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Start to Finish, Complains and Criticisms!!

Discussion in 'Episode 608 - Start To Finish' started by Neuropyramidal, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. JohnConnor

    JohnConnor Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I noticed this as well. They get in the house, pan back to the street...empty until you get to the corner. Then you see the intersecting roads, pond and town overrun. Maybe they sprinted to the house, but at the very least there should be walkers actively pursuing them from all directions. At least some would be in the frame. Not sure if that's nitpicking tho.
  2. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    And while I'm on the subject, I don't forgive Carl for covering for Ron. He was going to kill you. When you were with your dad it really looked like Ron had killed them all as the makeshift couch barrier wasn't keeping the door closed, and the walkers getting in was 100% on Ron. WHY would you cover for that kid?
  3. Seduxen

    Seduxen New Member

    Oct 31, 2015
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    I actually felt very sorry for little Sam. His drawing... Exactly what Carol told him in season 5. I like Carol but maybe if she skips this "tied to a tree and noone hears you screams" fairy tale, poor Sam wouldn't be so scared as starting Mum, mum in the sea of walkers.

    In addition Aaron and Eric was on runs totally looking for people.

    That is my biggest complaint about this whole universe. It's just plain stupid and unbelievable. So short distances, yet noone knows about other communities, walker pits, whatever? It already annoyed me with the horn and the gun shots. Apparently everything is so close, the distances are so short everyone can hear everything but they never found shite? As we saw Alexandria also has road signs screaming invitation to people. So how come noone wanted to claim this self sustaining eco friendly place?
  4. Jods

    Jods New Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    This episode basically sucked. Worst MSF ever.

    Why was there a crib/cot in Jessie's house? Judith is sitting in it when Deanna goes to see her one last time, but why would there be one in Jessie's house when she doesn't have any children young enough to need it?

    Where did Tobin go after Rosita and Tara helped him up off the ground? Where was Spencer? Where was Aaron? And Eric? And whatever nameless and useless Alexandrians are left?
  5. DieSamDie

    DieSamDie New Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Edible Deanna Monroe and Stupid Sam

    How we're supposed to believe the boss of the applesauce (Deanna) could have the intelligence to run an entire community, but not have the foresight to realize emptying her revolver into a hallway full of walkers is a guaranteed slow death being devoured alive and possibly returning as a walker. Good Job, Tovah. Way to stay in the show.

    And that G*ddamn Sam. His mom told him to turn off the would attract "monsters". but Noooooooo. Stupid little greasy-headed boogerstain leaves "Tip-Toe Through the Tulips" blaring in his room attracting every F-ing walker in the community. Then.....THEN...after they have gone to tremendous lengths to bathe in walker guts and goo from head to toe and stealthily make a group retreat from the house, G*ddamn Sam starts blowing their cover by talking to his mom, "Mom?...Mom?...MOM?" To borrow loosely from a classic Twilight Zone episode "It's A Good Life", "...maybe someone in this group... someone with guts...somebody who's so sick to death of this bothersome brat and willing to take a chance, will sneak up behind Sam and lay something heavy across his skull and end this annoying character once and for all!"
  6. EZD

    EZD Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    This whole thing is just getting silly.
    The more popular the show becomes the more idiotic the story seems to become?

    Add to that the teasing to see the new retard sword show or not see the trailer for the next episode and I am seriously considering quitting at this point.

    I will not be held hostage to the Badlands for my trailers!

    I say we RIOT!!!!

    Whatever the hell that means?
    #106 EZD, Nov 30, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
  7. Seduxen

    Seduxen New Member

    Oct 31, 2015
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    Around here we call those "traveling beds" and keep one at the grandparent's or the person's who babysits the baby/toddler most often. Probably Judith was left with Jessie several times already, so they used a bed at her place. After all Alexandria is equipped with video games, toys etc. it was home for wealthy families, I don't think it's surprising that there are cribs as well.
  8. Rapscallion

    Rapscallion Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2011
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    "Start to Finish" is going in my top five for worst episodes of the Walking Dead. Do I have complaints? Yeah, I've got a few complaints...

    • Morgan defending the Alpha Wolf...the man who led the attack on Alexandria (which killed several Alexandrians) and who promised to kill everybody in Alexandria if he ever got out of the basement.

    • Denise allowing herself to be kidnapped by the Alpha Wolf, while Tara, Rosita, and Eugene gave up their guns, and let the Alpha Wolf leave with Denise

    • Ron is still alive, Jesse is still alive

    • Ron didn't shoot out (or stab out, during the fight) Carl's eye

    • Carl and Glenn are the voices of moral authority (and we know what that leads to)

    • Rick leaves the bitten (and dying) Deanna unsupervised in the same house with Judith

    • Rick didn't arm the community with firearms or strengthen the walls, or build barricades in the streets while the wall was still up

    • Sam suddenly has PTSD
  9. Ruark

    Ruark Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    I agree with most others. Seems like the writing for TWD is just getting worse and worse. Who's doing this show, a bunch of 5th graders? It's just loaded with stuff that's poorly written, time-wasting, doesn't make sense, or just plain stupid.

