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To those that use drugs...

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Off-Topic' started by Legion, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Legion

    Legion Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2012
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    what does it feel like when you use/inhale/smoke drugs?

    I've never gotten into drugs (and not that i plan too) but i've been curious as to what it feels like.
  2. Kazam420

    Kazam420 Active Member

    May 2, 2012
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    Wanna know what weed feels like? Ailliam and I are probably the only two alphas that smoek w33d errday unlike you fgts. It can be good or bad, it can either chill you out, or make you paranoid as hell. But you have to experience it yourself. It's a feeling that's hard to describe. Also, never smoke Spice. It's artificial weed, and it's very dangerous. People have had seizures from it, and that shit gave me a severe anxiety problem. Never touch spice.
  3. Wartyger

    Wartyger Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    People that use drugs are putting their health and life at risk. If using the drugs doesn't cause any permanent, or fatal, damage to their bodies, there's always the chance that they'll lose their minds and hurt themselves physically, or get themselves killed by making a bad judgement call. Not to mention the possibility of hurting others around them. Drugs are unpredictable and everyone has a different reaction to them. Your best to steer clear of them.

    Even though you say you're not planning to get into drugs, curiosity can be a very dangerous thing. I recommend treading carefully...
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  4. Sulq

    Sulq Super Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2012
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    Well with tobacco, such as cigarettes and cigars you get nothing like a high or anything. At least not usually. Hookah is for social purposes and doesn't have any effect on you.

    I've smoked weed once, but they say the first time you smoke it you don't get high. I didn't really get high, at least I don't think so..

    I'm very inexperienced with other drugs & narcotics so that's all I know.

    Wartyger is right. Best to steer clear of them, but I say it doesn't hurt to at least try them. I know that I would possibly be open to.
  5. Kazam420

    Kazam420 Active Member

    May 2, 2012
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    Wartyger doesn't know what he's talking about, I smoked weed since I was 14, (I also live in New Amsterdam/Colorado) and it has had very little adverse effects on me, I don't smoke it everyday of course, but when you're a 14 year old, you're so enticed by weed, that you become addicted to it, yes, even though it's not physically addictive, your mind makes you want to smoke it because it can be very fun. It's up to you whether or not you want to do them, but just be safe and have someone babysit you so you don't do something stupid. And it's best to just smoke in your own house.

    Go to the bathroom, turn on the shower max heat, put a towel under the door, smoke, and then open the window and let it air out and noone will smell a thing. Use some Febreeze too just to be safe. I've used this method several times, and I've only been caught once, which it was a total fluke because I got stoned and forgot to put my pipe away, I left it in my pocket and went to school with it, then got super sketched out around the teachers.

    I won't say whether to smoke weed or not, because it's ultimately up to you, if you don't like it the first time you actually get high, don't do it again. And don't put all your time and energy into finding weed. I've seen so many kids waste their lives just to get weed. And that becomes a daily thing for them. Also, tobacco isn't for social settings, you can smoke hookah any time you want, that's another thing I do on occasion. It doesn't get you high exactly, but it does give you a very relaxing buzz. Again, this is all up to you. But stay away from, Coke, Heroin, Opium, Meth, Crack, Ecstasy, Acid, and especially Spice. Do not even associate with people that do these drugs. Cops can bust you for "attempting to buy controlled substances". It's bullshit, but I've seen it happen before.

    I cannot stress how horrible Spice is. Acid, you'll need sober supervision if you want to do it, but make sure it's a person you trust your life with, if it's around strangers it can be a horrific experience. But around a person you know and trust, you can have the time of your life on it. Just don't do it too much or try to find it all the time because a lot of people sell bunk shit just to get your money. All of the others I mentioned, stay the **** away from all of them. My brother beat the shit out of me in a coke induced rage one time, and do I really need to explain why Opium, Meth, Crack, Ecstasy, Heroin, and Spice are bad for you?
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  6. musky

    musky Active Member

    Nov 14, 2012
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    You will get nothing good out of doing this shit,except for maybe moving on to harder drugs in time so dont take the risk stay away from that shit and don,t mess your life up.
  7. Hunter codf

    Hunter codf Super Moderator

    Mar 17, 2012
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    As a smoker of cigarettes, I enjoy the process of smoking. There is something satisfying about inhaling and exhaling smoke. It's a bit enigmatic I suppose.
  8. MegaScampi

    MegaScampi Active Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    You can smoke marijuana if you win 22 olympic medals and/or become a cosmologist and make an award winning series about the universe.
  9. markzombie82

    markzombie82 Active Member

    Apr 12, 2013
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    Not a smoker anymore. I got this thing but on the subject drugs bad pot not so bad but still not really a productive force to have messing with With your head

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
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  10. Kazam420

    Kazam420 Active Member

    May 2, 2012
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    I've smoked weed for 5 years. I've only done Salvia (which is only legal in CO), Acid, and Spice. Salvia and Acid were a lot of fun, Salvia lasted about 5 minutes, and it was a very spiritual experience, I felt like the entire earth was a part of my being, and it felt incredible, Acid was pretty fun too but I don't ever plan on doing them again. Spice was so bad I won't go near it and I strongly suggest no one ever touch the shit either. The way that someone gets into hardcore drugs is by associating with other people that do hardcore drugs, if you do not associate with those people, you will not get into those drugs. Which is why I said in my earlier post not to associate with people like that.
  11. Wartyger

    Wartyger Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    Everything I said in my previous post, is obviously only my opinion. But I've felt the effects that drugs can have through my brother.

