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[513]- Complaints and Criticisms

Discussion in 'Episode 513 - Forget' started by Neuropyramidal, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. sam12six

    sam12six Member

    Mar 3, 2013
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    It tickles me how so many people are outraged over a little peck on the cheek. I've given my buddy's wife a peck on the cheek while she sat on my lap and we watched a porno and even he didn't get this upset. If people are so emotionally invested in Rick, shouldn't they be happy for him? For the first time in 5 seasons, he's found a female who is interested in him (as opposed to one who grits her teeth and endures his attention because she doesn't want him to kill her like he did her man). Let the man have his fun.

    Since I'd feel like I've left something out if I didn't nitpick, I'll point out that it is strange how strictly regulated the consumption of chocolate is in comparison to the way bullets are wasted wholesale on the extermination of tiny groups of zombies.
  2. hansonhowell

    hansonhowell Member

    Nov 13, 2014
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    Because no one can resist the lure of the Murder House maid. haha
  3. CheesyBirdMess

    CheesyBirdMess Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2014
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    The cinematography for this episode was weird in a lot of places, I felt. Like you mentioned the screen splatter. Also the party scenes with the blur. It made it all seem very dream-like.
  4. CheesyBirdMess

    CheesyBirdMess Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2014
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    I'm not opposed to him falling for someone. But not just anyone, and certainly not butchering his character along the way, making him do things he wouldn't normally do. Also, not within 3 days and literally two talks that lasted about 15 minutes. Plus she's married and we've had no real signs that her relationship isn't solid - just that her husbands slightly douchey. It just screams of Lori/Shane all over and I just can't accept Rick would go there after his experiences.

    My biggest issue that it's drama for the sake of drama now, and it comes off very 'soap opera' and melodramatic. They seemingly haven't got any other plots or ways to add drama, or any more stories to tell in this world - so it's back to the tired old clichés.
  5. zombiemom62

    zombiemom62 Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2014
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    I keep thinking back to the conversation between Shane and Rick, and how Rick didn't have any game and lived vicariously through Shane's sexcapades. And it's not like he hasn't had access to women since Lori died. So I keep coming up with him being so OOC as to be blinded by sexual tension and go after a married woman, & he has lost it so bad, that what he wants he just sets out to take OR is he playing them to further his own agenda. Trying to establish a relationship with Jessie to find out what he can about Alexandria. Either way there will be some pissed off people from Team Prison, what he is doing is going to cause problems for those tying to fit in. My only other thoughts are if he is loosing it and he's seeing the first actual mother/child interaction since Lori died, and it's in this normal place, like he and Lori wanted to live, and he is some how thinking Jessie would make a good mom for his kids. His actions were a real mystery though, and I would rather there be something more devious behind them then just hormones.
  6. Stealth

    Stealth Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    I can understand where people would be critical of the scene, but it doesn't bother me in the same way. I think they've gone to some length in making Rick out to be PTSD. He's like a guy that has returned from war and doesn't know how to switch gears. He's also ridden the crazy train before back at the prison.
  7. Melo

    Melo Active Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    not enough rosita's cleavage
  8. Benrai2k

    Benrai2k Active Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    When Carol smashed Ed's head in we got blood splatter on the screen.
  9. Kayley

    Kayley Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Alright, that was the WORST episode ever!!!
    Boring and dumb! And what is Daryl doing befriending a guy he just met? That is so out of character, it hurts!
    What is the shit about those stamps? Is there anything more childish than marking oneself with a letter?

    Sasha and Carol were the only ones I liked this episode.
    Everything else just sucked!
  10. Benrai2k

    Benrai2k Active Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    The stamps were some kind of symbolism to the hunters when they drew the bloody red A on the wall.But not sure of the correlation exactly. Rick's kiss/hand on gun moment should have occured after he knows Pete is abusive.
  11. Marc

    Marc Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Yeah! :( I hope she was a nicer lady to them!
  12. Marc

    Marc Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I am not sure what to say. This episode was pretty much another filler. Those are needed but we had plenty this season!
  13. JEA13

    JEA13 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
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    I would eat their cookies.
  14. StoryLine

    StoryLine Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    Except for Daryl and Carol, everybody else were overacting... seemed like none of them had any clarity on what they were supposed to do.

