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Pete didn't deserve to be killed! Rick did.

Discussion in 'Episode 516 - Conquer' started by hansonhowell, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. hansonhowell

    hansonhowell Member

    Nov 13, 2014
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    Rick is the bad guy in this situation. He came into town acting like he owned everything. Knew Jessie was married? No problem, Rick still kissed her (in public for crying out loud). Ok, so he's a wife beater. That's bad. But we're talking about the Z.A. here: people have done worse things, cannibalism, child rape, mass murder (to name a few). Have some perspectives! I think it's unreasonable for Rick to mess around in people's domestic business. Can you blame Pete for getting jealous? I would too if I saw a strange man kiss my wife and talk to her in hush hush tone around my house. Rick's rationale for killing Pete is: He's gonna kill Jessie. But Pete hasn't gone that far before. What makes you think he will now? As a constable, instead of protecting the town against bigger threats (like the Wolves or walkers), Rick paid attention to one pretty girl and her abusive husband? Why not let Maggie sit them down and talk to them in a civil manner? Women are way better at resolving conflicts than men. The thing didn't need to end in violence. Rick made it that way. IMO, Rick was being aggressive first (telling Pete to keep walking, infringing on his territory, flirting with his wife, telling Deanna to kill Pete behind his back). Rick was so eager to forgive the Governor (we all can change), and yet he can't even give Pete a second chance? You hit the girl I like so now I'm gonna kill you. Really? That's the kind of lesson we're supposed to learn from TV? I'm shocked by the degree of stupidity and aggressiveness portrayed by American TV. No wonder we have high school shooting everywhere!
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  2. Rocky

    Rocky Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    He did rock up to a Town meeting drunk with a Katana shouting "They're not one of us, they're not one of us", that made me think he was going to kill someone.

    I take your point though, the conflict was precipitated largely by Rick and to a great extent by Carol pulling Rick's strings.
  3. Jag

    Jag Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Yet you still watch the show and participate in forum activity gtfo you people annoy me
  4. LadyGrimes

    LadyGrimes Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2014
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    Man the trolls are sure popping up like herpes.
  5. Kilroy was here

    Kilroy was here Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2014
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    God, I hate amateurs. Roadwarrior does this much better.
  6. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    Howz we noz Pete iz thos bad guy? Mabie Pete wuz thoz good guy!
  7. westwingnut

    westwingnut Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2013
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    Where's the P H Y S I C A L evidence that Pete is dead?
  8. and138

    and138 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    If women have these special innate abilities to resolve interpersonal conflicts so quickly and easily, why didn't Jessie just sit Pete down and talk to him in a civil manner about how he beats her? Problem solved!

    Jessie said that she and Pete had been to counselling in the past and that it had worked for a while, but then Pete had reverted to his abusive ways. So I guess that counsellor couldn't have been female.
  9. Jen7

    Jen7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2013
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    Oh lawdy.

    So you're saying he's ok giving Jessie a shiner or two now and then because, hey, at least he's not eating people or raping kids. lol
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  10. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    Thoz wife's eyebalz ramed rite into thatz Pete's fistz!
  11. VickGrimes

    VickGrimes Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2015
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    The difference is, Rick is now tasked with keeping the peace in the closest thing to normal society they've seen in two years. You can't compare Pete to the people you'd meet outside of the walls. Pete has been living in relative safety the whole time, has not had to change or adapt who he was in order to survive in the new world, so what we're seeing is the same old asshole he was before the ZA hit. There is no talking Pete out of being an abusive alcoholic, this is surely who he has been for many years. They were working towards a civil resolution by separating Pete and Jessie; it was Pete coming to the meeting with a katana in his hand that ultimately got him killed.
  12. TheWalkingHorn

    TheWalkingHorn Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2013
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    I've been thinking about this a lot, and my bf and I got into a lengthy discussion on what the hell to do in this situation. I couldn't come up with an answer though :/. Obviously he needed to be separated from his wife and child for their safety, and because what he was doing was not okay. Once you remove him from his home and family, he's obviously going to be pretty pissed, and I think it would be wise to have his house watched to make sure he's not sneaking back into his family's home.

    I don't think killing him should have been the first consideration in his fate with the group. He's a doctor, and a surgeon at that. You NEED him around, but I can see him refusing to practice his skills because of the decision the community made for him. I also think that banishing him could come back to haunt them. If I'm honest though, I don't think a guy like Pete would survive very long on his own out there.

    So... I'm at a loss.
  13. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    For me, banishment would be an easy decision for Pete. When Aaron/Daryl went back out on their recruitment run, I'd just have them drive him 50 to 100 miles out, and leave him with no firearm, and maybe 1 or 2 days worth of food. Now that we have better security at the gate and bell tower, he would be less of a threat if he came back, and I really think he would have a low chance of making it back. I think their main problem is that they have no proper way to deal with violent criminals, which he is. In our world we have courts and jails and safe houses, but with Jessie trapped in the same 5 acre space as Pete, letting him remain is very dangerous. The statistics and rates of vengeful acts for abusers that get separated by force from their victims is just too high to let the situation stand. Especially with them living so close together, with Pete having to see Jessie every day, and see her talking to Rick. It would be a ticking time bomb.

    He wouldn't kill her for sure, no, but I think the chances of him eventually severely harming or killing her, or Rick or someone else, are high enough that he can not be allowed to remain free inside the walls. And they just aren't organized enough for a jail. For me this is fairly clear cut. Distant banishment.
  14. HondaS2kXD

    HondaS2kXD Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    Pete's not dead.

    rick fired a blank at him to scare him. Next season will open with Rick telling Pete (soiled pants and crying in the fetal position) that if he ever does that shit again, he'll bite him in the throat and stab him fifty-two times in the chest. Carl, Michonne, and Daryl all chime in that he means it.
  15. EZD

    EZD Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    So since we are talking about this,how is this different than Lizzie's fate?

    Black and White can seem somewhat more Gray in a Z.A. doesn't it?
  16. daryldixon

    daryldixon Member

    Mar 11, 2012
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    ..................Are you serious?
  17. ltomlinson31

    ltomlinson31 Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Am I the only one who noticed the last two sentences and facepalmed big time?
  18. TheTunnelRunner

    May 25, 2014
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    Rick's behavior is exactly like The Governor wanting the prison simply to own what others have (including Jessie). Jessie was in no immediate danger. {The witch-hunt mentality is still alive and well.} His priority should have been to give advice and secure the area from the outside. He basically did nothing other than constantly showing up at Pete and Jessie's house (even before Carol said anything). Rick's group were free to come and go as they pleased (with weapons). Rick's lack of consideration for the effect any conflict he or his group would have in the community shows he really doesn't give a damn about Carl or Judith, much less the rest of his own group.

    On a side note, if Rick and Jessie end up hooking up, it will confirm for me that there was more to the Pete/Jessie story than what people were steered to believe.

    In terms of American TV, it's a world where meth dealers are loved. So why shouldn't many people cheer on anything Rick Grimes does?
  19. Leeann

    Leeann Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    Ummmm ..........
  20. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    I adore meth dealers.

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