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Strand's Plans

Discussion in 'Fear The Walking Dead Season 2' started by TDogResurrected, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. TDogResurrected

    TDogResurrected Active Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    What do you think Strand is up to? One thing is certain, Strand is not telling the group his whole plan. Is Strand ganna ditch them when his mexican homies show up? Is Strand merely the captain (or 1st mate) for a rich guy waiting on his ride in Mexico? I'm sure your TEEMING with theories/thoughts/or ideas and I would like to read about them.
  2. el_hombre

    el_hombre Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    I still haven't got my head around exactly what Strand is upto just yet but one thing's for sure: my man Daniel isn't buying none of it.
    Daniel's so good!
  3. Spidey

    Spidey Active Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    It looks like his plan is to use Nick to make/test drugs for the Cartel, and make everyone else as laborers for the cartel in mexico. Just a guess.

    The reason he wants Nick is definitely because of his drug past. The question is what does he want nick to do.
  4. Zed Sanford

    Zed Sanford Member

    Mar 5, 2015
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    Strand's plan? He's gonna put the golden AN in the tan van and give it to Dan who takes it to Fran. Providing, of course, he doesn't run into Stan (who is "the man") and toss him in the can. (I'm gonna guess nobody remembers this reference).

    If it's not that, then I'm going to guess it's something to do with scientific experimentation. The drug/cartel thing wouldn't make sense to me. The whole world is crumbling, so there wouldn't be anybody to sell to anyway. Also, the cartels have local access to people, so there's not really a need to import anything.

    Or, some sort of dangerous "mission" (not government) has to be completed (to obtain something for scientific or other value). He thinks Nick is resourceful and willing to do what he has to. By bringing along Nick's family, Nick would be forced to either help him or see his family die.
  5. Znuts

    Znuts Member

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Strand is definitely not revealing his full plans to the group and Daniel definitely caught on to that. Strand really wants to get to Mexico for some reason. I think he keeps Nick and his family around until he doesn't need them anymore and won't hesitate to get rid of them by any means necessary. Daniel definitely picked up on Strand and rightfully stayed with Strand on the boat when they docked on the island, as to make sure Strand doesn't leave them on the island...stranded. Haha, i'll see myself out.
  6. Z-Man

    Z-Man Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    Daryl and Merle were gonna raid the quarry group before everything went south for them too. Can you imagine a group without Daryl on TV now? Strand may have a plan, but I bet it backfires.
  7. maxlvtrojan

    maxlvtrojan Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Yes, I enjoy the way Salazar is all in Strand's business. Especially because we can't really be sure how Daniel will respond once Strand's motives are revealed. Depending upon what benefits Salazar and his daughter, he could just as easily become Strand's co-conspirator as put a bullet in his head.
  8. TDogResurrected

    TDogResurrected Active Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Salazar's a pretty slick character. I could see him being like a Bob (medic that got eaten by the termites in TWD). Be in one group that didnt make it, join another group that doesn't make it (unless Salazar sacrfices himself to save his daughter, thats the only way I could see him dying). Who do you think is more of a survior? Nick? Strand? or Salazar?

  9. Cbcw76

    Cbcw76 Member

    May 2, 2016
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    I like the idea of using Nick as some additional quality control technician for a drug cartel. I'm just not sure how much money the world's customer-base can offer in the apocalypse. And it probably isn't going to be a high-repeat business, either. *

    I've settled on "Strand wants to use Nick as a boytoy distraction to Thomas Abigail", or maybe to Luis, so Strand can be more free. And if Strand can 'obligate' Nick to him, then Nick-as-a-gift may be accepted IF Nick transforms into the pure opportunist that Strand is. Or acts like. I'm just not sure a smart opportunist believes his scams can always work 100% perfectly. Maybe he's counting on dropping Nick into a heroin-tank first so that Nick has no choice but agree to be a distractionas Thomas' latest boy-toy, and Strand can escape that role in the relationship.

    * - say, is BIT-coin going to be the pun-intended currency of this zombie-apoc world?

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