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The Modern Warfare 3 Turkey Shoot

Discussion in 'Modern Warfare 3' started by HORSE SIX ZERO, Jan 28, 2013.


    Dec 18, 2012
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    I am so lovin this game right now. Every time I get on with my clanmates, we do not lose. We only take a loss if one of us is playing solo, gets thrown in mid-game on a map we don't like to play.

    It amazes me the amount of bad play I see in this game.
    Why do you keep running into my sights? My KDR has just a full half of a point since December.

    Thank you to all who gave their MW3 aways as a hand me down or those noobs who think, well, I whup ass in CRAPS OPS 2, let me go up against this ... HOLY SHIT! YOU SEE THOSE KDRs? And you back out.

    Uh's a ******* blast.

    We love you...stat enhancers!

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