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[611] Complaint and Criticisms!!!

Discussion in 'Episode 611 - Knots Untie' started by Neuropyramidal, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    Everyone whose panties tend to knot, post your gripes here.
  2. GrungeMan

    GrungeMan Active Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Horrible episode. I can't believe they did a 90 minute long bottle episode about Fr. Gabriel's prayer circle. I'm quitting the show.
  3. BatmansHooker

    BatmansHooker Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
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    There is no goddamn way I would ever complain about this. Can it please happen? Please please please
  4. GrungeMan

    GrungeMan Active Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Even though I threw this out as a fake complaint, I would low key watch this episode and enjoy it haha
  5. westwingnut

    westwingnut Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2013
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    Needs more character development. I loved this show four years ago but not anymore. It feels more like a comic book than a TV show.

    And I can't stand the juveniles who need to post joke complaints before the episode airs. Geez, grow up, people.
  6. VickGrimes

    VickGrimes Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2015
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    Not enough Rick with a special shoutout to the complainers who complain about the fake complaints in the complaint thread.
  7. Dnae

    Dnae Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
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    Never enough Rick (see episode 10 and the hint of his arse....proof of not enough Rick)

    Also now begins the not enough Jesus complaint, and no Fr Gabriel's prayer circle does NOT count!
  8. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Who knew that Hilltop was back in Georgia. They should of had it on the other side of DC.

    Seriously - complaining in the complaint thread, about complaints. I'm going to complain.
  9. zombiemom62

    zombiemom62 Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Not enough complaints.
  10. WalkingBuckeye

    WalkingBuckeye Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    I thought that the roughly 17 minutes of the actual show were pretty good. If only they'd had more commercials.
  11. sheryden

    sheryden Member

    Apr 23, 2015
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    I will say that I'm way past my quota of seeing Abraham in a "sexy" scene with Rosita. Way past.
  12. westwingnut

    westwingnut Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2013
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    Scenes between Abraham and Sasha won't be much of an improvement.

    ETA: I forgot to add that the show needs more character development. I loved this show four years ago but not anymore. It feels more like a comic book than a TV show.

    And I can't stand the juveniles who need to post joke complaints before the episode airs. Geez, grow up, people. If you're going to post pre-show complaints, make them super-serious like mine. That's how I got the green bar, plus a shout-out from [MENTION=75261]VickGrimes[/MENTION].
    #12 westwingnut, Feb 29, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2016
  13. sam12six

    sam12six Member

    Mar 3, 2013
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    First, I want to complain on behalf of poor Abraham. Lord knows once she's stationed at her new post 70 yards away, he'll never see Sasha again. The heartfelt goodbye tugged at my heartstrings so much I had to immediately run across the street and have sex with the little Latin chick who lives there. Stay strong, Red.

    I want to complain about big ass, knee deep mudholes. Why leave something like that outside your fort? You just know some idiot's going to drive an RV into it and get stuck. Assholes.

    I want to complain about Negan. I'm already quite sick of him.

    When they had the meeting and decided to make spears for the guys on the 25 foot tall wall, someone should probably have raised a hand and said, "Ummm, should we make bows too?"

    I want to complain about Gregory. How is it that only one person stabbed him in this episode? If Natalie had removed his testicles and put them in her purse next to Glenn's, he'd have respected her more.

    I want to complain that when the zombie apocalypse happened, all the farms and gardens in the very rural area they're running around stopped producing crops, forcing them to be mercenaries. I feel bad for everyone at Alexandria. The counted guns they don't use and had a hall monitor watching 6 bars of chocolate, but no one realized they were running out of actual food. It's too bad the 3 years since the almost complete eradication of humans didn't result in a population of deer and cattle so dense you could walk across Georgia on their backs. Ah, if only nature worked that way...

    I can't wait until the season finale. I'm calling it now: Abe will beat Glenn to death with a can of chili and kidnap Maggie's kid to live in the woods and play house with Daryl. To add to the drama, Judith will learn to walk, take a step to the right and cause Carl to run around the neighborhood screaming that she's gone, reminding everyone of Lori.
  14. Jen7

    Jen7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2013
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    I could take or leave the Abrosasha love triangle.
  15. JEA13

    JEA13 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
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    I think Eugene got tired of watching them too.
  16. Lilliam

    Lilliam Active Member

    Nov 25, 2015
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    You are one sick person and I loved this!
  17. walkon

    walkon Active Member

    Mar 25, 2014
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    I found myself wondering how they were going to do against Negan when Rick and Abraham couldn't each handle their own opponents without outside help. Was this the Rick who was ferocious enough to rip out the throat of of a man with his bare teeth.. . . alas, now needing a womans help to dispatch a lesser opponent? Michone makes Rick look weak.
  18. raynman

    raynman New Member

    Oct 19, 2015
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    I have to say that I agree with the smart-ass complaints. I spend less and less time checking this thing out because of the smartass kids snickering in the back thinking they're cool and funny.

    So how about some substance instead of snark? Think some of you might be up for it?

    Here's my complaints...and, who knows, maybe even some sideways praise (if it's possible).