    Like Rick getting out of that RV surrounded by 1,000 walkers and running to Alexandria on foot, while Abe et. al. have been driving for TWO DAYS and still aren't there!

    Morgan defending that stupid Wolf, even willing to kill Carol to protect him! Cripes, I would have just walked in, ignored Morgan, shot him, and walked out. Morgan's martial arts schtick was bad enough, and now this. PLEASE get rid of that guy.

    Rosita and Tara sliding TWO guns over to that guy was insane. He only had a knife. They could have blown his head off point blank.

    What's with all the teen angst? The stupid little broad with Glenn, for example. Just a time-waster, watching her stand there staring at the ground. Same stupid stuff with Ron and Sam. TWD has a HUGE adult fan base; they're not interested in dumb kids.

    After ALL their experience, Daryl and Abe drive RIGHT up to an armed biker gang, then get out of the truck and stand there in front of them. Why didn't they just say "shoot us"?

    I'm still pissed off at the whole Glenn thing; that was obviously just "bait" to pull people to the show (like it didn't have enough viewers or something...????).

    I could go on, but there's no point. In summary, I'm finding it harder and harder to keep watching TWD.
  10. JMac

    JMac Member

    Nov 11, 2014
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    I pretty much agree with the other complaints...
    I love TWD, and nothing has happened quite yet to deter me from watching, but this season to me so far has had the least amount excitement. I can say, I am not as excited to watch as I have been prior seasons. I felt season two was slow as well, but it was a lil more focused and at least moved forward or progressed each episode.

    This is last episode tho, to me, didn't feel grand enough to be a MSF. Def not, it wasn't a filler episode either tho, it kind just falls into the category of a decent episode. They didn't seem to go all out like they have in the past for finales or MSF.
    I have said it before, and it still remains my top complaint; the timeline. I mean I understand a show has to have slow moments and moments of character building or even in depth character portrayals, but we have been with these characters for a couple seasons now! Last season we saw em fall apart, rebuild, etc... I think by now as a viewer we know these characters, and the show should move along at a quicker pace, now that the viewer knows the characters. Also the over use of splitting this cast up. Season three and parts of season four and five were great cause I love the group dynamic between all of the cast.
    Their choice on Glenn was a poor one too, and I guess just didn't sit right with me. They have lost their ability to follow thru on story lines. In no way did the Glenn thing add to or help the story.
    Lastly, I just feel like their attention to detail has slipped pretty major. Too their ability to play with zombie rules that the show has worked so hard to establish over these last six seasons. Glenn surviving being a major one, how they handled the herd outside the walls, even to this episode. The whole Carol thing seemed so out of character for her. The couch blocking themselves upstairs, all of it really this episode. Everyone seemed to be making decisions that were far out of character. Rick is such a quick thinker, it's hard to believe he would just hold up in a house somewhere and wait it out till they gathered, or not run full speed to the armory? Something? This isn't the first herd attack they have encountered.
    I hate to blame it on lazy writing or even the writers, cause it's so cliche and up until this season the only real failure I saw with Andrea, this season tho seems like I am counting a lot of mistakes. They start stories and never finish em, or if they do haven't spent enough time and attention to them that I have little to nothing invested in it. This is the first season in all of the seasons, I honestly haven't gotten over the top excited for a new episode, and that's for lots of reasons.
    On a final note too, I agree with some other posts as well, and I don't know if it's the cause of what, but TWD did get so popular last season, which great for the show and all of them, but that doesn't mean now you can just throw stuff on tv without paying attention to detail.. The RPG, some of the characters choices, GLENN! Yeah you might get some extra viewership of people that have nothing else to watch, or the ratings might go up, but in doing so you are also hurting your strong fan base that are dedicated to this show and have been before it was popular...Too add to, also you are hurting you're own rule book. TWD has wrote the rules for themselves over these last years on the ZA, and this season they seem like they can also bend those same rules whenever they want. Like Deanna turning, at the least if no one can watch her, shut the bedroom door!! Rick even said, it won't be long! Well then lock her bum in a room! If you see a break in the herd, run to armory hold up in there! Heck the herd is outside the walls, don't act like you haven't cleared a herd from fences before!! Remember when they use to bang on the fence to move the walkers!? Why not try? Glenn, not getting even a small scratch?? Also, so we all know you can get out from the sewer like Aaron did!? Why not try to get out that way to distract the herd, instead of Spencer doing a high wire trick!? Blah blah blah, this whole season is filled with shiz like that. Hey Abe, see if that sweet hummer will start? You don't have a launcher for that RPG anyway. Blah blah. Mostly tho, talk to each other!! Daryl tell those people something, or ask em questions about this group! Sasha once the road is clear, check the cars take those rifles! Sasha did you forget you're a sniper, but now you're just going to hold up in some office and sleep? Lastly, cmon seems like the woods of ASZ is full of other people!! A motorbike gang! No one has realized this? Or even these people haven't found ASZ yet? So Daryl and Sasha are at the most 10 miles out, this is a motorcycle gang, they obviously know these roads, Dwight said 'must be from an outpost.' So we know they have scoured the roads, we also know how organized Negans group is, I mean he has enough people in his group to send 10 guys on motorcycles to do a roadblock for supplies, even if you're not a comic reader, obviously this group is organized.. And in the near area, now I am suppose to believe they have never come across ASZ? That's a lil far fetched

