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Too Much Too Soon

Discussion in 'Episode 307 - When the Dead Come Knocking' started by Hawaiian Shirt Zombie, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Hawaiian Shirt Zombie

    Hawaiian Shirt Zombie Active Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Okay, after rewatching this ep the nagging in my head was definitely stronger... I was very dissatisfied with it! At the beginning we have Michonne at the prison fence. By the end, we have Rick, Michonne, Oscar & Daryl preparing to storm Woodbury. This just seems like way too much, way too soon to me, and doesn't feel very plausible for at least two very big reasons:

    1. They don't even know this crazy sword-wielding chick! (as mention in other threads) She could be leading them into a trap.

    2. Oscar is already such an intigral part of the group he's willing to lie down his life for them. Boy did I miss some serious character development there or what??? Oscar has no dog in the fight as far as Maggie and Glenn are concerned.

    Is this lack of development (at least that's what it looks like in MY opinion), is it a direct result of those who complained that the first half of Season 2 was too slow? If they keep up with this pace, the show risks losing what makes the comics so spectacular; a character driven-drama.

    Thoughts??? :)
  2. Bassman

    Bassman Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    As for Oscar - he did have that nice little exchange with Glenn earlier in the season. He says something like "I'm sorry you lost your people", Glenn says "They were family!", and he responds with "my entire life i've never had anyone care about me like that". So maybe his volunteering to save Glenn is for the hope of family? It's not very much development, on that I agree, but that exchange just popped into my head.

    As for trusting Michonne - weren't there several conversations between Rick and Daryl about this? They ask why she would have brought the formula, Daryl says if it even looks like a trap she's getting an arrow to the head, etc. Again, not a perfect set up but at least it's something. It wasn't completely ignored, anyway.
  3. Alina

    Alina Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2012
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    It seems to me that the writers are sheet scared of trying to put depth into a black character because they're afraid they'll stuff it up. T-Dawg was a complete non-entity, Oscar has no back story nor any particularly significant interactions with anyone else so we won't care when he buys it, Michonne is a glowering bad ass who has the sort of communication skills that would suggest a diagnosis of autism. There is not one well-developed black character - even though they've had opportunities. Seriously the writing staff needs to be broadened out with guest writers - bring in Tina Fey for the female characters, bring in Key and Peele for the black characters. The writers are turning into the whitest guys stuck in their mom's basement on the planet. And I haven't read the comics but I understand that the comics aren't like that so they've got source material to pull from and they're still making the blacks into cyphers and the women into Madonna/whores.
  4. Bassman

    Bassman Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    I know you're referring to the current season, but there have been well written black people in the show. Morgan and Duane were wonderful characters.
  5. RicksRightHand

    May 28, 2012
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    Give Michonne time. It's just her character.
    She's reserved and calculates every thought and action... the writing for her in the show is subtle and excellent. You're analysing her and thinking, "well, this chick hardly ever does anything apart from scowl and keep quiet". In my opinion, the show have shown Michonne accurately so far. The way the camera pans to her face in situations, to me, it shows she's being reflective and thinking through her next actions very carefully.

    Just give season 3 a shot, by the end of it I'm sure you won't feel the same.
  6. Casca910

    Casca910 Active Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    1. They don't have much choice. They need intel on Woodbury and she is the only one with it. The group probably doesn't trust her, but they do need her right now.

    2. What Bassman said.
  7. Patrickdeh

    Patrickdeh Member

    Nov 15, 2012
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    I tought this episode slowed things down a bit. The last few episodes were hectic.
    With T-dog dying, Lori dying, Rick losing his mind, Glenn and Maggie getting captured.
    This was the first time since then that nothing really bad happend to the group.

    I dont speak for 308 yet. Since then the sh*t will propably hit the fan ;-)
  8. Voncroy

    Voncroy Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    The pace is great and is 1000x better than season 2.
    As for Michonne, it has nothing to do with writing. This IS how she is supposed to be. Once this is over and she's in the prison with the others, she will open up, specially with Tyresee...
  9. ChokeHldsIllegal

    Nov 5, 2012
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    I honestly didn't think too deep into Oscar's decision.

    I assumed a man who has been living in a prison for some time, then getting locked in the cafeteria of that prison for like 10 months, finally being let out only to have your mind blown about the way the world has changed, then to have your only friends killed around you, then being banished to a small cell block with dead people you knew all around you, then having to kill one of your friends who tries to kill everyone else, then joining the group only to still be locked in a GD prison!!!

    If I were him, the first opportunity I get to get out and go for a walk... I TAKE IT!!!


