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Black Ops 2 Zombies [Official] Looking for Zombie Slayers?

Discussion in 'Call of Duty: Black Ops 2' started by Captain Price, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. AzonicAaron

    AzonicAaron New Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    The problem with findint players is that no one uses there headsets. Makes it difficult to get anything done when you get some tool in the room who just plays for themselves. AzonicAaron PS3
  2. AzonicAaron

    AzonicAaron New Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    don't click you? So you gonna kick some *
  3. iamtheceejay

    iamtheceejay New Member

    Sep 2, 2013
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    XBL Zombies players in the east coast australia/hong kong region hit me up: iamtheceejay - looking to do all the easter eggs (completed tranzit and buried without problems on PS3, struggling to find players on XBL!)

    Usually on during the day, always have a headset or 2 on for people not screaming in the mic

    Prefer to play with balanced players - no point hogs, no 'my way or the highway' types.. Just people that want to have fun, do some rounds and smash some easter eggs out. The guys I play with usual playing style involves getting as much done within the first few rounds - perks, packapunch, buildables etc.

    Posting this because its getting a bit boring playing with kids who rage when they go down in round 3, or their way or the highway and ruin it for the rest of the team. Hoping to find some like-minded players!
  4. Dogger

    Dogger Active Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    FeralSoul PS3...have a headset and play mostly Origins and Mob
    Love all the old Blackops maps as well...except Moon.

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