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The West Wing connection

Discussion in 'Episode 713 - Bury Me Here' started by westwingnut, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. westwingnut

    westwingnut Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2013
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    First off, let me say that this is the first time that I have created a thread regarding my favorite show. Second, I don't think this idea is necessarily thread-worthy. But the discussion for this episode has been rather thin, and can't think of a better place for it, so here goes.

    When Carol was talking to Morgan at the beginning of the episode, I thought to myself, "That was just like when Toby figured out what Hoynes was up to at the start of 17 People."

    That by itself is pretty innocuous. But this morning someone talked about how Bury Me Here ended with the periodic sounds of Morgan sharpening a stick, and that reminded me that 17 People ends with the periodic sounds of Toby bouncing a rubber ball against his office wall.

    17 People is considered by some wingnuts to be the best episode of the entire series. One fan even went so far as to create . I myself think that it contains the best soliloquy of the series, when Toby excoriates Bartlet for concealing his medical condition. Along those lines Richard's explanation of his plan to Morgan comes close to being the best soliloquy of Walking Dead. I think it's the longest one, at any rate.

    So that's it. If I come up with more I will revise and extend my remarks.
  2. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    i agree, that is a scene that will stay with me. richard's explanation was such a sad revelation. i had no sympathy for him until i heard his story. i'm glad morgan buried him with his daughter, as nearly as that is possible in this world.

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