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Gamma Will Betray Alpha

Discussion in 'Episode 1002 - We Are the End of the World' started by Neuropyramidal, Oct 20, 2019.

  1. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    I just finished my second watch of the episode, and was reminded of something I noticed before. After Gamma kills her sister, her words in conversation with both Alpha and Beta seem very robotic, almost rehearsed, like she is just saying what they want to hear. When Alpha asks her if she regrets killing her sister, she pauses quite a while and says "I had to protect the Alpha" in a way that didn't sound sincere. Later Beta tells her he feels nothing towards her and she responds with "I also...feel....empty" in a way that sounds like she is just regurgitating the words she thinks she should say.

    I think she has also lost faith and predict that in the end she will

    She spent so much of the earlier part of the episode trying to cram the idea that they need to be loyal down her sister's throat. Perhaps it was herself she was trying to convince all along.
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  2. Camilleyun

    Camilleyun Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2014
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    This is interesting to me that everyone thinks she will betray Alpha in rebellion of the Whisperer ideology. I felt more like she considers "the Alpha" as its own entity rather than just Alpha the person. I was thinking more along the lines that Gamma would eventually rebel against Alpha for not being alpha enough, especially if she finds out about Lydia being spared while she killed her own sister. Alphas lack of dedication to her own ideology will be seen as weakness, as we saw before when Alpha went to retrieve Lydia, and will be used to challenge Alpha as the alpha. Beta would obviously be a stumbling block, unless of course she can convince him too that she is more alpha than Alpha.

    I know my theories are usually way, way off, lol, but having not read the comic it's fun to play around with them.
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  3. mistertrouble189

    mistertrouble189 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2012
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    I agree, I think Gamma will betray in Alpha, for the reason that Alpha is not alpha enough to lead the Whisperers, and that Gamma is more dedicated and loyal to the cause, with no weaknesses (ie. Family member) to hold her back.

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