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Was Rick's action immoral ?

Discussion in 'Episode 612 - Not Tomorrow Yet' started by Shonen, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. hiddeninside

    hiddeninside Member

    Oct 24, 2016
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    Honestly - I had a big problem with this episode. It's a complete different thing to fight against someone on the battlefield or to sneak into their house and kill them in their sleep - the first is war, the second is murder. Was it immoral? In my opinion - yes, it was. But I like the writers of this episode for the courage to show this situation and confront every viewer with the question if they still "stand" with their "heroes" or turn away from them. I think, this was a moral landmark for the whole group and I really liked how differently the members acted - visibly hesitant, smitten with remorse like Glenn or surprisingly(?) cold-blooded as Rick himself.

    To understand me right - I'm not entirely content with Morgan's way either, but I think this is a dangerous path for Rick's group if they go on like that...
  2. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    In our world it would be unethical, but in their's it actually isn't. Its just what needed to be done to stay alive and protect your own. Negan's group are murderers and terrorists. They travel the countryside finding groups, murdering one or more just to 'make a point', and continuing to steal half their supplies and murder more people one-by-one whenever they aren't satisfied with the weekly amount of those supplies. They need to go, and there is no more law enforcement, courts, or jails.

    So to protect your own people they need to be taken out, and just like serial killers in our world, they don't deserve a 'fair' fight. They just need to be taken out. What Rick's group did, killing some of them in their sleep, was the absolutely right thing to do [minimized mortality to our own group. In a battle, Negan's people might have actually won, and taken out our group...why extend that opportunity to a group of homicidal terrorists?]. Where they went wrong in that action was not in their was in their strategy. They should have assessed the reality of their situation a little better first.
  3. hiddeninside

    hiddeninside Member

    Oct 24, 2016
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    That's true but we know (from the Dwight-story) that not everyone among them is there voluntarily. So, how do you know if the man you're just killing in his sleep is one of those brutal murderers or someone who is forced to obey Negan just as Rick and Daryl themselves are now? No, in my opinion, it was still the wrong way to handle the situation. But well - that might be the reason that I'm "zombie-food" and you're the "zombie-plague". ;)

    Here, I agree completely. They underestimated the Savior's power by far.
  4. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    It was the right way to handle the situation [ethically, not tactically]. No one is arguing it was perfect. No plan would be. But it was the best option giving their meager choices. The alternative's are to hide and/or run, and hope they never find you, in which case they continue to go on with their terrorizing and murder of others, and still may find you, putting your own innocent lives at risk, OR to try and fight them in a battle, in which case you know for sure you are putting the innocent lives of your own group at much higher risk, likely many of them. Whether all of Negan's followers loved their methodology or not, they still all agreed to actively be part of it. Whether out of a need for a save haven, a fear of Negan, or simply no other place to go....they still made that choice. This was the least unethical way to go about it. It was just like Lizzie with the flowers, but on steroids.
    #44 Neuropyramidal, Oct 29, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2016

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