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WOW what an episode!

Discussion in 'Episode 209 - Triggerfinger' started by Zambi, Feb 19, 2012.

  1. Hawaiian Shirt Zombie

    Hawaiian Shirt Zombie Active Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Nah, I'm pissing on Shane because he's a delusional, pathetic character with absolutely no tact whatsoever. I'm actually beginning to feel sorry for him.
  2. Maggie

    Maggie Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    Excellent reminder. I had forgotten just how clearly he truly supported Rick at this moment. It's easy to forget the stuff he does right, when looking at the stuff he does wrong.

    As my Great Gramma-Mary said: One day of bad behavior undoes One month of good behavior. Thank you for this.
  3. Roman'sRevenge

    Roman'sRevenge Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    First off I have been reading the compendium and Shane hardly is a blip on the radar in it. Then there is this I might have thought something of Shane in the beginning and the good he tried to do. But now where he stands and what he has done wrong so outweighs the good.As if to be null and void.As Shane's character has moved forward he has become brash and egotistical. A neanderthal. He has little disregard for anyone who has a difference of opinion and a bully to those who he believes to be wrong and not fall into his way of thinking and doing things. Yes maybe he does things that are deemed right in his eyes but like Lori it is how they say it and their tact. And now Shane is just a desperate delusional man with nothing left to lose so he now chooses to go out with both guns blazing. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that is fine. But I did this same dance with another poster here and other boards before and I refuse to do so again. Waste of time and energy.
  4. OFC. Friendly

    OFC. Friendly Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    If you can, imagine Shane only amplified 10x over - honestly, that is what the "new world" would turn into - everyone trying to survive and doing it by any means. I believe Shane would come to this realization sooner than most, giving the group an advantage as everyone would know what needs to be done, just not willing to do it as Shane would take the action necessary to protect the group - although everyone would try to hold onto humanity as long as possible, that would ultimately be their downfall, right or wrong.

    It may seem as though he would only react in this manner to protect Lori and Carl - eventually, he would realize no one but those you started with can be trusted and be a real asset.

    Yes, I do feel disgusting typing this, but i think it is more true to how life woudl be....
  5. boutte

    boutte Active Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    A couple of things things about Shane that tell me he is a danger to others:

    The beating he doles out to Carol's husband. A sock in the jaw followed by a laying down of the law would have been appropriate. Beating a man half to death and having to be pulled off before you could finish the job shows a lack of control and poor judgement.

    Sexually assaulting your best friends wife is inexcusable. Meaning no excuse! None nada zilch! Or any other woman for that matter.

    Taking aim at that friends head and really considering pulling the trigger doesn't exactly scream good guy. I can see the thought popping into his mind but the fact that he didn't immediately think "No, that's just crazy." tells all you need to know about where this guys head is at.

    All the other stuff is a little more ambiguous but these three things should tell you he isn't a "good guy".
  6. Roman'sRevenge

    Roman'sRevenge Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    After re - watching the scene between Shane and Lori. He is truly delusional thinking that she was never going to tell Rick her husband about their sexcapade in the woods. When Rick returned to camp he and Lori made love. And again in the shower at the CDC they made love. Did Shane really think Lori was just going to fantasize about him and never have sex or want to get back together with her husband that she loves and has chosen over him. And his reaction spineless coward he was never going to or planning to tell his so called best friend and " Brother". What a piece of work Shane is. His true colors finally showing and what kind of man he really is.
  7. Casca910

    Casca910 Active Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    If Randall knew how to shoot Hershal would be dead. Randall missed, by a lot, at less than 100 feet. A hamster could have made that shot.
  8. marsyao

    marsyao Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    That is not true, when Lori told him that she already told Rick, Shane immediately guess Lori told Rick the reason they had that affair was that she thought she was widowed, world went to hell, so that she needed some comfort and the whole thing was a big mistake. Then Lori told him that was exactly what she told Rick, this answer, not the fact Lori told Rick, hurt him deeply, and he obviously left heartbroken. Actually that was not entirely true, if you watched the episode "Secret", Lori just admitted to Rick that she slept with Shane, and it was Rick, not Lori, pointed out "You thought I was dead".
    #108 marsyao, Feb 23, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
  9. marsyao

    marsyao Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    The people Randall shot at were Rick and Glenn, Hershel was hidden in the doorway, I never say Randall is a sharpshooter or something, I just say he know how to use a rifle, and do you remember that he did nailed a few roamer at the begging of the episode when those three just arrive in the town?
  10. Roman'sRevenge

    Roman'sRevenge Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    Shane's response was " Is that what you told him"? Implying she wasn't supposed to say anything to Rick. Shane sure as hell was never going to man up and admit and apologize to Rick what he had done. He just keeps carrying that secret.
  11. marsyao

    marsyao Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    "Is that what you told him" means what he cares is the way Lori portrait their affair to Rick, I do not believe Shane thinks he has anything to apology to Rick, in the next episode when Rick tells Shane what he think of the affair, you will see Shane's response. The interesting thing here is that Lori did not tell Rick the way what Shane guessed, here Lori told Shane a lie so that she could hurt him, and indeed Shane was deeply hurt.
  12. Casca910

    Casca910 Active Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    You're right (I just rewatched that episode), Hershal was blocked by a dumpster. But we never saw if Randal & co. hit any walkers and if they did (probably had to or they would've had walkers all over them) which of them hit. Still, less than 100 feet... A hamster could make that shot with a rifle.
  13. marsyao

    marsyao Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    They did, when Rick, Hershel and Glenn tried to sneak out the bar, they heard gunshots, and ducked down again, then outside the bar, one man asked "what happened", Randall answered "There are roamers, I nailed them"
    I never say Randal shot as good as Rick or Shane, but he could be at the same level as Glenn or T-dogs
    #113 marsyao, Feb 23, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
  14. z0mbi3 k1ng

    z0mbi3 k1ng Member

    Nov 27, 2011
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    His character is a lot more complex than any other. If you take it all on the surface, he's a complete moron and pretty unsympathetic dude. So I have a different view than most when thinking about some of his actions.

    But with the Lori thing, you're right, it's delusional and pathetic. Why is he being an emo teenager about it? When Rick came back he should have just let it go. She's married to his best friend and let's face it, she's not much of a catch to begin with. If he needs a good piece of ass, Andrea has proven her value in that area and she's hotter anyway.
    #114 z0mbi3 k1ng, Feb 24, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2012
  15. Zambi

    Zambi Active Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    This complexity that you point out, I think is why he gives me a wide range of actions. There are some things I do not blame him for, other things I feel sorry for him about, and yet other things that I look at him as an asshole for. Even the barn yard incident that I think was foolish, when it first happened, and in spite of what I think, there is something about it that I can't fully blame him for.
  16. Roman'sRevenge

    Roman'sRevenge Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    Did it ever occur to Shane with all his concern for Lori and the baby he at some point could have caused her to miscarry the baby. She was in an car accident and fought off 2 walkers and all the stress of worrying about the safety of her husband.What does he do say out loud about her having a baby.Could have caused her undo stress. What a prick.
  17. Rapscallion

    Rapscallion Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2011
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    If Lori has a miscarriage, Shane will just blame Rick; blaming him from keeping the group from Ft. Benning and its doctors and security. :zombies_nosmile:
  18. Zambi

    Zambi Active Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    Shanes Pipe dream ala carte

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