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Jesus..the truck...the truck and Jesus

Discussion in 'Episode 610 - The Next World' started by gavuk, Feb 27, 2016.

  1. gavuk

    gavuk Member

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere in a thread but.... (this may have been covered in the comics but i wouldn't know)

    Rick and Daryl were outscavenging without success and found a working truck full of food,etc in a bar.

    Is it random that Rick and Daryl found it?

    Was Jesus storing it there?

    Had he collected it all himself?

    If he'd found it (as they did) why didn't he head off back to ?Hilltop or wherever he lives with it?

    Was Jesus intentionally waiting for Daryl/Rick and his momenet to introduce himself?
  2. Chassit

    Chassit Member

    Oct 27, 2015
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    That whole scene with Jesus made me not trust him one iota. In fact, I would have shot him immediately as would my wife (we had a big discussion over it lol).

    That being said, I do not know what his motivations were nor why the truck was left like that.

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