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Walking Dead among the Pacifc

Discussion in 'Zombie Fan Fiction' started by rotten taint, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. rotten taint

    rotten taint Member

    Jan 9, 2015
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    Walking Dead Island Style - Chapter 1: Ocean of doubt

    Afi stood on the deck of the old battered fishing boat and dreamed about the day he wouldn't have to leave his family for months at a time. He had always wanted to be a fisherman like his father but his father had always stayed close to the local shores of Tutuila (or American Samoa as most people called it). Afi though had a wandering heart and longed to see the world like none of his family before him. It was his rare day off from deck duties on the Blue Lady and he enjoyed the salt tainted breeze as it sprayed over the deck. The warm can of Coors Light felt good as the gold liquid made its way past his parched lips. He would of preferred it cold but their small refrigerator stopped working almost as soon as the island he called home left their view. He tried to concentrate on the view and the calming roll of the ocean but his mind kept going back to what his captain had told everyone the night before; "the dead are coming back to life".....This couldn't be true. He didn't care what captain Amos said he heard on the short wave; It must be a prank or an error...The dead cannot come back to life and they certainly cannot walk... Especially in the land of his destination....The beautiful islands of Hawaii!

    Captain Amos choked back bile as he rocked back and forth on his small mattress that smelled of old vomit and piss. Old man MacDonald had never been a joker and had rode his ass for years when it came to the size of his catch; "Tuna don't run from nets you dumb ass... you just don't know how to catch fish!"... The words of MacDonald still rang in his memories from the last time he had met him in Oahu with a catch that was less than expected. He had heard fear in the old man's voice and that was one thing alone that gave him chills. He had told his 7 person crew everything that MacDonald had reported to him about the "plague" that had hit Hawaii, as the grumpy old cannery owner had put it. "The dead are coming back to life, but the living still eat fish! I don't care what kind of plague has taken over this damned island, I want you to bring your load on time...and don't be short this time"! Amos was almost to his hulls max capacity and he was proud of that; but the stories of "the dead coming back to life" chilled him to the bone and brought back primitive fears that he could not contain. He took another pull from the pint of Jim Beam; "Only the best for the Captain" he chuckled to himself, but he felt no joy in his laughter.

    Afi made his way to see Tiny. Tiny was the only one on board that actually weighed more than him. The 300 plus pound first mate sat on the stool that his bottom seemed to swallow and kept tinkering with the radio frequency. He was certainly heavier that Afi, but his body was not chiseled with layers of muscle like Afi's was either. The first mate turned and glared at the figure that entered the wheel house. He stood so tall that he had to almost bend over to not hit his head on the bulk head. His broad shoulders and deep chest never failed to bring a sense of awe from the large man known only by "Tiny". It was his grey eyes though that stood out the most...."no island boy ever looked like that" Tiny thought to himself. "Afi! You old shit bag. How you doing"? Tiny bellowed out. With no return mirth in his answer the intimidating young man walked closer and stood next to his best friend on the ship. "Well it true? Are the dead really coming back to life in Hawaii"? Tiny simply looked in his eyes without saying a word. The look on his tired, saddened eyes told Afi everything he wanted to know. "The radio has not picked up a signal in the last two hours", the first mate said grimly. Afi took a deep breath and stretched his long limbs; "I guess we shall see in a day or two, won't we Clarence"? Tiny simply nodded. Afi was the only one that called him by his given name and he was the only one that Tiny would of let get away with it. "Bro, I'm scared"; Tiny admitted. "If what the captain told us is true, we all should be"; Afi said with a small grin that didn't help Tiny feel any better.

    Richard MacDonald the third sat behind his large oak desk. The screams of his workers had died out almost an hour ago but the memory of them still echoed in his hairless skull. MacDonald, as everyone called him; held aloft the Glock .45 that he held in his big scarred hand. He thought about Patsy, his ex; and thought about how happy they were before he lost her due to the bottle and a temper that couldn't be quelled even by his loving wife. The groaning started again and he felt his bladder go.... the door that sealed off his office from the rest of the canning factory wasn't as solid as the desk he sat behind and it wouldn't be long he thought until the those undead freaks came in to make a meal out of him. "Damn it" he said aloud as he put the business end of the Glock to his mouth. A soft clicking sound was the last thing he heard. His body sat upright for several moments even as the grey and red tissue that used to be his brains decorated the wall behind him. be continued
  2. rotten taint

    rotten taint Member

    Jan 9, 2015
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    Chapter 2: Prissy & Pa Pa

    Prissy stood on the warm white sand as the salt water licked her toes. Haleiwa had been her home for almost 17 years, but now it seemed like a foreign country. Her lavalava flapped around her young thighs as the wind blew upon the warm sand like it always the world hadn't her Pa Pa hadn't died.....

