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Some craziness

Discussion in 'Debaters' started by Morgotha, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    He has the right to live wherever he wants. The same right that anyone else has. And I agree, your prior teacher was wrong.
  2. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    I did NOT say two contradictory things. I said:
    Why don’t men take more care not to impregnate their lovers?
    That speaks as to personal responsibility beforehand, not being “held responsible” after the fact. I do agree however if abortion goes away for some women, the courts should be ready to impose strict child support payments on the father for the maintenance of the child he helped create. Since you seem to favor rolling back the clock, maybe “shot gun weddings” will make a resurgence (at least for young people), lol. The child will be legitimate, the couple can then divorce if they choose and the man still be held responsible for child support.

    Many women who decide to carry their children to term do so knowing they may have to do it alone, but I often wonder if they’ve thought it through carefully. If they can do it financially great, but if they find they can’t, society is often on the hook. Better they should have terminated unless they are absolutely resolute in their decision to give the child up for adoption. Of course, this begs the question of who ends up supporting the children who can’t be adopted? The foster care system is a mess currently from what I’ve read. Should orphanages become the new “old thing”? Again, who pays for those?

    As it is, because the responsibility lies more heavily with the woman as she is the one actually impregnated, she should have the ultimate choice. Why should any woman be FORCED to give birth? It’s like some dystopian fiction plot. If the woman decides to abort I would think the man would have no further obligation unless it’s to pay for the procedure if applicable and the two people involved agree, which is pretty much what you said. I agree that’s “fair”.
  3. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Like this country can keep any secrets anymore. Leaking information has become a national pastime.

    None the less, this is an interesting read:

    The subtext is that the unelected legislators on the Court should be able to make sweeping policy changes for the country in secrecy. The high council of elders makes a decision amongst themselves, hands it down, and the rest of us eat it up. If there's transparency around how decisions are made, a glimpse behind the curtain, we might all realize these are five people placed there for a political purpose. Never mind that they serve for life and cannot be held accountable in any way if their decisions stray from established case law. Never mind that one of the five justices who will overturn Roe sits in a seat that was stolen in outrageous circumstances, laid bare when another of those seats was filled after voting had already begun in the 2020 election. Never mind that four out of five were appointed by presidents who initially took office despite losing the popular vote. Never mind that, if this ends up as the final result, at least two blatantly lied during their confirmation hearings on this exact issue. None of it matters. They have the votes. They were willing to do anything to get them.

    If they fail to connect the results of this year's midterms to this issue, and fail to reassert the power of the legislature, we will continue our slide towards rule by an unelected judiciary. This same Alito already signaled he will vote to strip states of their power to regulate the carry of concealed firearms in the public square. (There's a glimpse of the next stage of the anti-abortion crusade. Leave it to the states...until we leave it to us. Also, Alito cited 1700s English law in his opinion striking Roe, but will ignore 700 years of English and American precedent in the gun case.) The Court's conservatives have signaled an interest in stripping the Executive Branch of almost all latitude in enforcing regulatory policy, the ultimate goal of the corporate interests who fund the Federalist Society these justices crawled out of. This is the culmination of the project: unelected judges making policy under the auspices of simply adjudicating the law, protecting powerful interests so right-wing legislators don't have to—and don't have to bear the political consequences. Unless, of course, the Democratic Party imposes some.
    #7403 purriwinkle, May 3, 2022
    Last edited: May 3, 2022
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  4. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    So since you didn't mention it, I'm assuming you're backing off your contention that it's difficult and/or too expensive for women to obtain birth control if they really want to. At least we see one thing the same way.

    On why men don't take more care, etc.? My suspicion is they aren't thinking beyond the moment, or plain just don't care. I've got no problem at all with the courts imposing strict child support payments for the upbringing of their children, even as the law stands now, but I'd also recognize that with this strict requirement would come increased mandated rights for the fathers. Eh, practically speaking it often may be a moot point as if both the parents are on welfare the State will be paying for the child no matter whose responsibility they are determined to be.

