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The bleeding walls of Alexandria

Discussion in 'Episode 605 - Now' started by xzomi, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. xzomi

    xzomi New Member

    Nov 20, 2015
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    me and my friend were talking about why the walls of Alexandria were bleeding and i came up with a theory and want to see what you guys think. read some posts of people saying its symbolic or its coming from the guard tower because some died up there but what if. when they were putting up the walls they reinforced it by stuffing dead walkers inside. it give it extra weight and strength and also in the hopes of that the smell of the walkers would keep other walkers away from the town because we seen that rubbing dead walker blood and guts on yourself stops them from smelling you.
  2. Walker Caravan

    Oct 21, 2014
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    I don't think they did that, but I like the idea. Other than disease from rotting corpses being so close, it'd be cool to have an "invisible" town. To walkers at least. My username here is similar idea but for travelling. Like a stage coach driven by walkers and surrounded by them you could travel anywhere, even through a horde.

    I like the idea but don't think that's what they did.
  3. Berry

    Berry Member

    Oct 15, 2015
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    I agree with Walker.. like the idea, but it didn't happen.

    The blood is coming from the herd (that followed Rick). They are pushing against each other, squishing some against the walls. The hole is either from an attachment point (nailhole), or possibly a small bullet hole.

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