    "Priscilla, get in here girl! I'm bleeding for the love of God!"; Pa Pa yelled as he came back from his trip from Wahiawa where he went every week to sell their Taro. Prissy ran in from the back yard to the small beach front home her and her Grandfather shared. She moved in there with her mother so long ago that she didn't remember exactly when she started living there. She had always loved this home though and loved the way the material of many colors and floral designs covered the windows instead of glass. She ran down the narrow hallway that lead to not only the back door but also the two small rooms the house sheltered to find her Grandfather sitting on the floor in front of the old battered couch they had purchased last year near Waikiki. "Oh my God!"; Screamed Prissy! The floor in front of her Grandfather was a pool of dark crimson blood. He held onto his right arm and she feared at first that he had been shot. "What happened Pa Pa, who shot you?"; She cried, almost screaming. "No one shot me little one...some crazy man bite me!"; Her Grandfather almost calmly explained in his pigeon english. Prissy pulled off the old rag that covered his right bicep to reveal the truth... Bite marks..Big ones! It was like someone had tried to actually bite off her Pa Pa's arm! What sort of crazy man would do this?; Prissy thought. She didn't have time to ask him before his eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out.

    Prissy finally sat down on the sand and looked around her. It had been over 16 hours since her Pa Pa had died. She was still in a state of shock she thought. Looking to her left and right she saw no other soul on the pristine beach. "Where is everyone"; she thought to her self. The beach at this time of day was usually filled with locals and haoles. Now it was dead silent. A shiver went down her spine as she buried her hands deeper in the sand but felt no warmth. Her Grandfather had seemed okay; even when he passed out. She had dragged him to the big rug that was in front of the old T.V. they owned and laid his head on a thick pillow that usually rested in his old lazy boy. She had bandaged his arm the best she could. The bleeding had stopped but that didn't stop him from having the 'fever of all fevers'. When Prissy had noticed how hot her Pa Pa had become she thought about running the half mile to the Carson's house...they were a family of Haoles that lived near them year round and thought they were islanders. Prissy thought better of it though; Pa Pa would get better and if he found out she called an ambulance or sent him to the hospital she would of never heard the end of it! "We got no insurance girl! We can't run to the white doctors for every nick and scrape!"; she could hear her Grandfather say. Prissy began to cry, she didn't even think about the T.V. or the radio. It was all for the best. She would of been scared even more if she heard the panic in the anchor-man's voice, or the terror that echo'd on every radio station that her small transistor radio would of picked up. "Damn you mom!"; she cried out loud. Prissy was still angry at her mom leaving them five years ago for some haole with pipe dreams and a convertible; "I'll come back and get you baby. After Richard and me strike it rich selling homes in Vegas" her mom had called out from the car as her and her new beau left for the airport. She would never see her mom again.

    Prissy was exhausted. She finally laid back on the sand and stared at the on coming night. She thought about her Pa Pa and the fever that had over taken him finally. She thought about listening to his chest for the sound she craved so much it hurt. She thought about closing his eyelids as they stared at everything and nothing all at once. The salt from one of her tear's was the last thing she thought about as her sorrow and exhaustion finally overtook her. She did not see the front door of the small house open; She did not see the figure slowly cross the sand as it made its way towards her. She was fast asleep and would not be awake to greet her Pa Pa and he came to the beach and close to where she lay. She was still sleeping as the lurching figure of her Pa Pa came to "lay next to her"........

    To be continued??

    #2 rotten taint, Jan 16, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
  3. rotten taint

    rotten taint Member

    Jan 9, 2015
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    Well? Do you like the first two Chapters?

    Let me know what you think...I will be just as happy to continue or stop writing....Its up to you :)
  4. rotten taint

    rotten taint Member

    Jan 9, 2015
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    Well no reply's.................:(

    Oh well; I enjoy writing stories as they come to me so I will continue on.
  5. rotten taint

    rotten taint Member

    Jan 9, 2015
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    Chapter 3: My Knight in shining.....Khakis?

