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Who is Negan talking to and about?

Discussion in 'Episode 701 - The Day Will Come When You Won't Be' started by Duce000, Oct 26, 2016.

  1. Duce000

    Duce000 Active Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    So 2 parts of the premiere i have seen discussed have me confused.

    Part 1
    Megan says to Dwight "No, you don't kill them. Not until you try a little"

    Dwight then gives Negan a weird look. I'm guessing comic readers may have more of an understanding of why this is. The way i took it was that Negan wants to try something with Daryl. Maybe try to convert him to a savior or something else. But i have seen many people say it was actually towards Dwight saying he doesn't have the right to kill them yet. So do the saviors have some sort of ranking where only certain ppl are allowed to kill other group members? If Dwight fell out of a high position with Negan then wouldn't capturing 4 of the group members made up for it? I'm sure Negan did something to Dwight's face so does that have something to do with it?

    Part 2
    Negan tells Rick he likes Daryl cut he's not a B**** like someone he knows. I took that as he was calling Rick a B**** but i've seen others say that was another shot at Dwight. Was he talking about Rick or Dwight?
  2. RarreKZ

    RarreKZ Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2012
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    1. I think what he meant was, Daryl was pinned down to the ground, hence it would be an easy kill for Dwight. If he's gonna kill Daryl it would have to be in a fight where no one is at a disadvantage. That's what I took from it.

    2. I never thought he was talking about Dwight, but it could be possible. But in my opinion he was talking about Rick.
  3. EZD

    EZD Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    I just like the Freudian typo where you called him Megan.

    That would change things a little eh?
  4. PepperAnn

    PepperAnn Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    I was a little confused on the first part as well so I won't even touch that one. lol

    But yeah, on the second that was totally Negan mocking Rick. Bringing Dwight into would have been completely out of left field and made no sense in the context of what had been going on throughout the episode. Plus, he's talking about who in the group he likes....Rick is in that group.
  5. Midge

    Midge Member

    Apr 8, 2016
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    Pretty sure Neegan says "You don't kill THAT" pulling Daryls head back at the same moment. And by 'that' he means the passion/emotion that Daryl has shown.
  6. hiddeninside

    hiddeninside Member

    Oct 24, 2016
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    I understood two things here - first as a reference that Dwight still has to train how to use Daryl's crossbow properly. Second as some kind of respect for Rick and his group - not everyone is allowed to kill them or to play with them.

    I'm with everyone else here that this was to mock Rick (although Daryl's actions led to Glenn's death...)
  7. Jen7

    Jen7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2013
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    For the first one, I took it as Negan telling Dwight he had to prove himself before he could kill anyone, as if it's some sort of privilege. If you remember, Dwight tried to escape the Sanctuary which is when Daryl ran into him and the 2 women in the woods. So for that, I'm sure Dwight is being punished and Negan is making him suffer and "earn" his way back in. I wonder what the marks are on his face ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) hint hint.

    I think this is our first clue that the Saviors aren't necessarily willing participants.
  8. HondaS2kXD

    HondaS2kXD Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    1. He sees Daryl has fight in him and wants to try and break him and make him a Savior.

    2. Dwight's a bitch. Gregory's a bitch. Kyle's mom's bitch. She's a bitch bitch bitch. She's the biggest bitch there ever was.
  9. mtamborra

    mtamborra Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    the whole episode was about Negan making Rick his bitch...this has nothing to do with dwight...Dwight is already his bitch so there is nothing new there
  10. Jen7

    Jen7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2013
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    Yes but that one comment was toward Dwight, which was one of the questions the OP asked.
  11. Miamicuse

    Miamicuse Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I also think the second comment was about Dwight, and after watching The Cell tonight I am more convince it was a shot at Dwight.

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