message from the painted tree that John and Dwight found, "If you're reading this, then you're still here." The message and the painting reminds Alicia of her mother. A walker approaches Alicia while she is at the tree. Strand takes it out. The walker is Ben, Tess' husband. June, Alicia, and Strand join the others at the house.

    In the meantime, the explosion has started to attract walkers to the fence around the house. John and the others are trying to keep the fence clear but a small group manage to overwhelm a portion of the fence-wall and it collapses onto a mine causing another explosion. Morgan runs into the yard after a walker that is getting close to the house, but as soon as he takes out the walker Al notices Morgan has stepped on a mine. The mine hasn't detonated because Morgan still has his foot pressing on the plate. The others arrive at the house with the inhaler and the bad news about Ben. They tell Tess over the radio that they found the inhaler, but her husband was dead. She refuses to accept it, but when Al and Morgan attempt to disarm the mine themselves, Tess steps outside the house and gives them the tool they need to disarm it. Morgan manages to safely to escape from the mine and it explodes once everyone is a safe distance. They go back to the house to give Tess the inhaler.

    It is evening and they are preparing a big feast of pad thai from a recipe Grace has had on her fridge for years, but never cooked until now. We see scenes of the caravan community eating noodles around a campfire, talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. The video ends with another interview montage of the individuals from the group. It finishes with a PSA of sorts where the members of the group are asking whoever is watching the video to follow in their footsteps and start helping others.

    When the video ends, the camera pulls away to show a television on a table inside a boarded up building. A man in his 20's was watching the video on the TV. He gets up, turns off the tv and grabs a radio that was left in a charger base on the table. A sign on the base says "channel 4." He examines the room he is in and discovers there is a generator behind a locked door that is powering the television. He scavenges from some of the "take what you need" boxes left in the room. He also finds a busted up hammer that he uses to break into the locked room with the generator. He takes the gas and uses it to fill up his motorcycle outside.

    As he is filling up his bike, two cars drive up. Logan and his group get out. Logan thinks the guy is part of the group, but the guy says he knows nothing about those people on the tape. Regardless, Logan and his people take the guy's stuff, including siphoning the gas from his bike, and then shoot up his bike to make it unusable. They leave the radio for the guy so he can call the group for help. Logan wants him to give the group a message -- they are making more enemies than friends, and they have more bullets than they know what to do with.

    The truth is out there

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