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Emily Kinney in Messiah

Discussion in 'Television Shows' started by lastcat3, Feb 3, 2020.

  1. lastcat3

    lastcat3 Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2013
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    This was the first time I have really seen Emily Kinney in anything since her days in TWD. Am kind of indifferent about the show 'Messiah' as a whole but felt Kinney did a pretty good job with the role she played. She gave a far better performance than I remember from her 'Beth' days. She plays one of the 'Messiah's followers.

    As far as the show goes it is well acted and it makes you want to keep on watching to see if this guy is real or not. But at the same time it is pretty much just a straight up 'Jesus' story set in the modern times and if you are familiar with Christianity or Muslim religions at all the show is rather predictable. They even made the 'Messiah' character look and act like Jesus may have looked and acted.

    If there is a season 2 I'll probably watch it but am perfectly fine with their not being a season 2. If there is a second season though probably a good chance Kinney won't be in it as her character really goes through a complete arc during the first season without any questions left open with her.
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