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Discussion in 'Television Shows' started by Lindigo, Oct 2, 2016.

  1. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Oh yea, in that time period, wives and children were property of the husband which is why he can even think of having her committed. If Ozzy died somehow, Elizabeth and George would have to step in to protect her rights over the mother -in- law and George seems reluctant to offend those damn Godolfins. What's gonna kill Ozzy anyways, syphllis?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Heart attack? Stroke? Being kicked in the head by a horse? I will accept any death they can come up with. lol

    This is really grim. Re rights of the mother-in-law, do you mean an inheritance fight over property or that she would have that weird custody control over Morwenna? Or that those two things would go hand-in-hand and that's why the fight would be so fraught with panic?

    I should have remembered about children being property. My mother used to tell me I was her property because the laws were still on the books. I didn't know enough to snarl "case law" at her. And I knew men had control of money and property that women brought to the marriage back then In Britain, but I didn't follow that out to its logical conclusion.

    I really love and appreciate the insight you bring to these shows. <3
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  3. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Why thank you. I've certainly watched enough of them. I also like to read about those times. While I'm no expert, I've picked up a thing or two over the years.

    Let's look at Morwenna. Young girl. No money of her own. George basically paid Ossie (looked up how they spelled his name,lol) in the form of a dowry, to marry her because he wanted to say he was related, even through marriage, to this old powerful family, the Godofins. Ossie spends his money on clothes, women and god knows what else and he probably doesn't make a lot in his position with the church. I think perhaps that his mother was a Godofin, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised it was she who determined that Ossie join the church since he's totally unsuited for that type of profession. She's used to being obeyed. I mean, lordy, she barged into their home and declared Morwenna's son should be in school over mom's protests. You don't do that unless you can back up such hutzpah. Fortunately, the girl showed some backbone when the maid came to take the kid and didn't allow it, and apparently the bitch let it ride....probably cause she got wind that her son was having his wife committed.

    Money and social status are everything in the late 1700s. The old ideas are being challenged. We've had the American Revolution and quite possibly the French Revolution is going on across the channel. There are men like Ross who champion the common man but most of the nobility look down their snooty noses at them. So if Ossie dies, probably leaving little money to his widow and son, that leaves the poor girl up for grabs if she can't survive on her own. On the one side, we have a powerful mother-in-law who might be able to lay a claim on her son's son and who has the necessary connections to see that she is made guardian. Elizabeth on the other hand, might object and perhaps she could get George to intercede but why would he want to take on another burden and anger Ossie's mother? Even if he did, I assume he'd be quick to try and marry her off again to his advantage and might even agree that the boy should be sent off to boarding school like he did with Geoffrey Charles.

    Look at Drake. He held out hope for quite awhile but he's a realist. He knows that Morwenna is basically out of reach now. Like he said, life goes on. I think he's starting to fall for that little least he doesn't object to the idea of kinda being pushed at her by his sister. I can't say I really blame him, although I don't think that he knows that the reason he was released from prison (over the alleged theft of GC's bible) was that M sacrificed herself for him. I just don't see it having a happy ending cause we're dealing with secondary characters here and we have to whip up more heart breaking drama, true? lol
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    I sorta called it! But you were right about the heartbreaking drama that ensues anyway. lol
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  5. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    I did score a couple of points, lol. The mother in law did take over, and for a second when Morwenna stood on the edge of the cliffs, I thought whoa, but I was secretly happy it was only Drakes bracelet that went over the edge, lol.

    I thought it was rather fitting that the Rev. was accosted by the sisters husband. I also got a kick out of him thinking that old guy he was visiting had died and he was running his mouth off and it turned out the guy wasn't dead afterall. You were right about Gerorge though. Yeah, he acts all accommodating to Elizabeth's face and he is to a point but then he goes and does something horrible. Have you ever noticed that smirk on his face when he thinks he has Ross by the balls? Love it when things don't turn out as he expected.
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  6. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Yes! That was great that the sister's husband was Ossie's undoing. But WHY did the sister's husband bring home the murder weapon?!? Will he keep it because they don't have a lot of nice things or sell it? Will their detente hold because they each know something monstrous about the other? Will Morwenna recover from her sense of being diseased and reunite with Drake? I love that every couple has a riveting story going. I was a little anxious when Dr. Enys observed that he and Demelza, and Ross and Caroline, would have been the more obvious couples. Whew when that scene ended without physical contact.

    The death bed scene was great! I was just as surprised as George. lol Does Ossie's death change anything about Ross's impending banking ruin when the guy does dies? I'm on overload with all of the intrigues. Happily so.
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  7. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    I was wondering about that guy bringing home the murder weapon. I think he was in shock and he never let go of it but I do believe that he won't throw his wife out now that she knows or suspects what happened. What state their marriage will be in however is anyone's guess.

