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Chris memorial thread

Discussion in 'Episode 213 - Date of Death' started by LadyGrimes, Sep 22, 2016.

  1. Zvivor

    Zvivor Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    Yes -- Nick is hiding out with a stranger who appears to be running a Death cult and is now trying to keep people who are seeing what is from escaping because he, like Celia, is promoting death. Other people in Colonia are getting the picture and running for their lives. Nick seems to have just realized what he's trapped in.
  2. EvilDeadJ

    EvilDeadJ Member

    Apr 8, 2016
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    Hm, I like that take on Colonia and Nick's realization.. In fact you've inspired another post of mine I am going to make (dont worry I'll give ya credit)

    And ya know what also seems to be a common theme? Once these megalomaniacs build up a community, they become obsessed with preserving and increasing it's size. Governor, Alejandro etc (even deanna to an extent).. and they don't want anyone leaving and eventually kill people who dont want to join.
  3. Ionut

    Ionut Active Member

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Sure. I just had to clarify that because others were excusing his actions from some of his experiences. Understanding what triggered his actions is great, but excusing it like it's a legitimate reason to go in that direction and he's a victim like I've read in some other posts is ass backwards logic.
  4. LadyGrimes

    LadyGrimes Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2014
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    The way I see it, Chris was a ticking time bomb from the start and the ZA was the final thing to set him off along with losing his mother. However that does not give him any excuse or reason to behave the way he is now. Shit happens that's a part of life, but he chose to deal with it by acting like a pretentious little shit. He wanted to kill someone and so when he got that opportunity thanks to the surviving victim from that plane crash, he was thirsty for more. Because if you look back on that scene Chris is killing the guy slow and watching him as he does because he's trying to savor that moment.

    Then he gets another chance with that dime store looking leo dicrapio pirate they take prisoner. Only Chris fails at killing him and thus becomes a walker.
    Chris wanted to see Madison die, and he was probably thinking about what would happen if he killed both her and Alicia that night. Then he runs away and Travis goes after him, and then Chris takes a little kid hostage. At this point Chris gives no ****s about humanity because his is gone. And we see it after he kills that farmer and feels nothing and then tries to help the bros kill an injured James because they view him as weak. By that point Chris is too far gone and that's why Travis can't reach him, but I think deep down Travis knows this but still lives in denial.

    And now based on spoilers we're going to learn that
    Good riddance btw.
  5. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Back in the 60s, we referred to them as bad seeds.

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