    On what to do with the children who will be put up for adoption, there's an EASY answer for that that would also be very cheap. Biden has made it a signature of his presidency to weaken our southern border and let in every illegal alien who can walk, and many of those illegal aliens are women who are mothers themselves. Let's put them to use raising, say, 3 foster children apiece, and on the day the children graduate from high school the woman who raised them receives automatic US citizenship. It's cheap, will solve the problem, and will help train a generation in a foreign language to boot. Win-win-win.

    What do you mean by being FORCED to give birth? Are you FORCED to breathe air? Are you FORCED to digest food? Giving birth is as natural a process as life itself, and the only ones doing the "forcing" are the ones putting metal instruments inside a woman to destroy the new life growing inside her. Now whether or not we as a country decide abortion is legal or not, there's no reason to make up some line about FORCING a woman to do anything.
  5. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    Lest you forget, the exact *same* process happened when Roe was decided making abortion the law of the land. The same 9 elders yada yada legislated from the bench and decided for the country in legalizing abortion, there was even (as I've read today) even a leak beforehand. So... what's good for the goose is good for the gander?

    And seriously, throughout my lifetime it has been the LEFT wing that has used the courts to push their agenda, not the right.:rolleyes:
    #7405 Morgotha, May 3, 2022
    Last edited: May 3, 2022
  6. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    More "tolerance" from the left:

    "Antifa allegedly vandalized the door of a female college student and conservative activist who has been repeatedly harassed at the University of North Texas (UNT) in Denton, Texas.

    Kelly Neidert, who founded the UNT chapter of Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) and has chaired it since 2019, tweeted a photo over the weekend of the profane graffiti, which read, "Stay home Nazi c---."

    UNT senior Kelly Neidert and her vandalized front door (Photo courtesy Kelly Neidert)

    "Antifa is now resorting to stalking and intimidating college girls for being conservative," Neidert wrote.
  7. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    Whoopi Goldberg outdid herself on The View when talking about the decision to abort a child,

    ""This is my body and nobody, you know – you got people telling me I gotta wear a mask or don’t wear a mask or do this – everybody wants to tell me what to do, but you won’t let me make my decision about my body," she said. "You are not the person to make that decision. My doctor, and myself, and my child, that’s who makes the decision."

    You know, Whoopi, there are some things I may agree with you on, and some things I may not. But just so you know, you are seriously full of it if you think your CHILD has a part in making the decision to abort itself!
  8. DeadZedHead

    DeadZedHead Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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    But that was brought to court over a dispute. There is no case before them on this issue. Alito just decided he wanted it struck.

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  9. DeadZedHead

    DeadZedHead Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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    I don’t know if i would call Antifa the left.

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  10. DeadZedHead

    DeadZedHead Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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    I think it was just poor grammer. I think she was saying it is her child and her choice to discuss with a doctor. But I believe Dave Chapelle sums it up perfectly. NSFW warning

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  11. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    No I’m not backing off my contention that it may be difficult for women of low economic means to easily obtain birth control measures without access to clinics that can provide those services.

    I also maintain that across the board, patient compliance can be a real issue. If you’ve ever worked directly with patients you would know that. Taking a daily birth control pill can be challenging for many. Hell, you can’t even get people to take their full prescription of antibiotics for ten days or whatever when they’ve been sick cause they stop when they feel better. Woman who have trouble keeping to a schedule may need an IUD or an implant. Not to mention some employers balk at wanting to provide certain birth control measures such as IUDs because they feel it goes against their religious beliefs. Yes, it can be difficult for some. That’s why morning after pills should be widely available as well.

    Quite frankly, with financial assistance from the government for food and housing that would allow those immigrant women to take in three foster kids, I bet they’d be great care givers.

