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old games..

Discussion in 'Call of Duty & FPS News and Discussion' started by MERCURYSB3, Nov 7, 2014.


    MERCURYSB3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    its great that developers are putting out new games however at the risk of some really sucking
    it seems that MW3 and Black-ops2 are alive and well.with the change of the green xbox and the passing of games like COD4,Blackops,WAW, the xbox 360 it forced players to change do you think that developers will do the same in the future? MW3 and Black-ops2 lobbys are as strong as ever and ghost and titanfall did not pull away gamers as predicted. wonder how thin a line developers walk to make new games to get future coming of age players who can pay to go on line and the support that veturans players get who don't like new games and stay with old school games.:kev::kev::kev:
  2. arghyadeep

    arghyadeep New Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    Yes, you are right. I completely agree with the fact that some very old Call of Duty games such as Modern Warfare 3 and Black Ops 2 are still liked by many people and they are played all around the world.

    We should be happy that developers are making new games frequently so that we can choose between many games and play the one which we like the most.
  3. Fozz

    Fozz Member

    Aug 31, 2015
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    I have several friends who still play MW3 online. And, truth be told, those games are still better than the new ones (in my opinion). I'm glad, because I do think it influences developers to develop as good of a game in the future.

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