    Do you think that Morwenna said she was diseased because she felt dirty or did Ossie manage to finally give her some form of VD? I keep going back to this cause he was sleeping all around, not just with the sister, and with no antibiotics, VD could be serious with lasting and or fatal health effects.

    Did the dying guy realize that the Rev passed on confidential information? Probably not but he's not dead yet so maybe something can be done to mitigate any repercussions from his embezzlement.

    Dr. Enys is too honorable and love sick for his wife to actually make a move on Demelza, even if the thought might have occurred to him out of a need to be comforted.

    It's gonna be interesting for sure and starting next Sunday I'll have two historical dramas to keep up with! lol
  8. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    I wondered the same thing about Morwenna. I don't know if her despair is physical or emotional. I don't want her to have a horrible incurable VD, but the odds are she would. Between the two, I would so much rather it is the revulsion rape victims experience so she would have a chance at recovery. That was a remarkable scene where she told off George for forcing her into that marriage. I didn't know she had it in her.

    What show is coming up next week? I just started watching The Woman in White. It gives me the same depressed and creeped out feelings that I got from the Miniaturist, but I can't stop watching. The sister seems a modern invention, but the bride rings true to the times and her fate is breaking my heart.
  9. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    It's the Outlander primere next Sunday on Nov. 4th which my husband will tape for me along with TWD.

    I thought "diseased" was a rather strange word for Morwenna to use but I think it was a deliberate ploy by the writers to make viewers wonder just that thing. I loved her telling George off too and I wasn't surprised that Elizabeth took her side. I feel it was the guilt of having been a part of forcing the marriage that led to Liz telling George not to go after Drake. Of course, there was the added incentive that the riff between the two Poldark branches not be ramped up again. I hope the rev's mother lets it lie too but I doubt that will happen. However, I figured Drake would be suspected the minute he left his bride and went running to see Morwenna since no one knows (except those involved) that Rev High and Mighty was sleeping with her sister. My first thought was, "you dumb ass", but I put this all on Demelza's head. I seldom think Sam is right but in this instance, what did telling Drake accomplish? His heart is broken, his black smithy burned to the ground and there's the further possible harassment by Ossie's mother. I know she wanted her brother to be happy but she only made a mess of things.

    I've been watching the Woman in White too, and I agree it's rather creepy. So many unanswered questions and I have a feeling both of those sisters are going to meet a bad end.

    Do you also watch Jamestown which is on before the Durells in Corfu?
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  10. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    OUTLANDER! Of course! lol I just let my DVR do all of the remembering. :D

    Whichever way Demelza decided, it would be crushing to Drake. I still think he and Morwenna will get back to each other in time, so he needs to be free. I like what Demelza did, because it let Drake make the call. Even if he made the wrong call, he should be in charge of his own life. If he had known Morwenna would leave him with no hope at all, I still don't know how practical he would have been. But that was a lovely scene of him being so happy before Demelza arrived.

    I think better Drake's smithy was burned down than his being beaten to a pulp, which was what I feared.

    I'm not even aware of Jamestown. I'll check it out. :)
    • Like Like x 1
  11. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    You're probably right about Drake as long as someone doesn't try to hang him, again, for something he didn't do.

    I fell into Jamestown by accident, but you need to go back to the beginning episodes to get a sense of who's who and what's going down.
  12. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Of course! I hope the DVR OnDemand doesn't give me the Buy response. :mad: It seems like barely anything is available truly on demand anymore.
  13. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    I can get back as far as episode 5. Reruns are showing for 5, 6, and 7, so those will record, but should I keep them on the back burner and wait hopefully for the first 4 episodes to rerun? I can't get it on the computer, either, without paying.
  14. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Huh. I thought you could get anything on PBS for free. You could try. I found it a rather interesting time in what would become American history. I missed the first and maybe second or even third episode myself ( I always planned to go back and catch up myself but to be honest I don't know what episode I came in on) but from what I could surmise it centered on a ship full of women coming to the newly established town, the men having paid for such a passage expecting wives. I think what happened was there wasn't enough women to go around so naturally there would be drama between some of the men. For instance, one woman was supposed to go to the oldest brother of this one family but he treats her roughly and she falls for brother #2. the two brothers go out on a trip,( not going into details in case you get a chance to watch), but younger brother leaves the older one for dead and claims the girl. The blacksmith is obsessed with the same woman and is secretly harassing her claiming he loves her. I don't know if he was promised a wife and didn't get one or he thought she should have been his but we have that.

    One of the women who gained passage, is of higher class and was promised to one of the up and coming young men who is also a "noble" who has some influence within the town.
    In order to further her husbands status with the Governor she's been doing some rather secretly manipulative things to supposedly benefit him. He's totally clueless, of course, but she's caught the attention of some of the wealthy land owners who would seek to take her down so far without success. We left them wondering last week as to who she really is and what she is doing there.