    What do I mean by forced to? Exactly what I said. If a woman resides in a state that has banned abortion and finds herself pregnant, and does not want to have a child at that time, for what ever reason, she will be forced to carry the pregnancy to term whether or not she wants to if she can’t afford to travel to a state where she can get an abortion. She might find someone who will do the procedure for her secretly but that could result in severe medical complications which would scare the hell out of me. Maybe the woman will consult Dr. Google for do it yourself abortifacients. Still sounds iffy. So if you have no other viable options than to risk your own health, that means you have no choice so you are forced into giving birth.
    Any qualified professional performing the procedure would be doing so at the woman’s request or because of a medical need. No force necessary.
  12. Stealth

    Stealth Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Yeah it's a real mess. The court has lost its legitimacy. We've been on a slippery slope here for awhile but so many of the gains we've made in a regulatory capacity are going to be rolled back. I've also felt too that another aim for McConnell, and the Republicans, is to damage the public trust in our institutions. We saw their reach even hit the postal service in 2020. They want to roll things back to the states, so they can have their red state fiefdoms devoid of many of the protections, rights and regulations it's taken over one hundred years to build.
  13. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    He's probably doing it at the request of RBG who didn't like Roe on conceptual grounds.
  14. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    They sure aren't the right.
  15. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    Words of wisdom from a transphobe?
  16. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    For me? The pill, IUD, Norplant... I'd provide them all free of charge to anyone who wanted them, and if I was feeling particularly dystopian that day would mandate an iud/norplant after any abortion was performed which would remain in place until the woman could show proof of financial stability (NOT government payments) and signed a statement showing she was at the point where she wanted to conceive and raise a child. I'd also ban the ability to sue afterwards if you were unhappy with some side effect from said medication or device in order to keep costs down. Oh, and for any child that is brought to term I'd DNA match the child to the father (also mandatory to be tested if "accused" of being the biological father) and would garnish the man's wages, welfare payments, etc. to provide for it.

    I think those women would overall make great caretakers, too. Perhaps the immigrant idea is not such a nutty idea after all.

    Nah, you aren't "forced" to carry a pregnancy to term. Using that terminology and phrasing suggests that there's an actual choice at some point during her pregnancy that the woman has to make, and society is not letting her make that choice. That's just not reality. The reality is that there is no "choice" after conception, without artificial intervention the child will mature to term and be born. No "force" is involved.

    And one thing more on the subject. The current numbers on abortion in the US show that "The recently updated data from the NRLC states that for every 1,000 live births, there are 195 abortions. That number, however, is lower than the 196.3 in 1973, Roe's first year in effect."

    which is the same thing as saying 19.5 abortions for every 100 births -- or about 20%. IOW, 1 in 5 of all pregnancies end in abortion. No matter what we may disagree on on the legality issue, hopefully we both agree that this number is too high.
    #7416 Morgotha, May 4, 2022
    Last edited: May 4, 2022
  17. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    Remember that under our system of government the Federal government is NOT supposed to tell the whole country what to do on every issue. For issues that are NOT specifically addressed in the Constitution as Federal responsibilities the States are supposed to make the laws and set the policies for their people.

    "Amendment X
    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

    Hee hee, a demonstration of this rights hierarchy was demonstrated by none other than the left-wing governor Newsom of California who, when referring to the current abortion situation said:

    ""We can’t trust SCOTUS to protect the right to abortion, so we’ll do it ourselves," he later tweeted. "Women will remain protected here.""

    Now I know that YOU would say he's erroneously trying to have his blue state fiefdom in opposition to the will of the Federal government, but in contrast, I'd say he's doing his job as governor and demonstrating States' rights.
  18. DeadZedHead

    DeadZedHead Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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    Maybe people are complicated than more categories.

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  19. DeadZedHead

    DeadZedHead Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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    Ive seen most of his specials. He was not transphobic and he takes pot shots at everyone. At his last special, he addresses it in a poignant manner where he tries to explain his confusion about a stance that Others said he was taking. The results didn’t hurt him and forced him to take stock in how his jokes affect others. However his fans can suffer consequences due to supporting him. He basically states that he was not sympathetic to the plight of Trans and tried to make amends. They did not reciprocate and it affected a trans friend he made.

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  20. Morgotha

    Morgotha Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    Be careful, if you keep thinking like that, you'll end up a conservative!

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