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Comments on Profile Post by Rapscallion

  1. ShaneFan
    I hope they beat the mess out of the NY Yankees! didn't hear that from me....!!
    Mar 22, 2017
    Rapscallion likes this.
  2. Rapscallion
    I hope so. I think the Sox will go far this season.
    Mar 22, 2017
    ShaneFan likes this.
  3. ShaneFan
    I'm sure they will. They're a very good team.
    Mar 22, 2017
    Rapscallion likes this.
  4. Rapscallion
    You route for the Mets right? I was too young to understand what the World Series was back in 1986. LOL.
    Mar 22, 2017
    ShaneFan likes this.
  5. ShaneFan
    Yeah, I do. I mean, I'm glad when either Yankees or Mets get it, as both are NY teams. But I find that the Yankees tend to be full of themselves. A pastor in my old church once said "Any (wo) man can be a Yankee's fan, it takes a real (wo)man to be a Mets fan!" I thought that was so funny. They haven't won the World Series in so long. I was too young back then too...prolly only 5 years old.
    Mar 22, 2017
    Rapscallion likes this.
  6. Rapscallion
    Well, since the Red Sox have won 3 championships this century, I wish your Mets luck. Maybe our teams will compete in the World Series.
    Mar 22, 2017
    ShaneFan likes this.
  7. ShaneFan
    Yeah, the Sox have won quite a lot! Thank you. I hope they'd be very nice to see that. That'd be great if our teams met at the World Series!
    Mar 22, 2017
    Rapscallion likes this.
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