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Rip Currents??Shmipp Currents!

Discussion in 'Episode 211 - Pablo & Jessica' started by EZD, Sep 12, 2016.

  1. Poppy

    Poppy Member

    May 6, 2016
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    That would also have shown cleverness and initiative.

    Regarding the fire on the beach.
    LOL... that could have been another "Oh Shucks" moment. It may have attracted walkers from off property to their little area of the world.
  2. EZD

    EZD Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    True but then what were they doing with the bodies on the beach and the thatch pulled from the Tiki Huts ?
    It looked like it was BBQ Walker time to me.
  3. Poppy

    Poppy Member

    May 6, 2016
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    Undoubtedly, their plan was to burn the bodies, for sanitary reasons.

    I'm just saying... it could have been another comical situation of a good plan going bad. When all the other walkers show up at the bar-b-Q.
  4. Poppy

    Poppy Member

    May 6, 2016
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    Undoubtedly, their plan was to burn the bodies, for sanitary reasons.

    I'm just saying... it could have been another comical situation of a good plan going bad. When all the other walkers show up at the bar-b-Q.
  5. Zvivor

    Zvivor Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    Depending on how the currents flow, imagine the surprise of Whomever-It-Was-Who-Stole-Abigail one morning not so long from now.
  6. Gordian Knot

    Gordian Knot Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    I'm a little confused at why there is so much confusion about the dock plan. They established that there is a rip current just off the dock. Rip currents are fast flowing columns of water that move you very quickly and parallel to the shore. By leading the walkers off the dock, they are essentially swept away with the rip current eventually to come ashore miles down the beach, if they ever come ashore at all.

    This plan has effectively removed all the walkers from the vicinity of the hotel. It was a brilliant plan. Where's the problem?
  7. Poppy

    Poppy Member

    May 6, 2016
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    Rip currents do not move parallel to the shore, they run perpendicular to the shore. One is to swim parallel to the shore to get OUT of a rip current.
    They run out to sea for a couple of hundred feet. IF the go out that far. They may only go out to the surf.

    People drown due to rip currents because they try to swim back to shore directly against the rip current, they tire, and drown.

    The walkers are jumping in past the surf. They might not even be in the rip current any more. They may drift a mile away, or maybe only a couple of hundred feet before they wash back, or swim back to shore.
  8. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    The whole point was to get the walkers out of the hotel area, then secure the gates. That's what Maddie told Oscar.
    The rip currents will move the bodies out farther. Probably past the waves. Now it will depend on where the trade currents are, along the Mexico boarder. If they run close enough to shore, like they do, in some places, here in Florida, those bodies will be miles down shore, before they beach. If they beach at all.
    (We just lost a swimmer, and they have yet to find the body )
  9. NakedCity

    NakedCity Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2015
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    I was wondering why the last ones would still be following and jumping like idiots. Without Maddison dragging them, wouldn't they lose interest? Anyway, that's really not important. What's important is that we probably had the best episode of the whole series just there. At last it felt like a little like a ZA.
  10. NakedCity

    NakedCity Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2015
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  11. Gordian Knot

    Gordian Knot Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    You are right. My bad. That's what happens when one is racing to make a post without having the time to think it through!

    The point I was trying to make with pathetic success is that rip currents do usually pull people away from shore and would do the same with the walkers.

    As to your last comment, technically you are right. I expect for the plot of the show we are supposed to believe they are in the rip current and are being washed away.

    One thing about the very end of your last comment. Can walkers swim? From TWD it has been established that they cannot even cross a moving river if it is over a few feet deep. They just go under. So if these walkers were to drift close enough to shore to stand up they could come ashore, otherwise they could not.
  12. Gordian Knot

    Gordian Knot Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Well said. You described it way better than I did! lol.
  13. Poppy

    Poppy Member

    May 6, 2016
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    Certainly there are inconsistencies. IDK if they can swim, but I think that they were swimming when Nick was in the water, the 1st or 2nd episode that they were on the Abigail.
  14. Zvivor

    Zvivor Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    So.... what's next. They cleared one floor of 17 stories of a hotel. Not sure they need to clear them all, but they probably need to clear at least a few more stories, as well as the stairwells. So, building on their success as well as the suggestions they should kill the walkers before dumping them in the ocean, here are some suggestions:

    1) For any additional "floors" of walkers to be cleared, string a very tight thin wire from side to side across the pier, possibly with missing planks below it. Find something other than a live Madison to attract them to this point and to get; them moving fast -- something that smells like something live or good to eat or fire; or anything that gets their excited attention. As the walkers rush toward the attraction on the pier, the wire will slice off heir heads or otherwise slice & dice them. Some pier clean-up may be required.

    2) For now only, don't clear any more floors than you have to, despite the strong desire to do so. The uncleared walkers could become defensive weapons.

    3) Unlike Rick's group, except in S2, establish a rendezvous point should the hotel have to be abandoned. Fill all the cars they have keys for with as many provisions as will fit, with as many drivers as you have available, plus extra gas cans with gas siphoned from all of the remaining cars so that no attackers can commandeer them. Figure out what the best strategy is to do with the car keys.

    4) In fortifying against human attackers, figure out some booby traps before they ever get to the hotel: moats of, or hidden pits full of walkers from the hotel's upper floors; black out all the windows that could emit light at night; burn up some furniture and stuff to make it look like the hotel has already been trashed. And for God's sake, do not get complacent like Rick, Hershel and the prison committee.
  15. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Because they have the movements to be able to swim. They don't have the brains to know how. That part is still dead.
  16. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    Right, they can't swim. They can reach for you while they'll in the water, but they don't pull their arms back and around, or kick their legs, in a deliberate swimming motion.
  17. EZD

    EZD Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Well thats how some of us Living Do Swim too!?!?
  18. Gordian Knot

    Gordian Knot Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    ZH said "So.... what's next. They cleared one floor of 17 stories of a hotel."

    No my understanding was that they cleared the entire building. A bit more complicated than the show made it out to be. Though having most of the walkers already confined into rooms certainly helped. I think we are supposed to understand that the building is now clear.

    As to your points 3 & 4, they might but I doubt it. This group doesn't seem very adept at being proactive.
  19. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    They still have 2 other buildings. According to Lena, the hotel consisted of 3 towers and some side buildings.
  20. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    yeah, even though the timing wouldn't make sense [it would take Strand and Madison MUCH longer to clear all those floors than it would have taken Alicia and Hector to clear the parking lot], I think the impression we are suppose to have is that the place is basically clear. Maybe not the entire complex, but at least a good portion of the tower and first floor. I think the plot will now move on from that, and continue as though they have basically cleared the place.

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