    He decided to experiment with drugs when he was a teenager, because he was "curious". This lead to him becoming addicted and when he left school, he moved from job to job, only working for a few weeks at a time, so he could earn enough money to fuel his addiction. As time went on, we could all see he was having trouble with drugs, but he wouldn't listen to any of us when we tried to help him. He was firmly in the stage of denial, which is normal behaviour for addicts of anything. Things got worse and worse for him and he eventually left the country, just to get away from us so he wouldn't have to put up with us "interfering in his life", as he would put it.

    He fell off the face of the Earth for about 3 years. No one had heard from him, until he returned home and was arrested at the airport for drug smuggling with intent to sell. He had been running with a bad group of people in Asia and had created quite a hefty drug debt for himself. When he ran out of money and couldn't pay them, they put him to work selling and smuggling their drugs. But not before stabbing him in the ankle as a warning. The message was clear. Don't try to run out on them. Then the day came when he realised he would never be able to get out of his situation, even though he had paid off his debt. He asked if he could stop working for them and they said "No". They told him, if he tried to leave, they'd come after his family. That was unsettling to find out, to say the least.

    He saw no other option, but to have himself arrested when he was sent back home with another stash of drugs. When he arrived in the terminal, he had a brand new blue haircut and he acted suspiciously and made a scene so he would be taken aside and searched. After he was arrested, he told the police to search his house and they found a drug lab where he would make the drugs, before selling them on the streets. He spent 18 months in prison awaiting his final sentence. During that time, he was still in contact with the drug syndicate, trying to convince them he wouldn't rat them out to the police. Eventually he did just that and they haven't spoken to him since. His sentence was handed down only a few weeks ago. He will be spending the next 10 years of his life (minimum) in prison. The first 18 months of this sentence will be in a maximum security prison, with rapists and other violent criminals.

    He made his choices and now he is paying the price for them. What he didn't take into account, was how his choices have effected his family. Our mother cries herself to sleep every night, worried sick he'll be killed in prison, or that she won't wake up the next morning, or that she'll wake up to the news that her other sons have been killed by the drug syndicate. Our oldest brother is a Sergeant in the police force and he can never see him again, even if he wanted too, at least while he's serving with the police. Our youngest brother has taken to drinking to cope with his confusion, over how his brother, who is a very intelligent person, could end up in a situation like this. And me? I'm deeply saddened he will miss out on seeing his only blood related nephew grow up and being a big part of his life, which is how he started out when my son was born. My brother was bonding with my son so well and then he was gone. My son asks to see his uncle all the time and it breaks my heart having to lie to him about where he really is, because it's easier to tell him his uncle lives overseas, than to try and explain the truth to a 5 year old with tears in your eyes.

    And all this started from a little bit of curiosity. Never forget...your actions and choices have consequences, that you can't possibly predict or prepare for and may very well have an undesired impact on the people in your life...
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  12. Hoggsynator

    Hoggsynator Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2012
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  13. Strange Koolaid

    Strange Koolaid Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Drugs are not for everyone.

    One day, you may take a pill, or take a hit from a bong, or snort adderall for your very first time and you're not gonna know if you like it or not until you've done it a couple of times. I hated weed the first 15 times, I hated adderall because some jackass thought I should snort it for the first time, I fricken loved lortabs when I was prescribed them once. Now I hate all pills.

    I don't do that crap anymore because I'm a mother that needs to keep her shit together. I won't deny that I like to hit one, relax and game later on at night when I'm free to do whatever. I highly suggest you don't try anything thats "new" and unusual. Adderall is probably the most retarded thing to get high fact all of it is....even alcohol. Alcohol never gets any shiit for what it really does. I'd be careful of alcohol because one day youll be trashed at a friends house and try some synthetic weed or eat bath salts because youre too drunk to give a fuk. Just ignore all of it until youre old enough to know better and can moderate things. /rant
  14. Kazam420

    Kazam420 Active Member

    May 2, 2012
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    I never knew you were female Koolaid. I rarely ever drink, because I've seen the real horrors of what alcohol does to people, my mother being a hardcore alcoholic you learn to hate the stuff, and whenever I do drink, it's like, a beer (singular) or a couple shots. I don't like getting totally wasted. And I agree with you Adderall is one of the most retarded drugs to do. It's basically legal methamphetamine.

