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I am becoming very unsatisfied with the series

Discussion in 'Episode 1008 - The World Before' started by mmmbert, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. mmmbert

    mmmbert Active Member

    Mar 31, 2015
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    I won't go into a long soliloquy as to why, but it boils down to the, I don’t know, contrived writing. The show is lucky FTWD has become such a farce,maybe it gets them a pass.

    I just ask that the situations make sense.

    I gonna give the example that really pissed me off the last two episodes: the water supply.

    The most obvious stupidity that we must swallow is that no one noticed the handles were bent or that they were turning opposite of how they used to. Give me a break.

    But it goes beyond that. It also requires that

    They develop a good water supply and a way to pipe it to a dispensing area.

    They also, for no logical reason, pipe a watter supply that will sicken people to the same dispensing area.

    Then, to top it off, they run them both through the same spigots.

    My aching ass.

    Just have the characters, who are smart enough to write charters and scavenge satellites not be stupid.
    #1 mmmbert, Nov 24, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2019
  2. BlackBird

    BlackBird Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2018
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    Well, damn that exactly those two were out of town at the time!
  3. mmmbert

    mmmbert Active Member

    Mar 31, 2015
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    They weren't out of town for all the years it took to construct the whole stupid water pipe system
  4. BlackBird

    BlackBird Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2018
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    Tru dat. Well, that just shows they’re not perfect... I’m crushed!

    Seriously though, people in real life live with dodgy water systems, electrical wiring, etc. It’s not such a far stretch. They did talk about the water system earlier, something to do with Eugene, like they knew it was an odd set up, perhaps temporary, and needed attention. I can’t remember the exact detail.
    #4 BlackBird, Nov 25, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2019
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  5. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    About the watering system, I can only use my water system at my home.
    We have well water and have to have a filter system. We also have to have a water softener system. It uses rock salt. It isn’t good to use this filtered water to water outdoor plants and such because of the salt. We have a turn off valve right before the softener, so we can run the hoses.
    So the shows watering system is plausible.
    And as far as figuring it out, Siddeq only had a day or 2. And as we saw, he did have other things on his mind.

    The truth is out there
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  6. mmmbert

    mmmbert Active Member

    Mar 31, 2015
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    I will concede the point about the timeline. Sometimes the way the show works a few days seems like weeks.

    So you're saying your system allows non-potable water to possibly be dispensed in your drinking water and a worn out valve could contaminate your water supply and make you sick. I doubt it.

    I have said my peace about the water, that was just an example. Before I get hit with"Just quit watching then", I don't want to. But I really enjoy the show much less now, with the contrived dramatic turns. In last nights episode we had ninja walkers pop out of nowhere, a good sized herd show up out of nowhere inside the village of Oceanside, night vision Daryl spotting a bear trap in the woods in the dark, etc.

    I'm not even talking about the far fetched scenarios and groups. I realized the original premise had a limited life span and the comics had to get pretty inventive, sometimes that hasn't come across on the screen as well as the actors moving along that had to be accommodated.

    I still generally enjoy the show, but I feel it less and less. When I first started watching a few years ago, I had a friend at work that had been watching for a while. We would talk about the episodes past and upcoming. I don't think he even watches anymore. I'm not sure though, we never discuss them. That may be worse.
  7. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Hey, no one said to stop watching. I was just pointing out that the filtering system was plausible. And yes, we have to make sure to switch the system back to filter.

    The truth is out there
  8. mmmbert

    mmmbert Active Member

    Mar 31, 2015
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    At least we haven't had a San Antonio split yet.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  9. Miamicuse

    Miamicuse Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The handle was bent, but it points in the same direction. That's why it's bend in the first place, in order to reverse it the handle would point down instead of up, so he bent it so from far away it still look pointed up.

    I am assuming the non-potable water is gray water? That's water from say showers and sinks recycled to reuse either for toilets or irrigation?
  10. Seventh_son

    Seventh_son Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2017
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  11. WillyJakkz

    WillyJakkz Active Member

    Mar 24, 2014
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    I get it about the water pipe being bent and no one noticing it. You would think they'd be a bit more observant about things but I'm speaking strictly from my pov because I'm an observant person.

    Lol at "night vision" Daryl. I wonder how that works considering he saw the bear trap but not the pit he fell into.
  12. Miamicuse

    Miamicuse Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Not only that the whole crew fell in one after another without hesitation.

    No one stopped at the cave and said hold on, wait here, wait for my signal before proceeding inside.

    Back to the water valve handles pointing the wrong way, those are quarter turn handles and every quarter turn valve I have seen or speced has the open position along the pipe and the close position across the pipe, always 90 degrees to each other, not 180. Of course it's the zombie apocalypse so suspension of belief is necessary, just wish it didn't have so many.
  13. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    I don't doubt it. My grandmother's house had a system very similar to what @Sharpie61 is describing. I know because after she died, I was the one in charge of trying to sell the house. There is really no big realism problem here. With the small pool of capable adults at ASZ and the other communities that we have to pick from, its not surprising at all that many times the technical people who try to rebuild in various areas of expertise would not necessarily be the pinnacle of experts in that field, and there would be a drawn out trial and error process before getting things closer to "perfect". One can try and make the case that its slightly odd that it went unnoticed, as the people who used it often would probably notice the difference in the handle. However, many of the ones who were not involved with understanding the technicalities of the system would just assume that for some reason a change was made to the handle. And as others pointed out, it was likely a very short time since Dante did that, since people had just starting getting sick. Occasionally something in this franchise happens that is really eyebrow raising [we only have to look at the last 2 seasons of FTWD to confirm that], but this particular thing doesn't really meet the criteria.
    #13 Neuropyramidal, Dec 7, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
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  14. Terminator

    Terminator Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    I really can't believe people can get so bent out of shape over a few plot lines in a totally fictional show. I just watch and enjoy.
  15. PepperAnn

    PepperAnn Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    "bent out of shape"..... :D
  16. Chr1s

    Chr1s Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    The whole water thing is just one of many things we just need to suspend disbelief. And honestly it's not even the "worst" thing we have seen over the years. Daryl's bolts only going a few inches in a head. The fact that they can easily penetrate a human skull with almost blunt objects. That it went from penetrating the core of the brain to just a good old whack on the side of the head kills walkers. The show has not only often made you suspend disbelief in terms of real world situations, they have often broken the rules set within the show.

    I always look at it this way, it's a show about dead people coming back to life. We can't get too hung up on the details.

    But as far as the water thing goes, it's actually more unbelievable that clear unfiltered water from the same source as their drinking water would be contaminated enough to make people that sick. The idea that Gamma putting walker blood in a stream far away from Alexandria being the source makes no sense. The pond they are using is self contained and any ground water coming in would actually be filtered by the earth. Not to mention there are already hundreds of walker bodies in that lake and have been rotting in there for 8 years.
  17. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    Yeah the Gamma thing doesn't add up, and I'm wondering if its something that will be explained later. Why in the world would they need to contaminate a random creek with walker blood? As you said, they don't get their drinking water from that stream. In dialogue with Alpha, it was suggested that the walkers were for the purpose of damming the stream, but that makes no sense either. Why would they need to dam it with walkers? They could use logs and rocks, which are all over. And you'd need a hell of a lot more than 3 or 4 of them to make an effective dam. I don't really understand that sequence, just like I don't understand why Dante had to kill the first survivor he came across, when his mission was to befriend survivors and then join ASZ with them. My hope is that Gamma will explain in dialogue later what exactly she was doing at that stream.
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  18. Chr1s

    Chr1s Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    I wonder if she meant damning from a pseudo religious aspect.
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