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Why was the roof leaking?

Discussion in 'Episode 407 - Dead Weight' started by Ania, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. fruitfulandgay

    fruitfulandgay Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2013
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    it looked like a bullet hole to me. i don't know why they have drips. there is no rain. why do you think they have a leak?
  2. mistymage

    mistymage Member

    Nov 19, 2012
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    We have a nice lil pop-up trailer. The ends open up with canvas tops, the middle has a queen sized bed. I "enjoy" camping in it even when we camp at the place that is downhill from a cemetery. I _always_ have zombie attack dreams when we camp there. But it does have the best catfishing! (The river bends just right.)

    Anyhoo... we have a hole where the antennae auto goes up and down. Now my honey has sealed that hole. From the outside. So the antennae can still pull in the local channels (nothing like a tornado when you have a choice between the bathhouse or driving home).

    But a bullet hole (or whatever caused that hole) will drip. And I believe during the summer Georgia gets rain... far more than what we in the Midwest get. I bet they get morning dew even.. which disappears comes late June here and doesn't show back up until late November (as frost on the outside car windows and on the grass.)
  3. mtito914

    mtito914 Active Member

    Aug 27, 2013
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    After rewatching this morn I felt the same thing.. The Gov can't deal with a mundane life...
  4. tink

    tink Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2013
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    I think it was just a plot device to show how far his accommodations had fallen, and that he wants to provide for his family and yet he is forced to live in this shitty little trailer where the roof leaks, while right up the road is a really nice prison.

    But yeah, it was a stupid addition since it wasn't actually raining, and the leak was really bad. So where did all that water come from? Nobody knows...
  5. WalkingDog

    WalkingDog Member

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Yeah totally bro, this is how life works, it doesn't rain and then the roof leaks. Great post, so deep.

    Actually he chose both, to be the Governor and help his loved ones.
  6. Shane's Brainz

    Mar 19, 2013
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    I dont know about Georgia much, but here it rains sometimes during summer and stops and its sunny and nice as if it hadnt rained at all other then some water here and there, the mud with the zombies stuck would tell me at some point it had rained, we just hadnt seen it. I think showing a scene of rain would of been more pointless then the scene of him trying to repair the hole. Rain happens, leaks happen. The point of showing him repairing it to me was him still struggling with being "normal" or at least viewing himself as "changed" and caring for this new found family. Which fit into him killing Martinez because he was talking too much about the "old" gov. I think to some extent the Gov is still fooling himself into thinking he is changed and that his actions are for the better good of his new "family"
  7. Edgar Flint

    Edgar Flint New Member

    May 7, 2014
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    I thought this was an important insight into the Governor's character. As other people have said, first and foremost it is designed to draw a comparison between the living conditions of the camp and Woodbury. However, it also gives us a window into the mind of the man. Think about it - the world they live in allows two types of successful people to survive: the easy route is to be the strongest and most ruthless, to take what you want. The second much harder route is to use ingenuity and hard work to ensure survival (like Rick prefers to do). Clearly, the governor would rather take the first route. The scene with the duct tape shows that even though the governor wants to reinvent himself as a hard-working family man, he is doomed to fail.

    Think about it - duct tape is a very impractical solution to a simple problem. Duct tape wouldn't really do much at all to fix a leak - a dedicated domestic man would have found a more pragmatic and permanent solution to the problem: he would have climbed onto the roof and addressed the problem in an effective way. The governor may be a deviously intelligent leader, but in some ways he lacks common sense and opts to fix simple problems with force, rather than cunning. Another thing it shows is that leadership, pride, and ego has really gone to his head. Too high and mighty to demean himself by fixing a roof, instead he doesn't even bother and tries to take someone else's roof instead.

    The duct tape was ultimately a sign to us, the audience, that the Governor's attempt to reinvent himself as "Brian" was going to fail. It was very sad to me that he ultimately couldn't overcome his inner dictator to allow himself to become a good man. I think he would have succeeded if he would have just stayed on the road with his new family instead of adopting the position of leader again, and allowing his old grudges to rule him (there were plenty of other options than taking the prison).

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