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[Spoiler] 10-17 Q and A (from WATF)

Discussion in 'The Walking Dead Spoilers' started by Tony Davis, Feb 27, 2021.

  1. Tony Davis

    Tony Davis Administrator
    Staff Member

    May 4, 2013
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    Official WATF 10x17 "Home Sweet Home" Q & A
    1. Does Maggie forgive Negan by the end of the episode? No, they only really see each other once, kind of twice (he sees her again at the end but they don't look at each other). Does Maggie say anything to Negan? Not a word.
    2. Who are the 2 men with Maggie? Maggie introduces them as "her people", Cole and Elijah. Her and Hershel have been living in their community - but the village has been lost. They need a new home.
    3. What are Daryl and Kelly doing in the scene we've seen in the promo pics? Daryl has just gone a little ahead on his own, after viewing what was left of Hilltop with Maggie, Carol and Maggie's new people. Kelly runs up from behind as he's walking through the woods and asks to come with him, and to "keep an eye out for Connie?" <fist bump> They walked the rest of the group out towards getting the rest of their people (where they are camped out), and they all head off together, Kelly with a map in hand. The group is still together, just spaced out. Daryl continues to communicate with Kelly in ASL.
    4. Will Connie be mentioned? She is, in the first few minutes by Kelly to Daryl. Again, Kelly is looking for her (see extras below). Also, Maggie asks Daryl, is Kelly's sister still out there? He replies, "I don't know - I hope so - went looking for her so many times". Maggie and Kelly talk Connie as well later in the episode, Kelly explains how she was a surprise baby and Connie kept an eye on her, even "once she had her own life - she shared it with me"
    5. Does Dog get to say hi to Maggie, Elijah, and Cole? Doggo is not in this episode, so I took out all the questions about him. Sorry
    6. Do any notable Alexandrians besides Kelly appear in this episode? Lydia and Nabila are in the first few minutes, a few others but it goes by really fast. Barbara and Lydia again, at the end (in ASZ)
    7. Do we get any flashbacks with Maggie? No flashbacks, just stories like taking Hershel to an old place by the ocean, one where she and Glenn used to talk about going to but he never made it. She talks about Hershel playing in the waves and watching the sunrise with him. The pain on Maggie's face as she says Glenn's name, and talks about Hershel's granddaddy is so sad.
    8. How does Hershel get rescued? He escaped from the Reaper, somehow, and climbed a tree. When Maggie and Daryl get near his location he hits her (gently) on the head with an acorn (or small rock), she looks up and we get the cutest "HEY MOM!"
    9. Is there any friction between Maggie and Carol? When they are together in the first few minutes, it's literally "hey", but Maggie is like that with Daryl as well. What’s the situation like between Maggie and Carol by the end of the episode? After Carol admits she let Negan out, the look on Maggie's face is heartbreaking - she feels so betrayed by the look on her face but she does soften and thank Carol for telling her. In the last scene of the episode, they see each other again but no conversations happen - ASZ has a hole in the side, a "present the whisperers left behind" so that kind of takes priority.
    10. Why does Kelly have Daryl's crossbow? When the group finally closes in on a Reaper, Kelly has Daryl's crossbow in hand, aimed at him.
    11. Does Maggie see what's left of Hilltop? Yes, and it's heartbreaking (for me to see too)
    12. What do we find out about the unseen threat? Yes, it's people called "the Reapers", they are the ones who attacked and destroyed the village Maggie and her people came from. They are efficient, brutal killers - in a gilly suit and towering over Daryl, one tosses Daryl like a rag doll. When one is cornered, he blows himself up, right after saying "Pope marked you" ???
    13. Is this threat trying to find Maggie and her new friends? Yes, when the group comes up on the place where the rest of Maggie's people were, burned up and people dead, Cole clearly says "Shit - it's them, they found us."
    14. Do we see the shots of whoever is stalking through the woods with their blades out in better context? Cole has some pretty badass blades, and we see them in use when this group clears a warehouse looking property, for somewhere to settle for the night. (Not sure if that's what you meant?)
    15. Does Maggie have a suitor or an implied future romance with any of the soldiers she's with? Um, no. Maggie's entire presence is for Hershel and her people right now.
    16. Do we get any answers to related to what happened to Georgie since 8x12? They were using the info they had to help other groups, it was going "for awhile". Maggie explains that a couple of summers ago Georgie heard about a town out west, so she and the twins went that way, Maggie doesn't know what happened after that.
    17. Do we see Connie or Magna this episode? No, we don't see Connie or Magna.
    18. What is the overall reaction to Maggie's return? We don't see a reaction, really. She's already there and seems pretty welcome as if she never left. Daryl does tell her "I'm glad you're here", it's very sweet. Is it stated or implied she intends to stay? She showed up looking for a new home, it's stated in the first few minutes and by the end of the episode, she has clearly decided to stay. Is anyone upset with Maggie for leaving them for so many years? Nope.
    19. Does Maggie make any reference to The Commonwealth or CRM? No
    20. Now that everyone knows Rick might be alive, anyone else want to go look for him? Other than Judith's mention below, Rick isn't mentioned, neither is Michonne.
    A few extra I wanted to note:
    *We don't get our normal, "previously on AMC's The Walking Dead", instead we get a very thoughtful and well worded prologue from Lydia herself, over a montage of past scenes - even Michonne on the boat...
    *Maggie tells Judith - "You are your mother's daughter", and to the she sweetly replies, "My dad's too"
    *Carol's starting to show what I can only call, guilt. Daryl tells her she didn't have to fess up about releasing Negan and she tell him, yes she did - she owed Maggie that much. It's only a small exchange but Carol looks quite pained, with tears in her eyes most of the conversation.
    *Elijah is very, very protective over Maggie. Not in a bad way, but looking after her way. And when he removes his mask when Kelly asks, you can tell he's scared, his lip is trembling.
    *When the group has split (Daryl and Maggie in one group - Elijah, Cole and Kelly in the other), Daryl comes up on a young girl with a spear, from behind and holds a knife to her throat - Maggie tells him "She's with us", when Daryl lets her go and the girl stares at him, he mutters "Sorry" and it's pretty funny.
    *When I saw little Hershel grin, I immediately started crying, it was like Glenn beaming down on us.
    *After the group wakes up from an over night stay at an abandoned warehouse type property for the night, Daryl notices Kelly, who was supposed to be on watch, is missing. She has gone off on her own to look for Connie. As Kelly is poking around an abandoned truck she sees what looks like a blanket on top of the truck, as she climbs up to look Maggie grabs her foot and she startles her, then proceeds to get angry telling her "you can't just go off by yourself like that!". Daryl calmly tells her, "her sister's missing". Elijah jumps to the top of the truck and tosses the blanket looking thing down (it could be a large jacket, I didn't pause). Maggie tells Kelly, "he just lost his too" as he tosses the things up there, to the ground. Kelly excitedly picks up a notebook only to be let down, looking up at Daryl he tells her in ASL "it's not her, come on", Kelly's so sad.

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