    My brother was addicted to that sh1t for about a year. Would draw the craziest things on that stuff too. But I stayed the hell away from prescription drugs, they're incredibly addictive. I was prescribed Vicodin for when my dog bit me a few months ago, and that stuff makes you feel really good. But thankfully I'm not the type of person to get addicted to them, I finished the bottle as prescribed and haven't touched the stuff since.

    But I'm glad Phantom came here for advice on drugs, rather than just going out and doing them, that was a very smart move Phantom. Prescription drugs are another thing I forgot to add to that list of shit to stay away from, unless specifically prescribed them. If your name isn't on the bottle, don't take them, and definitely don't buy pills off of people. They could be selling their parents blood pressure meds so they can get money to buy other drugs, and that shit could kill you.

    Wartyger, I'm very sorry that happened to you and your family. I don't even know what to say, I thought my life had tragedy, but damn, that's brutal.
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  15. Wartyger

    Wartyger Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    Thank you for your sympathy mate...
  16. Parsnips

    Parsnips Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
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    Wow, this forum is actually capable of supporting a good thread. I'm pleasantly surprised.

    My dad's an alcoholic, my mother's on-and-off with prescription drugs, I lived with an ex-coke dealer who was a huge stoner for a few years growing up. And of course I know and know of plenty more people who've been really damaged by drugs. Needless to say, they've had a presence in my life. Luckily, I've been spared from most of it. I've only truly dabbled in weed and alcohol. I shouldn't drink, both sides of my family have long and varied histories of it destroying individuals' lives, but I've done my fair share of it anyway. I'm not dependent on it, but I'm very aware that I could fall into it very easily and follow in my dad's footsteps.

    I've never had a good experience with weed. I won't go into detail, because I think the circumstances around these experiences are kind of laughable and embarrassing. But I associate it with my own personality flaws now because of what I ended up doing in the situations I got into with it. It's not necessarily the drug itself, it's just the decisions I made concerning it and how it just made all these negative things about myself so obvious that made me realize I wasn't cut out for it.

    And fuсk spice. Everything Kazam said about it is true.
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  17. Kazam420

    Kazam420 Active Member

    May 2, 2012
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    I was smoking spice because I had to pass a drug test. This was about four years ago when Spice had just hit the market and was showing up in smokeshops all over Colorado. My friend was driving me home, and as he's taking me there, there's this cinderblock wall on the left side of an entry to an apartment complex, my friend was either speeding, or I was too ****ed up on spice to really determine the speed we were going.

    Anyway, as I'm looking at this wall, I hallucinate that we're heading straight for it and are going to crash right into it. It scares me so bad that for a month I was too scared to get in a car to drive anywhere. It gave me a very severe anxiety problem, and possibly awakening my gene for paranoid schizophrenia, which is on both of my parents sides. Ever since then, I've had occasional hallucinations. I've heard voices that aren't really there before, and sometimes when I'm walking down the street I'll get the sense of a massive ominous presence behind me. Or I'll hear the sound of feet hitting the pavement as if someone is running after me. And I'll turn around and nothing is there.

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  18. Mjroady

    Mjroady Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2012
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    This thread is interesting. My dad died when I was young from a bad combination of 2 painkillers that he was taking for his toe that got ran over by a forklift. And while that's different than an addiction or something like that, it sure let me know that if I was to take something, not to try 2 different things cause the combination could be fatal.

    Does anyone know what molly, dip, and mushrooms are like? I'm not going to do any of them, because I'm paranoid and I have a really addictive personality, and I've gotten contact high a few times and haven't been able to think to the same ability since. I'm just wondering what the people who do these experience under the influence or how it tastes or such.

    Sent from my LG-VS410PP using Tapatalk 2
  19. Kazam420

    Kazam420 Active Member

    May 2, 2012
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    Molly is essentially Ecstasy in a purer form, dip, stay the hell away from that stuff, my brother ruined his bottom lip doing that shit. Shrooms are like a weaker form of acid I hear, I've never done them, but the hallucinogenic effect is caused by food poisoning from the mushrooms. So, expect to take a mean dump the morning after.
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  20. Strange Koolaid

    Strange Koolaid Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    My boyfriend of 6 years is a recovering alcoholic. He has a very addictive personality and also has had a traumatic childhood (watched his brother kill himself and was raised as a homeschooler). So drinking and the occasional drug has been his entire past 15 years. Hooked on meth for ....geez I dunno how many years. Alcoholics with suppressed issues are embarrassing to live ,even alone, with. He's told me many stories about his meth-capades. That drug is so sad....and now theres Krokodil?!

    Anyway, as I've said before, drugs aren't for everyone. I haven't tried hardcore drugs. Maybe coke and acid...but I've had the array of pills and binge drinking. I just don't find anything to be addictive to me. Perhaps I have too apathetic of a personality to bother with it. I've seen enough belligerence, drooling, belongings thrown against the wall, tweakers zig-zagging all night,and children neglected because of drugs. Just don't bother. For most people they start experimenting for fun and it ends up being a crutch to deal with issues and those addictions become another guilty-ridden issue. It's a waste of life. Can't say much about peyote and shrooms, though....

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