    1. So Rick's group is running out of food and everything was fine before? How's this? They've cut their population by more than half..their food supply effectively doubled and their maintenance demand dropped 50%. Not much time can have passed...the tomato plants haven't budded yet (first harvest is usually around 80-90 days after planting).

    2. Rick was awful fast on the draw to commit to taking out Negan. New Group guy says he's seen groups of 20. The group that tried to snatch the fuel truck was only taken out because they had a very lucky find in their anti-tank rocket (don't get me started with how they managed to take out an area target with a directed-energy explosive)--that produced a very improbable result.

    3. While we're speaking of people who little or nothing about the military...two questions arise. Don't they have one person who's supposed to have some idea of military tactics (Sgt Abraham Ford)? Why is there so little evidence that someone who understands military tactics? How is it that every group that's been evidenced has had a number of people with military background...and that's all Rick's got to speak for? Does anyone realize that the words "I shit you not..." usually either precede or follow the biggest bullshit story you've ever heard?

    4. It would have been a much better argument to combine the groups and put Gregory where he the kitchen scrubbing pots and pans. It's obvious he's only leader because the rest are a bunch of mental midgets.

    4. I would have known something was wrong with the hilltop immediately. Those walls and two guys with spears guarding only the gate? "They're here"...and we just found out a few minutes earlier that those windows can see "for miles and miles"? As soon as the "survivors" returned to the hilltop and I heard that the "drop" was light...I would have realized immediately this group was paying someone tribute...and they had been hiding information from me.

    5. Back to that "military thinking again": So they're going to jump in the armored mobile home, add two people they don't know to their strike force (both unarmed) and take out a group of unknown size and strength WITH THEIR SCOUTING PARTY? What the HELL? "Sgt Abraham Ford" has nothing to offer? Seems to me like the first step would be to return to home base, prepare for war, analyze whatever information they can glean from the "new guys, and prepare a reconnoiter to finalize a rational plan for an assault (defenders have a 3:1 advantage against START with).

    6. My suspension of disbelief is already being tasked beyond capacity by the zombie disease being transmitted with a single bite while bathing in zombie blood has no effect at all...and zombie skulls that can be penetrated by a wide-bladed knife by placing it against said skull and giving it a medium push (I'm thinking of the upper body strength of women).

    7. The big fight scene? Really? Rick's Badass Rangers™ sure didn't put up the type of fight I'd be advertising as my "go out and kill the bad guys skillz"--against a guy with a knife and two with spears. In fact, after seeing that, had Rick told ME he was "going to kill the bad guys" my first response probably would have been to laugh in his face.

    Personally? I'm getting tired of these episodes that provide 10-15 minutes of real development and story-telling...and fill the rest with stupid crap like the extended bumping-ugly scene with Abraham and his (now, apparently) side-squeeze. If I wanted to see old flabby guys f*ck I'd have a camera in my own damned bedroom.

    This show is starting to show all the hallmarks of today's Science Fiction I'm learning to truly hate. They can't make a story that's concise, realistic, and logical that stands on its own. They've got to drag it out with cheap cliff-hangers (which they often resolve with unrealistic or illogical ways).

    Rick's crew should be dead after the Prison attack. The only think needed was that tank with a working machine gun (which it had...believing they found an uploaded tank with live main gun ammo is a bit of a stretch for me). Give me that tank alone a nd I would have taken down their fence, knocked down the guard towers, and broken an entry into the prison...and THEN backed off a bit and picked them off one at a time. Does anyone understand what it takes to stop a 7.62mm round? Let's just say you don't use a car door (or even four or five of them) as a shield.

    At this point, I'm watching it because I bought the season through Amazon (I don't watch broadcast or cable television). I'm pretty much at the point of letting it die and I'm not even sure I'll bother to watch the last show of the season...depending on how things go. It's already pretty obvious to me it's going to be a Negan cliff-hanger...and I'm tired of waiting until the next season to see the next three or four hours of "real" storytelling spread over 14-14.4 hours of playing time (thank GOD I don't have to put up with commercials!).
    #18 raynman, Feb 29, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2016
  19. Sammy01

    Sammy01 Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    I really really really don't need to know or care about Abe's love life or mid life crisis. The thing with Sasha seems truly odd, like we have seen them together a bit and it has in no way been flirty or building anything of substance. Does Sasha even have any feelings back seen as she didn't seem to care she will not be patrolling with Abe any more.

    Did I miss something but where did the Hilltop get their power from? They seem to have working electricity yet everything else about the place seems like the middle ages.

    I honestly thought when Abe and Daryl were having their heart to heart of sorts Daryl was going to come out. He and Aaron would make a good couple.

    Negan is going to be built up so much this next couple of eps there is no way he will live up to expectations.
  20. Ron Lambert

    Ron Lambert Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Abraham almost getting choked out was disappointing.
    That is a very tiresome way to take someone out, he was choked for a total of 5-10 seconds and he starts rolling his eyes like he is going to pass out.

    Jesus... all he seems to want is time.? Just spit it out what the eff is going on!! _ found his attitude frustrating.

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