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They are just travelling with no items.

Discussion in 'Episode 510 - Them' started by Tortuous, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. Tortuous

    Tortuous Member

    Jul 19, 2013
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    This is what I expect to see.

    Is it just lousy writing or writers actually think that they can manage 100 miles and many weeks without carrying anyting with them? Instead of being real, they wanted to add that stupid music box which Carl found.
  2. Rickshair

    Rickshair Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Good idea. Rick could connect a big industrial battery to a fridge and they could pull it along like a sledge. Keep the water cool.
  3. Ed Dim

    Ed Dim Member

    Mar 17, 2014
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    That ship sailed a long time ago. At least 80% of the group's actions are not what would be done by real people in a real situation.
  4. sam12six

    sam12six Member

    Mar 3, 2013
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    Let's not exaggerate here...

    There's simply no way a real adult who was actually interested in surviving would do 20% of the idiotic things they do.
  5. Zombie_Rhino

    Zombie_Rhino Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
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    im a little disappointed they have zero supplies as well. u would have figured that they would have planned this out - whether the cars broke down or not - that they would have enough stuff and ways to transport those things for at least a little while.
  6. bluesfan

    bluesfan Active Member

    Oct 14, 2014
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    they tend not to show bags, bottles etc unless they are relevant to the scene.
  7. Darylette

    Darylette Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    I totally agree, they would have something. Even if they lost their big stuff and it was just empty bottles and string and batteries. Most carry tiny knapsacks
  8. Screaminleeman

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Not to be a nitpicking cynic but. . .

    TWD is 1,000,000,000 times the Zombie series of Z-Nation. I think Z-Nation is for all intent and purposes utterly ridiculous, and mainly a comedy shock values type of series. With that said, they (Z-Nation) have CLEARLY COVERED mature themes relatively certain in any Zombie holocaust 1,000 times more realistically than TWD.

    I know that TWD is aimed at a family audience, and I have no idea what Z-nation might be aimed at, but Damn man!

    Merle had a "stash" in S1E02 FFS! I know Michone's Lover and Buddy had similar thoughts as Merle. Were they the last two surviving human on earth to after the initial ZA to consider that? Z-Nation has dealt with this simple post ZA fact of life fairly, TWD wants us to believe what?

    A trip to Richmond or D.C. from a hub city like Atlanta would have been facilitated by a sack of Crystal Meth to keep them "going".

    Look at Katrina for Pete's sake. That lead to the biggest open air drug market at their football stadium in modern American history.

    Sex has been to a minor degree addressed, but again, the oldest profession in Human history absolutely ceased to exist immediately following the initial ZA. WTF are you kidding me? Prostitution is all of a sudden going to "disappear" overnight?

    Sorry there would be little shortage of gangs stepping up to provide this service for "compensation".

    Likely food, ammo & dope would be the currency in a ZA.

    The first "pedophile" is introduced well into season 4 and is a 300 pound + tub-o-lard with as much chance for survival in a mobile ZA life as a cripple.
  9. Ed Dim

    Ed Dim Member

    Mar 17, 2014
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    I agree that all of society's ills would be still be there and the lawlessness would intensify the behavior of some, but I also believe that it's in our human DNA to cooperate with each other, especially when facing a deadly common enemy. I just think that people who are at all capable of functioning in a group would have formed communities by now. The infrastructure is already there so they would just have to put up security walls, maybe create a buddy system so no one is ever alone (lest they die and not get a knife to the head immediately). I think they would have restored basic utilities and communications and some semblance of civilization. Even without electricity and indoor plumbing - which are extremely recent in the context of human history - the world managed to not consist solely of independent roving bands of murderous gangs. There's no reason to think we would go straight back to a 10,000 BC hunter-gatherer state when there's so much history after that indicating otherwise.
  10. No.Pantaloons

    No.Pantaloons Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2013
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    TWD is not supposed to be realistic. Nobody wars armor or protection of any kind. Nobody carries gigantic backpacks of supplies. Visible water bottles rarely exist. Outside of Daryl, nobody's really shown any real survival instincts or know-how. This many seasons in, I guess we just roll with it.
  11. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    I don't think the focus of the TWD is to show the condition of humanity in general during a ZA. It focuses on one group. The changes they go through, the people they meet, the challenges they face. Not all of the population would devolve into the moral cesspool that you describe. Our group was led by two honest policemen, was comprised of families with children, and good average people. Sure things were going on on the sidelines, like Merle and his stash, but he wasn't exactly a paragon of virtue. Same with Carol's husband who got a beat down for hitting his wife.....justice administered swiftly by Shane. With the exception of the guys taking care of the old folks in the nursing home in season one and Herschel's group, we've seen what happens when other groups lose their way or freed from contraints/restraints of the law indulge in their darkest behaviors. Even the majority of Woodbury residents were good folk who had been led by a very bad man...but even the Gov. kept up the charade of "normal" Americana within his borders.

