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Something that came to my attention

Discussion in 'Episode 409 - After' started by CaptainTWD, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. CaptainTWD

    CaptainTWD New Member

    Mar 1, 2014
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    First time poster here, reason i'm posting is because I felt that seemingly no one noticed a rather crucial detail about a zombie in the episode.

    When Carl gets pinned underneath the zombies after his botched attempt to lure them away from the house, one of the zombies has a bullet exit wound is full of worms?
    I rewatched the scene multiple times to make sure it wasn't a trick of the light or anything and I'm almost sure that there was something wrong with that zombie. Is this part of the "dangerous new threat zombies pose" that Kirkman alluded to recently?

    Discuss or at least review the scene to confirm that it isn't a figment of my imagination :zombies_lol:
  2. Shadow

    Shadow Member

    Feb 23, 2013
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    I noticed that too, but it doesn't mean anything I think. It were just maggots, I think that's normal...
  3. Z-Man

    Z-Man Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    My fiancé seems to think that there was something to that as well. I can see where she is coming from, as if the head is full of maggots then the brain is already compromised. And she seems to think that the hole is not the one carl made (But it looks like it was to me). Could have been a zombie that was shot and did not kill the brain stem and some happy baby flies moved into their new spacious home. Funny thing is, the maggots would have done that walker in eventually, as they would have wound up consuming the entire brain in time.

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