    TJ walked on the beautiful white sandy beach and thought about how unfair the world had been to him. His best friend Lawrence had gotten a BMW for his 18th birthday; a convertible! All he had gotten was an acceptance letter from U of H and his parents reassurance that they would pay for all four years (as long as he truly put effort into his studies). "I cannot believe those old farts"; he cried out loud! His golden hair matched the golden hue of his sculpted young body. All the girls at the private school he attended would of swooned at the chance of going out with the "Sexy Carson boy", as many of them called him. TJ was into material things though...material things and other boys. He could never admit that to his parents though; his dad was a forefather of the anti-gay revolution from the way he carried on after a couple of chardonnays. The scream in the distance was the only thing that shocked him out of his self pity and into action. He ran towards the scream only to find that "poor Hawaiian girl" laying on the beach with what looked like her grandfather about to do some crazy old man sixty-nine with her. TJ may of been a girl born inside a boys body, but it was quite some body. He sprinted towards the screaming girl on the beach. "Just another notch in my rotten day"; he thought as he sprinted into action.

    The Blue Lady was a good 200 yards off shore and even there Afi could hear the panic and scream in a girl's voice. He pulled the binoculars off Tiny's neck; almost choking him in the process, and turned his gaze towards shore. It was amazing that they were able to even get this close to shore. Most of the time the north shore of Oahu was a land filled with giant waves and even bigger dangers. Captain Amos though had insisted they take a different route though to approach the island. With what he had heard on the radio, Pearl Harbor and all the other southern inlets were a "traffic jam" of panicked people and their vessels. "Bring us in"; Afi yelled, "There is someone in trouble!" Captain Amos scoffed from the wheel house and yelled down; "This is as far as we are going in! I don't care if it's the ghost of king Kamehameha yelling for help, we cannot risk running aground of the coral by getting any closer". Most men Afi's age would of taken that as the final word, but not Afi. Kicking off his deck shoes and stripping off his grease covered t-shirt he sprinted to the fore deck and dove over the side. Tiny ran to the railing and looked over yelling at his only friend to stop the whole time. It seemed like several minutes passed by until Tiny could see the sculpted back of his friend cutting though the water; and towards the terror on the shore.

    As TJ closed the distance between the girl struggling on the beach and the old man over her he blocked out the screams and concentrated on what his HS football coach had told the team time and time again; "When you hit them, make them remember your name". He was only a few yards from the struggling pair when he launched himself at the man who seemed intent at biting the girl who panicked beneath him. The collision was dynamic. TJ's young muscular body propelled itself at the old man's figure and knocked him clear of the girl by a good ten feet. Having the breath knocked out of him by the impact TJ was about to pat himself on the back for a job well done when he turned towards his fallen foe only to see the old man upon him in an instant. The old man's eyes reminded him of a movie he had saw a few years ago with Vin Diesel in it, Something about a convict on another planet fighting aliens. His eyes were full of light but it was an eerie light like silver in a forsaken mine. He punched at the old man's face and body as the old man tangled with him. He was certain he was winning the battle even when the old man bit into his shoulder. "Get off me you crazy old fart"; TJ screamed. TJ punched him as hard as he could muster in the side of the head and laid his head back on the warm sand as he grabbed for his painful bleeding shoulder. He was taking gulps of breath when the old man's jaws locked on his neck and made sure that the breaths he was taking would be his last.

    Prissy turned toward the nightmare on the beach; "That can't be Pa Pa", she screamed in her head. She watched though as the young Haole boy stuck her grandfather with blows that would of surely stopped any man, let alone her Pa Pa....."Wait, your dead Pa Pa.......Your Dead!" Prissy screamed. It was like a nightmare come true as she struggled to wake up from this waking dream. The figure of her 'dead' grandfather chilled her young bones as she watched him fend off blow after blow finally to lock his teeth on the neck of the young Haole boy. She felt a scream die in her throat as she saw the severed arteries spray blood onto the pristine beach. A sudden wave of nausea swept over her as she saw a vision appear from the ocean, a giant! He was soaked from head to toe and his long auburn hair was plastered to the nape of his neck. "I must be dreaming"; she thought as she saw the large young man who seemed to crawl out of the waves go up to the figure of her enraged grandfather and lift him off the fallen boy. Standing taller than any other man she had ever saw, the wet "merman" hoisted her grandfather above the ground like he was weightless. With a single punch his massive fist seem to destroy the face she thought of as her Pa Pa's. She felt waves of blackness over taking her as the large figure approached her. She had never seen a man like this. Well over six feet tall his bronze skin matched the color of his hair. He knelt down besides her and said something to her that she did not hear. Eyes the color of gold made contact with her's and the thought of a fallen angel was the last thing she remembered as darkness over took her.

    To be continued?...........
    #5 rotten taint, Jan 19, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2015
  6. Doomhed

    Doomhed Member

    Nov 11, 2013
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    keep writing. you have some really good forms and ideas there, the prose just seems a little rushed. Don't be afraid to take the time to say exactly what you need to say. you paint a pretty good picture and you do have talent.

    Don't get discouraged, just keep writing.

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