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Alternative to "Hide.. under the cars"

Discussion in 'Episode 201 - What Lies Ahead' started by Strawberries, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. Strawberries

    Strawberries Member

    Aug 27, 2011
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    "Hide... quickly, in the cars!" is just something that I randomly came to think of today and thought I could post here. I think if they hid in the cars, it might have solved the whole "Why didn't the Zombies smell them?" issue (with there being god-knows-how-old corpses in there) and... well, it would just make for a so much more tense scene, I think. The characters having to "get intimate" with the corpses in the cars and just sort of sit there while Walkers pass by the windows. Also, it could have still had Sophia making a run for it, by the corpse in her car suddenly "waking up", if you know what I mean.

    Just something I thought could be brought up. What do you think?
    #1 Strawberries, Oct 22, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2011
  2. MaxBrooks

    MaxBrooks New Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Didn't you know exhaust fumes from cars linger in the air for weeks fouling a zombies sense of smell. Trolol. XD
  3. Hawaiian Shirt Zombie

    Hawaiian Shirt Zombie Active Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    The smell thing never bothered me at all in this sweet ep. I just assumed when it was established last season that the zombies could smell the diff between living and dead but weren't necessarily super sensitive to the smell of living. Kinda like body odor; you can't really smell it unless the stinky person is pretty close to you or, God forbid, trapped in a carpool with you.
  4. NameTaker

    NameTaker Member

    Feb 26, 2013
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    Who wants to jump into cars with dead people? Actually I think that might play to their advantage and help mask their scent.
  5. KitchenWitch

    KitchenWitch Member

    Feb 15, 2013
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    Under the cars makes much more sense (as long as they've checked under all the cars for crawlers, which given how long they were in the area and letting the kids wander around, you'd think they would have). They're hidden from view, have a good supply of clean air and would be at least possible to run away if they're spotted.

    If they had cleared a van or other large, opaque vehicle, stocked it with food, water and a couple of buckets and made it the designated bug-out location in case of a herd incursion, hiding in a vehicle would have made some sense. But the risk that the herd will say put around the hidden humans, starving them out - that's a pretty bad scenario.

    If they also had someone prepared to jump on a motorcycle and lead the herd away from the hidden humans... then that would be way more preparedness than this group has manifested thus far.
  6. AtlantaOverrun

    AtlantaOverrun Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2013
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    It is a weird scene after all. Some of them are crawling under cars. And Daryl en T-Dog hid under a corps. t-Dogg got wounded so it it logical in one way he couldn't be dragged around and thrown under a car. But why Daryl.. Did he thought they would smell him?
  7. Rapscallion

    Rapscallion Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2011
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    Someone in the group probably told Daryl how Glenn and Rick used walker guts to mask their scent so they could reach the construction site and get the keys to the box truck.
  8. TylerWieland

    TylerWieland Member

    Oct 18, 2014
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    well.... in the trunks maybe

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