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Assets and Collateral

Discussion in 'Episode 514 - Spend' started by Stuartino, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. Stuartino

    Stuartino Member

    Apr 3, 2014
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    Deeanna referred to Rick as an asset, when talking to Father Gabriel. It was the way she said it, that got me thinking. People are assets in the ASZ and prior to our group arriving there was a lot of collateral damage. Abandoning people when the action got too hot. Based on that premise they ought to have a massive graveyard, the architect guy said they had a lot of help.
    We still haven't seen a lot of Alexandrians. So maybe the 4 graves scene depicts the first 4 people they buried? at Ricks insistance.
    I think Deeana doesn't see Ricks team(or anyone) as people, more as tools with which to forge the future, and if people die building the future, then well hey, that is the cost of doing business.
  2. Zed Sanford

    Zed Sanford Member

    Mar 5, 2015
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    I think everyone sees Gabriel as a tool.
  3. the walking jet

    Jan 22, 2015
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    LOLz the "gabriel" thread has a handful of quite vocal supporters or at least those playing devil's advocate..
  4. rustybag

    rustybag Member

    Nov 4, 2013
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    It's hard to tell, they haven't shown too much of ASZ yet or shown how many people are really there. You're right, it does seem sparsely populated. Not sure about the graves, since they all looked the same & Deanna appeared like she was coming from a funeral based on how she was dressed, so I thought that was for people recently buried. Also, if they are abandoning people out on runs, I'm not sure that they would be going back out to find their walker bodies to kill & bury? Makes me think their graveyard would actually be small relative to how many people they actually lost. My guess would be those buried there are mostly the people who died within their walls?

    Deanna does seem level headed and business like, from what we have seen so far. She used to be a politician, so one would think she would have decent people skills, and the ability to make people from various walks of life think she was on their side, without getting too righteous or opinionated on "right" and "wrong". At least not outwardly. If they have been recruiting people and she has been giving them jobs, she must have some ability to see what people's assets/ strong points are, and be able to employ them accordingly, while letting weaknesses slide, or turning a blind eye to them. At least that would be my guess.
  5. tombradyfan

    tombradyfan Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    very good points, yea i was thinking along the same lines about how when they lose people on runs they probably aren't going back to retrieve the body. Since they were so quick to abandon them when they're living, what's the point in getting the body for proper burial. Interesting viewpoint on deanna, seems to make sense, im sure we'll know much more about her next coupla ep's
  6. Rapscallion

    Rapscallion Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2011
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    I agree that Deanna sees Rick and his group as assets: she's rejected Rick's advice on security, she hates being challenged, and she's getting irritated that his group is becoming more popular with the townspeople. I think Deanna expected Rick's group to be mercenaries, but now they're becoming citizens.

    Aiden lied to his mother about how he lost group members. She knew that he was impulsive, but she didn't think he was incompetent.

    I don't know if Alexandria had the real estate for a cemetary, but that changed now that Deanna lost Aiden.
  7. rustybag

    rustybag Member

    Nov 4, 2013
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    I hope so, she seems to have an edge to her. Also, we all have our tolerance limits and certain boundaries we don't like crossed, it will be interesting to know what hers are and how she will react if put in that position. I was bummed when they off'd Terminus Mary so soon, I hope Deanna has a dark side like Mary had (not to hurt innocent people like Mary, but when someone crosses her).
  8. tombradyfan

    tombradyfan Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    I could be wrong considering the lack of awareness and preparation that asz has, but I'ld say any leader would have to have some type of dark side. haha especially if she was in politics. But yea, again considering their sheltered life in asz i doubt it would be bad stuff like mary or anyone else really
  9. Blueman

    Blueman Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Perhaps, Deanna as a politician, she voted 'yes' to authorize the military to do biological warfare experiments which gave rise to this deadly virus.
  10. jojo

    jojo Member

    Mar 23, 2014
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    The Assets and Collateral have been practiced a long while by the Alexandrian's. 53 miles out for runs comes to mind I can't even imagine how many runs, how many lives lost and how many could've been easily saved. 4 lost just weeks before. The population would most likely be tripled of ASZ if not for all their Collateral.
  11. Stuartino

    Stuartino Member

    Apr 3, 2014
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    It would seem all their recruits since the ZA have been pretty useless too, if They are still incompetent 2 years in. Can you imagine how many they have lost! it must be in the hundreds. Most of which would have probably been saved under Ricks style of leadership.
  12. Gordian Knot

    Gordian Knot Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Unfortunately, thus far we have been given far too little detailed information about Alexandria. How it works. Who is running the critical support jobs to keep a community running. How many people are actually within the safe zone.. It is about impossible to make any real declarations about them at this point. Everything is speculation. Not that there is anything wrong with speculating! lol. Have to acknowledge that is all that it is right now.

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