    There are obviously many other colorful characters including native Americans. It's interesting to me to see how women were treated in this time period (early 1600s) i.e. one woman almost gets herself burned as a witch and to imagine how life might have been for some of these first colonists although this fictional tale, I'm sure, is filled with more drama than ever really transpired.....although who knows, lol?
  15. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    I tried again. I signed up with PBS and that wasn't enough. They said I had to pay for PBS Passport. I think their "excuse" for it is that then you can stream things to other devices, but that does not mollify me.

    The very short trailer is the only thing PBS let me see for free.

    But, since you did just start watching, I am going to just jump in, too. Episode 5 rerun is recording tonight. :)

    Yes, the witch scare has always chilled me to my bones, too. I wonder if that frightened every little girl who learned of it, to think that women could have been so easily killed in those days. :eek:
  16. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    I think maybe we should rename this thread the PBS Masterpiece

    Some thoughts from Sunday's lineup of shows...

    Jamestown- trouble is brewing for Jocelyn who we discovered poisoned the man who seduced her for a wager. Will she be able to intercept the answer to the letter the Gov.'s wife sent? AND the Dr. is in love with her as well. These people need a new shipload of women STAT!

    The Durrells in Corfu- yikes are Spiros and Louisa going to become more than just friends? I feel bad that his wife took the kids to Athens but what did he expect when the wife leaves?

    Poldark- Holy hell, Morwenna is PREGNANT! No wonder she feels all is lost when it comes to Drake. Rosina is a saint. Then we have Elizabeth preggers too! George finally slipped one past the goalie, lol Of course, Ross is teflon man but I don't care. It's worth it to see the Warleggans foiled again!

    The Woman in White- That man Laura married is such a bastard. I am so afraid for those sisters of which we know at least Laura will meet a bad end since we have characters coming forward to give testimony about what they saw. It sounds like it may be Sir Percival's MO to marry young rich women for their money and if they die? Oh well, on to the next one. And what does that little Italian con man want with Marion? Just to keep her out of the way while Percy tries to bully his wife into signing her fortune over to him? Just run girls!!! Shows how helpless women could be back then. And don't tell me Anne isn't related to Laura. I'm betting that she is Laura's twin sister but what her secret is with Percy remains to be seen. I'm thinking the worse whatever it is.
  17. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Just a couple quick thoughts about Sunday's lineup......

    My heart almost dropped to my feet when Geoffrey Charles declared (probably not exact wording but...) " I never noticed it before but Valentine is the spitting image of Uncle Ross"
    SHIT!!!! I hope George isn't cruel to the child now, but it's George. Probably won't be able to help himself.

    Regarding the Women In White, THIS is why women had to press for their rights. I've never seen such bastards as that Sir Percival and his Italian crony not to mention that damn uncle.
  18. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Wow.... What a night! I was glued to my seat!

    The Durells in Corfu- Geeze what a bombshell for Leslie! And Spiros wife came back to him! Louisa was right, it was a bad day for love for the Durells.

    Poldark- I was not expecting Elizabeth to die! Holy moly. I think Dr. Innes knows what happened as he smelled the vial of whatever she took to bring on labor but I don't think he wants to stir the pot. At least she died with George thinking that Valentine was his. That's some improvement. And George got it right that both he and Ross drove her to that end...but a little bit more him if he's honest with himself. Without her around to rein him in, George is gonna go ape shit on Ross. He had that look on his face as the episode ended.

    Thank goodness there are glass half full types. @Lindigo got it right that love would prevail with Drake and Morwenna. Good show! It would even seem that she's beginning to get over what she went through with Wentworth. I hope they're happy but they still have to deal with Rosina's family.

    The Women in White- Hip Hip Hooray times three! Both Sir Percival, the Count AND the uncle got what was coming to them! Well, at least I hope the uncle's miserable, lol. Now THAT'S an ending I liked!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    AAAH!!! :D:D Didn't read! I have to watch tomorrow night. See you tomorrow--just don't want you to think I am ignoring you. :D
  20. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    All caught up. LOL on the thread title rename suggestion. :D

    WHAT is George plotting now? That look on his face. I guess he has decided to completely blame Ross. LOVED the beginning, back in time, Ross looking so young and in love. It was a joy to see everyone together again. And I loved the scene at the end with Elizabeth laughing on the cliffs and then fading into time.

    I'm worried now for what the thugs are going to do to Morwenna and Drake "next time." That was just terrifying. I didn't know if they were planning to rape Morwenna or have her torn apart by the dogs, or both.

    Yes, it was a bad day for love for the Durrells. :( Larry was so sweet to his mum. So, they are going to wind up running a bed and breakfast to stay afloat? Poor Lucrezia!

    I kept thinking Zoltan was trying to work up the nerve to propose, so I was surprised there.

    I decided to hold all of my Women in White episodes for now. I started to watch, but I really, really wanted episode 1, so I am hoping it will rerun on one of my less powerful PBS stations when the big PBS is done with it. I'm itching to watch, though.
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