    Plus, we saw when he and Axel begged to join the group and when Oscar shot Andrew, he wants to prove himself to be a reliable member of the group.


    THIS IS HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!! We seem to forget about the stories and feelings and emotions that the writers don't spoon feed us with a well written philosophical discussions or long close up shot capturing a reaction. Think about it, EVERYONE, regardless of screen time, has a 24 hour emotional response to everything going on and we--- as the smart audience members we want to be treated like--- need to make some connections ourselves!

    Love this thread though! This is really the first time I gave much "deep" thought about what Oscar and Axel are going through.... Thanks for starting the dialogue Hawaiian Shirt Zombie !
    #9 ChokeHldsIllegal, Nov 28, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2012
  10. ggill09

    ggill09 Member

    Nov 19, 2012
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    I think Oscar, and Axel too, are both trying to prove their worth to group so they dont catch a machete with their face. I think they are moving a little fast for my tastes as well though. I think a huge reason is that they introduced Michonne to the group differently than they did in the comics. There was no way Team Prison was gonna wait any longer than they needed to to try and save glenn and maggie. So I think the way they wrote it forced the show to move a little faster than we would like. Also, they obviously need a big climax for the mid-season finale. And what better climax than a huge fire fight and probably some kind of hoard showing up (which is obviously a nice tie back to the last season finale).

    So while I see where it could be moving a little fast, I think thats just what happens when something goes on TV. They can only put so much on TV, and if they had an episode devoted just to character development, while some would like it, Im guessing most people would find that pretty boring. So in the end I think thats just the beast that is TV.
  11. ChokeHldsIllegal

    Nov 5, 2012
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    Totally agree with this!
  12. Duzy

    Duzy Active Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    I agree that it feels forced, but as Chokehold said we kind of need to fill in the blanks for ourselves. I could go for an episode of character development, but I understand that they feel action is what will keep their ratings going. I just try to remember that this is the TV medium and the pace of things will be different. Time is money and it is, after all, a different audience.
  13. ChokeHldsIllegal

    Nov 5, 2012
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    Good point. They are probably testing the waters a bit with new characters like Oscar to see if they can evolve his character or not. They wouldnt want to take too much time away from the main story to develop a character that might not be around for much longer anyway. Some might call it lazy writing, but it's also smart IMO.

    We wouldn't want another Nikki and Paulo situation from LOST, would we? : )

    (I did not put spoiler tags around that because this makes no difference to the LOST story at all.)
    #13 ChokeHldsIllegal, Nov 28, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2012
  14. Duzy

    Duzy Active Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    Ah yes, Nikki and Paulo! I doubt that they would do anything like that in TWD, but who knows. I would actually get a chuckle out of that for sure.

    OT... I know the chances of flashbacks are slim to none, but I seriously would like to see something of Glenn. While I know he says he was a pizza delivery guy, I just like to think there is more to it. Like a past he doesn't want others to know about. I thought about it again after his beast moment with the walker and again when they had the gun to Maggie's head.
  15. rabscuttle1

    rabscuttle1 Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    I loved season one. I loved season two. And so far I've loved season three. I see nothing to complain about except for how badly the show has ****ed Andrea's character. There's my half a cent.
  16. RicksRightHand

    May 28, 2012
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  17. rabscuttle1

    rabscuttle1 Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    I know. But I've come to dislike Andrea so strongly that her killing the Gov would be the only thing that could redeem her in my eyes, and doubt that happens.
  18. RicksRightHand

    May 28, 2012
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    Yeah I know the feeling... me and my mates watched Season 1 and 2 the other day and played a little game called "Take a drink when Andrea makes a bad decsion..."

    I'm not going to say she's a horrible person but we got pretty drunk.
  19. Duzy

    Duzy Active Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    And she would do that on accident. Mistaking him for somebody else. :Grin:
  20. Busted Flipflop

    Oct 29, 2012
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    I thought exactly the same thing. You're not alone in thinking that. But I just dismissed it from my mind because I thought I was nitpicking again. I would have liked to seen more of a "build up" to both those points. More development in those plots. More dialogue between Michionne and Rick. Remember when Rick was suspicious of those guys in that town during their stay at the farm? There were many instances where Rick was suspicious of non-walkers - but suddenly he seems to trust Michionne. An inconsistancy there. Also, like you said - Oscar suddenly becomes part of the group. Why? What motivates Oscar? What motivates Rick to ask Oscar? What has their interaction been thus far? Zero. More development was needed to see how Oscar got from point A to point B.

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