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H1Z1 Manager Calls PUBG A "Fast Follow Opportunity"

Discussion in 'Z1: Battle Royale' started by Todd Black, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. Todd Black

    Todd Black Member

    Apr 8, 2015
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    What is H1Z1's opinion of PUBG? Do they feel it's competition?

    Video games often parody one another, it's an inevitability of the business. But, that doesn't mean that some don't feel bitter when they feel someone is making money off of something that they "created". Take for example H1Z1, who feel they created the "Battle Royale" style game, and then along comes PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds (who actually worked with Daybreak on H1Z1) and now it's one of the most popular games on the market, period.

    In an interview with IGN, one of the managers of Daybreak talked about how they felt about the game:

    “[PUBG] is a clear fast follow opportunity: take an existing game engine, find someone who has worked on this kind of idea that established it already, and do a decent job with the game, and guess what? [The battle royale mode] really is fun and exciting and engaging. So, from a business perspective, that’s just a fast follow scenario.”

    To be clear, they acknowledge that the game is good, and that it is helping the genre, but it's also clear that there is some bitterness there.

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