    All of these questions or what ifs are stuff I am asking because I have been a fan since season one, and none of this makes sense! But to those viewers that just started watching the show, probably don't even realize this! The show this season has mostly been directed at new viewers. Not the die hard fans, which can call em out on shiz like this! And it is hurting that fan base in the long run. So is it really worth it to cut corners for higher ratings? I just don't think so.
    Thats my long two cents...
    #110 JMac, Dec 1, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
  11. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Yes, Definitely odd SOMEBODY didn't turn it off or pull the plug. Also somebody should have closed his blinds to keep walkers disinterested.
  12. BlackNoise

    BlackNoise Member

    Oct 20, 2014
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    1. Oh Deanna...

    Deanna - Everything is fine, Rick. I haven't turned yet. My mind is still intact, but I just felt the need to play with Judith during this transition. You know, I'm getting close, so no time like the present!

    Deanna - Thanks for the offer Michonne, but nah. I would say I'm around 97% zombie at this point, but I'm just gonna hold on to this valuable weapon and maybe shoot a few walkers for fun on my way out.

    2. I wanted to give all the blame to their shitty father, but Jessie has to take some responsibility for her kids. THEY ARE THE WORST. "just pretend..." I keep hearing her sweet, coddling voice in my head and it makes me cringe every time.

    3. Eugene was wasting a lighter to read a history book. There was so much light in there. And his scared whimpering bullshit is too much for me to handle anymore.

    4. I can't even break down my problems with the two standoffs involving the "W-Forehead" guy. I blame the people who wrote/directed that episode. It was so sloppy. I lost count of how many times something could've been done other than allowing him to just leave with guns and a hostage.
  13. Camilleyun

    Camilleyun Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2014
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    I thought maybe it was me, but everyone is echoing the same complaints I have. So in short, it feels like they have exchanged storytelling with gimmicky teasers and unnecessary cliffhangers. And some of the dialogues between characters feel a bit hollow. Not every interaction between characters has to be frought with some pseudo- philosophical bs or over the top (regurgitated) pep talk.
    It's too bad , because the material is there, but the storyline is all over the place and riddled with head-scratchers - some of the characters feel like they have been reduced to charicatures of their former selves.
  14. GuitarlCarl

    GuitarlCarl Member

    Nov 4, 2014
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    Everyone bitched about the Glenn cliffhanger and now when we don't get one folks are upset too...can't please them all. Me, I like the parallels with the comics but also enjoy it when they switch it up. I just like the show, I'm not pretending to be a critic or a writer, it's tv. If you don't like the show, change the channel.
  15. taco_lips

    taco_lips Member

    Oct 9, 2015
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    kind of like: it's a complaint thread. if you don't like the critique, you don't have to read it?

    i don't have a horse in this race (i'm literally held captive to watch this by my household). i like coming to this forum to see people talk honestly about both the strengths and weaknesses of the program. and it's nice to see people acknowledge that it's just tv and it's okay to like it even if it's bad. by that token, though, it's gotta be okay to hate it too.

    people who take this stuff seriously kinda scare me.
  16. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    America, Love it or leave it!
  17. JPG119

    JPG119 Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    Beth wasn't shot in the face
  18. Sammy01

    Sammy01 Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    The more I think about the episodes now and the show the more I become annoyed at how things are going. I'm so struggling to get my head around how the characters seem to be getting dumber as time goes on not smarter.

    Them using the blood and guts thing this ep to get through the walkers yet the same people have been scratching their heads how to get through the walkers on the outside of the wall to distract them away.

    Surely by now they should be out-smarting the walkers, I know that doesn't make for great tv but it actually might force them to write interesting and inventive ways for the group to be in danger rather than relying solely on everyone acting as dumb as possible now.

    I haven't bothered to re-watch the ep so not sure if I'm remembering this right but Maggie was running towards Rick when the wall fell, how did she end up going the other way back towards the fence a few seconds later?
  19. Mariuch

    Mariuch New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    I don't complain a lot about the show. Things bother me, but I am able to let it go and enjoy it. But what bothered me is that Glenn was able to get right up to the wall on the "west side" because the walkers came from the east.....UMMMMMM hello??? Nobody noticed that when they were thinking of how to get them away? I haven't rewatched it yet, but that is what he did, right?

    I don't know who said Sam suddenly has PTSD. Not for nothing but that kid obviously hasn't slept since that bedtime story from Carol, hence the picture he drew. That was a while ago, yeah, I think he's cracking up a tad! LOL!!
  20. BlackNoise

    BlackNoise Member

    Oct 20, 2014
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    You don't need to be a critic or a writer to be critical about the writing, direction, acting, etc. I never understand why people say stuff like "don't watch if you don't like". You can like stuff in something you hate and hate stuff in something you like. I'm critical, I can't help it. It's always more than just "like or don't like" or "good or bad".

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