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Very far fetched filled episode

Discussion in 'Episode 610 - The Next World' started by Duce000, Feb 22, 2016.

  1. Duce000

    Duce000 Active Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    This episode to me was very far fetched. I mean everything happening seemed very unlikely.

    1) Deanna is still being right outside of Alexandria 2 months after the herd.

    2) Rick and Daryl ran how far to catch the truck after Paul stole it? Did he not want to drive a couple miles away atleast. And you can track a truck on a road? Haha Daryl is amazing

    3) Rick and Daryl both don't hear Paul get on the truck? Or see him get up while they are pulling off?

    4) Paul knocks the truck into reverse or neutral after its in park? Was daryls foot on the break? Or is this a special kind of truck where u can take it out of park without having your foot on the break? Haha

    overall it was an ok episode and I'm sure it was just meant to set up what's coming next. But very far fetched with a lot of the stuff that happened. I'm not sure if these were comic storylines that they just wanted to keep the same but I think they should change things that don't transfer well to tv. Everything in the comics doesn't work on tv. Such as tyrese scene in season 4 against the herd. Or even last week with Carl not being able to get out of Jessie's grip even after she is being eaten alive.

    The rick and michonne part at the end was really the highlight of the episode. Oh yea and I call him Paul just cus even tho I'm not a very religious person I just can't keep referring to sum1 as Jesus.

    What do y'all think? Very far fetched episode or am I missing something?
  2. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    There were a lot of unlikely things that happened, especially involving Jesus. I think they purposely filmed this episode to be more light hearted, sacrificing realism a bit. Is it something I'd want them to do often? No. But it gave Jesus an almost magical feel which I think was their intention. I might have done a couple things a bit differently, but overall I was happy with Jesus' introduction.

    One thing I might disagree with you slightly on is Daryl tracking the truck. It probably wouldn't be that hard to track a truck dragging a vending machine, especially through leaves and debris. Jesus didn't plan to stop that soon, but he seemed to have a tire issue. If he only made it a mile or two, and didn't make it far after the vending machine detached, then I think its believable they found him while he was still dealing with the tire.
  3. DeadReckoning

    DeadReckoning Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    I absolutely loved this episode, but the thing that bothered me the most, was the fact they couldn't topple the vending machine, but somehow they were able to lift it up to put a chain around it.
  4. Zombiekills

    Zombiekills Member

    Oct 13, 2015
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    I think something homosexual was going on here. If the guy had been ugly, I think Daryl and Rick would have shot Jesus on sight. First time.
  5. el_hombre

    el_hombre Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    Heh, yeah you definitely had to go into this episode with an open mind I think.
    I was a bit what the **** about him not making a sound getting onto the truck and how quickly that was done.
    They possibly could've toned some of Jesus escape artist stuff down a little.
    I'm also hoping they don't try to make him a comic foil like they seemed like they were starting to a bit with this episode.
  6. teeta6404`

    teeta6404` Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    I liked it and agree I think it was lighthearted to relax a bit from last week, and to relax a bit before whatever is coming at the end of the season...
  7. Camilleyun

    Camilleyun Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2014
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    The thing that was hard for me to buy was the fact that Rick and Daryl found a huge stash inside that truck and didn't hightail it back to Alexandria. After Daryl Sasha and Abe were stopped by Negan's group, you would think that for one, supply runs would be done with more than 2 people and more than 1 vehicle and secondly, that when a stash that substantial is found you would immediately try to get it back to your group. And I guess lastly, that Rick and Daryl didn't really seem that upset over losing it.
  8. Cons72

    Cons72 Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    100% agree.
  9. Zombiekills

    Zombiekills Member

    Oct 13, 2015
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    No. They seemed more happy they had Jesus to take home with them.
  10. Duce000

    Duce000 Active Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    They seem to have gotten relaxed again very quickly. I didn't get not going str8 back to Alexandria either. Especially with it being Rick and Daryl together I thought they would be more on their game.

    but I guess I can buy them trying to make it lighter to get over what's been happening in the 1st half of the season and last episode.

    i haven't read much about Paul from the comics so idk how I feel about him or his intro
  11. Camilleyun

    Camilleyun Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2014
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    I get this episode was supposed to lighten things up. But honestly, I'm starting to feel like I have do some mental gymnastics to justify some serious wtf moments this season.
  12. Camilleyun

    Camilleyun Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2014
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    If that is the only head scratcher you have with this episode, I envy you.
  13. 8307c4

    8307c4 Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    A lot of older vehicles weren't idiot proofed at the factory... Sometimes life really does throw curve balls at us one after the next, what went through my mind when that happened was "Man they just can't catch a break today" because I've had days where it's just one thing after another goes wrong, it does happen.

    As for the tire issue, I was all right with that but I did think they had to run awful far, yeah... I was thinking, I hope their Dodge they were driving earlier isn't like 50 miles up the road... Bit on the LOL side there, he must have had that tire issue right shortly after he got going.

    I am glad you call him Paul.
    #13 8307c4, Feb 22, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2016
  14. EZD

    EZD Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    I thought the flat tire thing really brought Jesus right back down to Earth after getting the best of Butch & Sundance early on,sort of reset the order of things for just a while.

    I think he was conscious while on the road back too and the entire meeting was nothing more than Jesus testing them to see who they are and how they measure up.

    I get the feeling that Jesus is in the drivers seat in almost every setting we see him in.

  15. Ricktatorship80

    Jan 14, 2013
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    The only far fetched thing to me, in a far fetched TV series, is that goetee Jesus was sporting. And maybe him being on top of the truck. lol
  16. Camilleyun

    Camilleyun Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2014
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    I think the problem I and some others have been voicing is that we know it's a show with far fetched scenarios, but up until lately, it was done so well that it didn't feel far fetched. I'm really hoping it's just a phase. I enjoyed some of the scenes from last night's episode, but to be honest, the awkwardness of the scene between Eugene and Daryl is the same vibe I'm getting from this season.
  17. QOTWD

    QOTWD Member

    Oct 21, 2013
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    The whole truck situation was off. If you're not taking the truck straight home, just leave it and take the car. Backtrack to it when done. Dont go cruisin' in the gas guzzlin motherload mobile dummies.
  18. lovethishow

    lovethishow Member

    Nov 26, 2013
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    This. Yea they should have gone directly back to Alexandria, stopped to pick up the car they were in, 1 in the truck 1 in the car. It didn't seem like they got very far from home. Honestly, I don't think they've let their guard down too much. That was a very clever trick Jesus pulled with the firecrackers and I think it could have blown over even the most experienced person's head.

    What I REALLY don't understand is WHY they went after Jesus once they saw him again! YOU HAD THE TRUCK. BE DONE WITH IT. YOU WON. But they just had to go after him.

    I feel like they weren't too sad about losing it because they are so used to loss. They've lost EVERYTHING so many times so a truck full of food and supplies i just a very minor setback to them...
  19. Camilleyun

    Camilleyun Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2014
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    Good point.
  20. DeadReckoning

    DeadReckoning Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    I never said it was the only thing, it bothered me the most.

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