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[Suggestion] Risk vs. Reward system for Worn letters

Discussion in 'Z1: Battle Royale' started by DaddyLovebone, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. DaddyLovebone

    DaddyLovebone Member

    Feb 1, 2015
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    Whether you go to waste disposal, opfer wilderness camp or Pleasant Valley Church, the loot from worn letters are the same, no matter the areas hostility levels.

    What if the code recorded how many deaths have occurred in each area within the last hour and increased or decreased the loot spawns at those areas accordingly. This would be a risk vs. reward system making it far more challenging to get the improved rewards if the area in which the crate is located is highly contested and dangerous. Likewise should rewards decrease in size if there ahs been no recorded hostility at a loot crate zone for a while.
  2. System

    System New Member

    Mar 25, 2015
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    The default rewards for the Worn Letters will probably remain the same until the game is closer to being published. I agree, it would be nice to have different rewards based on the area of the loot cache, and the level of danger related to those areas.. But we'll see!

    To be honest, I'm just glad Battle Royale is fixed! Haha

    Stay safe! :)
  3. Mystical Llama

    Mystical Llama New Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Yeah would be nice for it to be more randomized and maybe have a couple of extra skins for the backpack. Maybe include something like 1 Event ticket on a 5% chance, or maybe a crate key on a 5% chance.

    Probably never gonna happen but it would be nice :)

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