    Sasha is a hopeless actress, not sure why she still on the show.
    #114 StoryLine, Mar 9, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2015
  15. westwingnut

    westwingnut Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2013
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    I miss the good old days when all the kissing was between gay men.
  16. zombiemom62

    zombiemom62 Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Just like I thought last week, they understand each other, both are outsiders, and Daryl can tell the good from the bad. He sees Aaron and Eric as good, if not, he wouldn't have sat down at the dinner table with them. They are the reason he didn't take the gun, he's trying, and it would be a betrayal to deceive them. He is going to be recruiting with Aaron, as a team, he better trust him, and vise versa, or one of them will be dead. The scenes in the woods, showed us Aaron is capable and they had each others backs. Daryl could care less about Aaron and Erics sex life and they could care less about his redneckness. They all seem pretty honest to me, what you see is what you get.
  17. zombiemom62

    zombiemom62 Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2014
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    If you didn't, you might end up beyond the wall tied to a tree, of course, if you do eat their 'cookies' you could still end up that way. lol
  18. Screaminleeman

    Nov 24, 2014
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    I find it outrageous that all the interviewing to align members to the best job fitting them that Alexandria seems to employ, they somehow come up with the most obese member of the group of hundreds to "ration" the food.

    Just reminds me too much of Sallie Struthers on that episode of South Park where she stoll all of the Twinkies intended for the starving Biafrians!

    50 Cent would have even done a better job than Deanna picking this roll for the group!
  19. Sammy01

    Sammy01 Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    I pretty much hated this episode.

    The Carol scene with the kid was so awkward, Carol has done bad things but always done them for the greater good or the greater good in her eyes and with remorse (like killing Lizzie) so for her to just openly threaten a kid was just awkward to watch. Not to mention the whole scene was pretty poor. It would have been much more interesting to have her close the window after herself and have the boy watch her through the window her notice him and him run away when she went towards the window. It would have actually been a bit of an interesting plot then, what does Carol do next, has he told his mum etc.

    Also why was Carol sneaking weapons out then handing them out, just hide them somewhere in the ASZ tell Rick and Daryl where they are and let them go and get one themselves. To sneak guns out to sneak them back in was just stupid.

    Rick well that kiss was just so randomly not needed and neither is his coming relationship with Jessie. It felt so out of character and it would have been much better and made more sense to have had her come onto him.

    Buttons being killed just seemed like the writers going 'shit we know this episode has absolutely nothing gory in it lets have walkers rip into a horse'.

    Sasha I don't think the story of her struggling to adjust is a bad one, it should be one they are all having tbh, but the execution is just woeful. A more interesting plot would be her going outside the walls putting herself in increasingly more and more danger to feel the life she knows and is now used to. It could have also made for a more interesting gory scene than the horse being eaten.

    Apart from the horse I liked the Daryl scenes but mainly because Aaron seems a believable character. Daryl stayed true to his character of being loner-ish and not just jumping ship.

    The more the story goes on the more of a mess it seems already. Rick and Michonne are the police, yet we saw that guy who went in for a gun and the black guy with him who offered to teach Carol how to shoot. So he is can shoot and seemed helpful, not to mention Aaron made 2 head shots and is adapt at being outside the wall, yet obviously they had no one to be the police till Michonne with a sword turned up.

    Again having so many characters now means we didn't see or hear from half the original group and even plot lines from ASZ people that started last week have to completely be forgotten for an ep (the girl going outside the wall).

    The only really interesting plot I can see is the W on the forehead. The only character of any worth so far seems to be Aaron.

    Spencer is hot, but I'm sure the way he is being portrayed he is going to be killed before the season is out.
  20. Doomhed

    Doomhed Member

    Nov 11, 2013
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    I think it was a personality based decision, and the lady said she is up at the crack ass of dawn, so she is ready to be there early.

    Also, your name is absolutely hilarious, as I tell my children to stop being scremin leemans all the time. Also, it was "Ethernopians"

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