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they would have made it anyway

Discussion in 'Episode 202 - Bloodletting' started by HershelsBeard, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. HershelsBeard

    HershelsBeard Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    No reason for shane to shoot otis other than to be the one and only 'hero'. even so that may not be a reason at all, shane was just that kind of guy. watching the episode over again it is clear that they would have made it out of there together and there was no reason to shoot otis. just look at the walkers location in relation to them, the walkers speed, their speed, and then the amount of time stopped while fighting. If shane actually just did what he had to do he would not have acted the way he did afterwards. how anyone can say shooting otis was necessary is beyond me.
  2. Pinkerton

    Pinkerton New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    I think Shane shot Otis in episode 3, not 2. That being said, I agree. However I blame that more on the set up of the scene than Shane making that decision.
  3. rhizin

    rhizin Member

    Mar 4, 2019
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    Those distances are off quite often. Sometimes the walkers look far away, but are suddenly much nearer, or the other way round. Magical walkers, those. But I blame lenses. It makes a great difference which you use shooting, they compress or expand optical spaces.

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