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Foundation Size, fixed or custom?

Discussion in 'Z1: Battle Royale' started by braven25, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. braven25

    braven25 Member

    Jul 21, 2014
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    In videos they been demonstration of the foundations, they plenty big enough for one person but for a large group you prob need many....

    So question is, will it be possible to link multiple foundations?

    Will they be foundations without stairs.

    With the be modular additions that can be attached to sides of foundations (alternate stairs or thick walls)


    I think modular foundations are pretty crucial for varied customisations, otherwise you end up with lot bases looking almost the same.
  2. Kasharic

    Kasharic Member

    Apr 13, 2014
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    I believe that is the case... but I'm not 100% because they haven't actually shown anything on stream about it... but they have mentioned having numerous different types of foundation (not just foundation materials, but actually having different foundations.)
  3. Freelancer

    Freelancer New Member

    Aug 11, 2014
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    From what I heard foundations are pretty free-form. So even if you couldnt link them directly, you could make it appear like they were linked.

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