    I think our characters have enough moral dilemmas within the group as it is without having to deal with hard drugs, prostitution and pedophilia. But don't worry. I'm sure there are plenty more perverts they'll come into contact with and we'll get a chance to see how the two approaches to survival clash.
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  12. CoyoteTWD

    CoyoteTWD Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    This isn't a docu-drama of life during a zombie apocalypse. It's really just a drama series (soap opera to some) set in an apocalypse type setting. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be a basis in reality -- of course there should -- and I agree that they are off the mark with some of things that they have their characters do but in the end, I can overlook most of those because I'm enjoying the characters. I know that not everyone can do that though and we each watch in our own way.
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  13. CheesyBirdMess

    CheesyBirdMess Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2014
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    Every single person had bags and backpacks.. So where the heck you're getting this idea that they're travelling with nothing is beyond me.

    Plus on the road you don't particularly want to weight yourself down, especially if you're already tired and worn out, so it seemed realistic to me.
  14. FutureApocalyps

    Feb 10, 2014
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    I agree. Especially with a baby (Judith) to support.
  15. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    Well, to be fair, we should expect them to be travelling lighter than they travelled in The Road. There were no zombies in the road, so it was easier to travel with a shopping cart full of stuff. In a ZA, it would be harder to stay with your shopping cart because you'd have to keep running from walkers. It makes sense they would only carry what they could run with. However, I do agree that they should have some more bags. Each person should probably look like Bob did when they were travelling down the train tracks. Big full backpack, sleeping blanket, etc. But they did just run out of gas.
  16. DGribble19

    DGribble19 Member

    Jul 26, 2014
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    I think in reality there would be quite a bit of non perishable canned goods left in houses, especially those big ones in Noah's neighborhood. A can of peaches or green beans would be good for food and water
  17. R.V Walker

    R.V Walker Member

    Mar 25, 2013
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    Didn't they also carry "The Fire" in The Road. That world had no plant or animal life making all other things more scarce.And it was what 8 years after the event.
  18. R.V Walker

    R.V Walker Member

    Mar 25, 2013
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    In season 4 16 A we see Rick and Michone talking about hunger;she say she figured they would have run into some houses or market by now.The zombie apocalypses wouldn't have eliminated food and water just the things that consume it.No one has observed an apocalyptic event let alone a zombie one.I think war movies would be better comparisons then other apocalyptic movies books
  19. Tortuous

    Tortuous Member

    Jul 19, 2013
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    There was someting far more dangerous,vicious and faster in The Road than walkers; humans.

    I'm not saying it must be as realistic as it would be in real life, I just want to see some more elements which makes it feel more real.

    They are someting like 12 people at this moment, which means they they can't survive one week in wild without like 24 litres of water.
    Recommanded to get 2 litres per day, so in this situation it is easily said that they need atleast (1 litre per day for each member) 84 litres water per week and even then they are dehydrated. Even in Lost they got this right.

    Wheeling 1-2 shopping carts with 12 people changing turns it is really easy task to do.
  20. gavuk

    gavuk Member

    Oct 22, 2011
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    A point that hasn't been looked at yet is the use of bicycles/bikes with trailers- you can carry lots of stuff and becuase of the light weight (and down hills) its easier than walking long distances. Its quiet to hence the stealth element. Also they are easier to maintain than a car/van or truck

    About water, i think its been said that 1% survived the ZA and i guess that number is reduced now (natural deaths, murders, suicides, walker attacks, etc versus births) hence all the supplies that existed pre ZA have only been found and consumed by less than 1% of the population. Bottled water is good indefinitely and other drinks ie fizzy pop is good for atleast 3 years. Also tinned goods containing a high water content ie fruit, potatoes, etc are also good for years and you get to drink the liquid

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