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Anyone else having mixed feelings?

Discussion in 'Episode 509 - What Happened and What's Going On' started by Zombie_Rhino, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. BatmansHooker

    BatmansHooker Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
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    I wasn't really a Tyreese fan. Kinda neutral on his death.

    Tyreese was a good character who suffered from a lack of direction. With his comic role as Rick's right hand man already taken by Daryl, and Ty being introduced so much later than he was in the source material, I get the feeling that the writers were never quite sure exactly what route to take with Tyreese. Hence why in his first appearance, he's perfectly willing to put Donna down and displayed his physical strength well, yet in season 5 he struggles to put Bob down and flat out refuses to kill a walker and makes Carol do it for him.

    The idea of Tyreese being a gentle giant is a good one, though. I just wish it'd been the plan all along and not "Gimpled/retconned" into him in season 4. There was more potential for Tyreese (same could be said of any character), but I won't really miss him.

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