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Forget the Formula, Give that baby a boob!

Discussion in 'Episode 305 - Say The Word' started by Mindymouse9, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. kittywings

    kittywings New Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    As I said before, even if you haven't had a baby, if you put a baby on there long enough then you will produce milk... but Carol's the better choice because she has had a baby and milk would come faster.
  2. KitchenWitch

    KitchenWitch Member

    Feb 15, 2013
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    It's too bad they weren't able to let the baby nurse on Lori for even a little bit. Before a woman produces milk, she produces an important substance known as colostrum, which contains immune system-building compounds. Basically, it lets the woman transmit her working immunities to her kid. Without that, the baby's chances of getting sick are a lot worse.

    If they could find some of the relevant hormones, it would be good planning for at least one of the women to try to induce lactation, given the unknown nature of the formula supply. Maggie seems more attached to the baby, so maybe she'll volunteer.

    Was anyone else expecting some ankle biters in that nursery?

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